BC vs GT game in Ireland back on!



Dublin edition
GT is taking its prestige........... worldwide.
Come in a day early and take the ferry to Islay? Who's with me?
GT/BC in Dublin Sept 3. UT/VT in Bristol Sept 10. I'm gonna start pre-gaming now.
Who the hell picked 12:30pm as a kickoff time? Why not make it an afternoon or night game and let it be at a reasonable hour back in the states? Good luck to our west coast alumni waking up at 4:30 in the morning to catch this one.
Those package prices are ridiculous. Who would pay that?
Who the hell picked 12:30pm as a kickoff time? Why not make it an afternoon or night game and let it be at a reasonable hour back in the states? Good luck to our west coast alumni waking up at 4:30 in the morning to catch this one.

Probably will draw bigger ratings being the only game on at 9:30 am eastern than it would going up against other matchups.