BC vs GT game in Ireland back on!

Which is a ferry ride away from Scotland. Ireland is nice, but Scotland is awesome.

I will agree that scotch is far superior to Irish whiskey. But I've only been to England and Wales so I can't comment on whether Scotland is better than Ireland.
I will agree that scotch is far superior to Irish whiskey. But I've only been to England and Wales so I can't comment on whether Scotland is better than Ireland.

They're actually both a lot of fun but Scotland > Ireland. If it's your first time, I'd book two weeks and do a week in each. Actually, I'd probably do 4 days in Ireland, 7 in Scotland, and 3 in London (even if you've been there before - fun city). If you can catch connections through AMS or CDG, you can work in Amsterdam or Paris in place of London.

Ireland is more rural, but very scenic and good people. Scotland is full of VERY fun people who are excited that you're a tourist and want to show you their house, cook you dinner, etc. (vs. Paris, London, Rome, etc. where people are sick of tourists).

Edinburgh is one of my favorite cities in Europe to visit (at least 3 days there), book a day just for the Scotch trail, then you can either go the scenic route through the Highlands or spend the rest of the time in Glasgow.
Somebody who has them photoshop skills... do something with this
Check out a preview of Aviva stadium on ESPN 2 right now...

Here's a picture from when Notre Dame played in Aviva. Croke may have the history, but Aviva sure does look cool. It should be great.

Here's a picture from when Notre Dame played in Aviva. Croke may have the history, but Aviva sure does look cool. It should be great.

Plus it's a great reason to head across the pond with Tech fans. We'll have to identify a Stingtalk bar where we can meet up after the game.
Fantastic news. Hope I can make it over there for the game.