Benson berated

Didn't Stewart have one of the long catches in our UGA comeback last year? I guess that game was his fault too
This should not happen. Also, who is to say it’s a Tech fan?

Which brings me to my next thought about setting up a twitter account and tweeting uga players......
Yeah. I have no plans to do any of that. I’ve got enough to do. But if one of the troublemakers here picks it up and runs with it, that’s on them.
I can help you with the 7 proxies if need be
At the game there was a bizarre douchebag in front of me complaining from snap 1 about all things CPJ... offense, defense, play calling, player errors, you name it. One of the few times I've encountered Techens douchebagensis in the wild.

Had a guy show up in front of me in the second half and start bitching about how CPJ was too proud to do anything different on offense. Not really sure what the magic "suddenly the offense starts working" play would have been. Then he was pissed that they put Marshall back in after Jordan got hurt, as though running in a freshman QB with no experience was going to turn things around.

Also had a guy behind me ask when we were going to sit down ("when the people in front of us sit down") and then ask me to move so he could see without standing up (my seats were in the lower deck, and literally everybody in the lower deck was standing at that point).

I've sat around many horrible Tech fans at BDS. They may know nuclear engineering, but they don't know squat about football.

No kid playing college athletics should be booed/berated for a physical error. I

At least a ball handling mistake in a rain storm.
Read everything in this thread except and never saw where Benson was berated. What happened?