Benson berated

Damn, I worked as a landscaper through college. I held accounts for some major restaurants, credit unions, banks, business parks. He is lucky he is blessed with the opportunity to get a free ride through GT. My college work in the hot sun all summer long from before sunrise to well after sunset every ööööing day of the week, including Sundays, is what I had to do to pay my way through. I worked non stop summer and took as many night courses as I could fall, winter, and spring quarters. My job was threatened regularly by some of my customers for minor or nonexistent wrongs or just them wanting free services they didn't want to pay for (some were awesome, some asshole)

The biggest asshole customers I had were generally those in the wealthier areas. You'd have to beg those rich ööööers in the 10,000 square foot homes to pay you. You'd get the rundown of everything you and your crew did wrong and you'd sit there and take it like a ööööing man at 20 years old. Cut too early in the week so you ruined little Jr's birthday party with the grass being 1/16 of an inch too tall. Needs to look like a golf course. Of course they didn't want to pay the $$$ to get it that way and keep it maintained to that standard. I had one of those assholes look at my crew of black workers and say to me "strong backs, weak minds". I was infuriated and ended up dropping the asshole. He found out after I didn't return for several weeks, called me and I said "yea, I cancelled you"

My point is, sometimes you grow up and toughen up. Does he think it is easy for the struggling poor student at GT who is waiting tables and getting abused nightly by entitled asshole customers? Hell, life can be rough. Handle it. Does he think it is better somewhere else? Try losing fumbles with UGAg's asshole fanbase and see how you are treated. They may put a billboard up calling you out.

Toughen up, buttercup. We've all been there.
But weirdly, it sounds as if your worst customers were like Tech grads — rich. :shady:
If these guys are going to soak up all the praise on Twitter and FB when they win, they have to be prepared to deal with people talking down on them when we lose.

Just another reason they shouldn't read what other people say on the internet to begin with.
Not Benson related, but related enough I suppose.... Pretty good look here.


I'm sick of it too.

Stop being miserable, people.
I picked pepperonis off a pepperoni pizza and threw it down a uga fans' shirt behind his back a few years back in the student section while sitting with cyp. His Tech girlfriend got mad and called me an animal. I told her to go öööö herself and he got up to protect her honor or whatever. I got up to his face and his girlfriend pulled him back so he wouldn't get his ass kicked. She pulled him out of there and they went somewhere else while i threw the last pepperoni off the pizza at him. Not my finest moment. That was a lot of good pepperoni wasted.
hold on.. what type of pizza?
I picked pepperonis off a pepperoni pizza and threw it down a uga fans' shirt behind his back a few years back in the student section while sitting with cyp. His Tech girlfriend got mad and called me an animal. I told her to go öööö herself and he got up to protect her honor or whatever. I got up to his face and his girlfriend pulled him back so he wouldn't get his ass kicked. She pulled him out of there and they went somewhere else while i threw the last pepperoni off the pizza at him. Not my finest moment. That was a lot of good pepperoni wasted.

Sounds like he deserved it & she had no honor to defend because she brought a UGA fan to our stadium
I did berate a security lady walking around during halftime at the Wake game. I was in the lower north on the pathway above the students and stopped in the corner (under the Castleberry image), out of the walkpath, stood back to watch the crowning of the homecoming king and queen. The security lady yells in my ear to "FIND A SEAT!" (along with yelling it at other folks). I told her "Shut the hell up" that I will head to my seat when I damn ready to. I watched the crowning and headed back with my daughter to the UN. She went to get help, I suppose, I guess to try to kick me out of the game, but didn't return before the crowning and we moseyed back to our seats.
I did berate a security lady walking around during halftime at the Wake game. I was in the lower north on the pathway above the students and stopped in the corner (under the Castleberry image), out of the walkpath, stood back to watch the crowning of the homecoming king and queen. The security lady yells in my ear to "FIND A SEAT!" (along with yelling it at other folks). I told her "Shut the hell up" that I will head to my seat when I damn ready to. I watched the crowning and headed back with my daughter to the UN. She went to get help, I suppose, I guess to try to kick me out of the game, but didn't return before the crowning and we moseyed back to our seats.

You're kind of mean for a mediocre grass cutter
I picked pepperonis off a pepperoni pizza and threw it down a uga fans' shirt behind his back a few years back in the student section while sitting with cyp. His Tech girlfriend got mad and called me an animal. I told her to go öööö herself and he got up to protect her honor or whatever. I got up to his face and his girlfriend pulled him back so he wouldn't get his ass kicked. She pulled him out of there and they went somewhere else while i threw the last pepperoni off the pizza at him. Not my finest moment. That was a lot of good pepperoni wasted.

I have a picture of this exact moment. The pepperoni came off of my pizza.

edit- found it (the guy had no idea it was there for a good 10 minutes)


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To be frank, I'm pretty happy to hear that there are students passionate enough about Tech football to throw something at a player the Monday after a loss.
You're ööööing retarded.
Surprised she didn't eat the pepperoni and say thanks.