Bobby Dodd Stadium at Hyundai Field

My sources just confirmed that part of the sponsorship deal includes changing the RW to a Hyundai Sonata.
So I want to preface this by saying I mean no disrespect to the Grant family.

The reality is Grant Field was named as such because someone donated a lot of money to support the team. Now it is being renamed because someone is donating a lot of money to support the team.

To me it was a bigger tragedy renaming Alexander Memorial Coliseum. That was named in honor of someone who directly impacted success on the court/field. The Grant name to me is really no different than McCamish; it was a naming right effectively "sold" to the highest bidder. And again not taking anything away from the Grant family, but 100 years ago there were lots of good children who died young from diseases that would be largely preventable in modern times. Young Hugh happened to come from a wealthy family who had the means to honor his legacy in a very public way. And again not intending to dishonor his memory just want to provide some perspective. I do hope and expect GT will continue to honor Grant's legacy in a meaningful way.
I did. I was going to games long before the stadium was Bobby Dodd Stadium and GT's home was just Grant Field (my first game was '74, I was six). I would read Grant Field history in the programs and media guides, even though I had read it numerous a youngster, I just loved absorbing all things GT.
I understand the need for funds and know we have to hustle or fall further behind. I don't think it is a bad decision; in fact, I would say it's a good decision. You can't pass up 2.75 million a year for a name.
I love GT tradition, so it hurts when it ends/changes. I hate NIL deals, too, but onward and upward I suppose.
Whatever the situation, GO JACKETS and TGWG!
I get the tradition and history too, but my overall point stands. You never would have been calling it Grant field if somebody didn't donate money for it to be called that. Now somebody's donated more. Although I think Hyundai could have been ok with something like "Hyundai's Historic Grant Field" or something like that.
We’re not losing a connection to our history. We’re doing what needs to be done to adapt and source money which is what we desperately need. Tech faithful aren’t gonna forget Grant or Grant Field, and he will still be honored and commemorated. You know what would kill our history is if we become any more irrelevant. Then noone’s gonna give a öööö about Grant or Dodd.
That is a lucid, intelligent, well thought out post. WTH is wrong with you?
So I want to preface this by saying I mean no disrespect to the Grant family.

The reality is Grant Field was named as such because someone donated a lot of money to support the team. Now it is being renamed because someone is donating a lot of money to support the team.

To me it was a bigger tragedy renaming Alexander Memorial Coliseum. That was named in honor of someone who directly impacted success on the court/field. The Grant name to me is really no different than McCamish; it was a naming right effectively "sold" to the highest bidder. And again not taking anything away from the Grant family, but 100 years ago there were lots of good children who died young from diseases that would be largely preventable in modern times. Young Hugh happened to come from a wealthy family who had the means to honor his legacy in a very public way. And again not intending to dishonor his memory just want to provide some perspective. I do hope and expect GT will continue to honor Grant's legacy in a meaningful way.
And, as far as I know, there is no longer any reference at all to Alexander anywhere on the Tech campus. Maybe there's a statue somewhere, but I am not aware of it, if there is.
What's the difference? I've rented quite a few of both and they seem like they share a lot of the same parts. Hyundai owns 1/3rd of Kia as well I think.
I don’t know what you’re asking me. Are you asking me to compare car quality? Because I was just making a joke and didn’t prepare for this level of Asperger’s.
I don’t know what you’re asking me. Are you asking me to compare car quality? Because I was just making a joke and didn’t prepare for this level of Asperger’s.

No I was just asking you if you know what the differences were between the two, and I pointed out that I've rented quite a few of each when traveling and they seem very similar to me so I assumed that they shared a lot of the same manufacturing.

Since you said at least it isn't Kia I assumed you had some knowledge of the difference and I was hoping to learn from your experience.
The single mom who lives with her parents across the street from me traded in her Hyundai for a Kia. So now I associate both brands with single mom's who live with their parents.
It should be the Hyundai carpet on historic Grant Field at Bobby Dodd Stadium.
So $55M over 20 years at a 5% discount rate is worth around $20M.

Not bad. Hope some of it is set aside for NIL.