Can we talk about Miami's fumble at the end of the game?

I think he was almost certainly down. But I also think letting the play stand was the right call on replay.

Key won. He’s the answer. Move on
"The standard of indisputable is sometimes a very, very high standard to's a fast game, the officials do a phenomenal job, but sometimes they need assistance and if there's a call that has to be made and you have to have this standard of indisputable, that's sometimes a hard standard to reach.

"I think it's one of the things the football rules committee should look into. They may decide not to do anything with it, but I think it needs to be discussed."

So overturning a call should be based on strong feelings?
"The standard of indisputable is sometimes a very, very high standard to's a fast game, the officials do a phenomenal job, but sometimes they need assistance and if there's a call that has to be made and you have to have this standard of indisputable, that's sometimes a hard standard to reach.

"I think it's one of the things the football rules committee should look into. They may decide not to do anything with it, but I think it needs to be discussed."

So overturning a call should be based on strong feelings?
What a stupid quote. High-octane copium from Drad.
ACC officiating boss says fumble by Miami was right call - ESPN

ACC says it was the right call. Good to know the TRM is behind us. Ha!
After the fumble, Chaney and center Matt Lee were shown on the sideline crying. Lee said in a videoconference with reporters earlier this week he has no regrets over showing his emotions after the game, and his frustration went beyond the final play.

"To be honest, the game should have never been close," Lee said. "Offensively, we didn't play good enough. There's several opportunities every single quarter where we should have put it away. It never should have came down to the wire like that."

On one hand, I respect a player who takes responsibility when he says, "offensively, we didn't play good enough." On the other hand, he gives no credit to the opponent (Georgia Tech) for being in the game, playing competitively and dictating the final outcome.

Anyone who watched the game, regardless of outcome, would say it was a close game. 4 quarters, 60 minutes. Hard fought.

Miami is not nearly good enough to claim, "the game should have never been close." And there isn't really anything that points to that claim. While the stats of time of possession and offensive yard production were lopsided, anyone who has watched a ton of football knows that while usually correlative to outcome they very often are not indicative of the closeness of the game. Such was the case here.

Miami arrogance continues without grounds. "Duh-U" lives on. I hope they lose every game they play. THWM.

One of the sweetest victories ever.
"The standard of indisputable is sometimes a very, very high standard to's a fast game, the officials do a phenomenal job, but sometimes they need assistance and if there's a call that has to be made and you have to have this standard of indisputable, that's sometimes a hard standard to reach.

"I think it's one of the things the football rules committee should look into. They may decide not to do anything with it, but I think it needs to be discussed."

So overturning a call should be based on strong feelings?
In reality it should be based on a preponderance of evidence. I learned this from Judge Wapner on People’s Court.
Miami is the type of team to have the talent of Ugag and Bama but finish 7-5
I don't know man. Let me go get my protractor and compass so I can measure the ratio of the angle of the ball to the elbow to the ground. I'll use my pythagorean theorem calculator to get to the bottom of this.

Answer: who the öööö cares, Tech won.

Well we are GT...we can do
He was down. Gt got lucky in multiple aspects that final minute. Lets call it what it was. Luck on calling a run. Luck on getting a fumble. Then good play to take advantage of the luck to win it.

An old sergeant once told me "luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity". This event clearly satisfied both requirements! Go Jackets!
We are 2 -2 in the last four meetings with Miami. Miami's record was 5-7 last year just like ours. We were probably the best team that they beat last year. The Miami hype machine goes on......
And I believe that our all-time series with them is tied after last Saturday 14-14
Refs make calls. Sometimes you don't like them. In 2008, Cooper Taylor got a BS helmet to helmet call that helped VT win. One of TWO 15 Yard PF's on that ONE drive in the 4th to help put VT in FG range to win. I still haven't gotten over it. Still pissed. BS call.
Wasn’t that the game Attouchu (Ipunchu) lost his cool and sidearmed their freakishly strong QB in the helmet after the play?