CGC is a marketing genius

The internet is a modern thing. You may as well be listening to RKO put on a radio play if you still listen to radio. There is a difference in being on a GT board and sitting waiting all day for a couple of sports radio hosts to mention your team in passing before moving back to SECCCCBAYBEEEEEEEEEEE

This is a really stupid comment.
This is a really stupid comment.
Yea, I'm sure you anxiously await the hourly playing of "Sweet Home Alabama" as you listen to shitty radio stations. Maybe Rush can even sell you an Omaha Steak or perhaps a Cricket phone.
And what's wrong with radio plays, anyhow? Beats the heck out of talk radio on a long drive.
Spoiler alert: the Martians aren't really invading Earth and shooting everyone with laser beams
I like the internet because I can choose what I put in my head, don't feed it a lot of negative crap, makes my life sooooo much better. For the same reason I haven't taken the AJC since early 2000's, I quickly noticed how much better I seemed to feel after I stopped my subscription.
