Clown to UNC-CHeat

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I did like the NC State people I met when I lived up there. The UNC folks just came across as entitled POS.
And now ... karma has visited upon them, the true living Bhagavad Gita.
May he destroy their world. Bwhahahahaha!!!!!!

Ha! NCST has some good folks and they love their school and hate UNC. Pretty decent engineering program as well.
I've been trolling the UNC boards about this, and I've gotta tell ya... A lot of these guys are genuinely excited for this hire. It's like kicking someone when he's down... I can't troll you if you actually like the hire. I just feel bad for you at this point.
Ha! NCST has some good folks and they love their school and hate UNC. Pretty decent engineering program as well.

TDope is there. He is chiefly responsible for Goff. Damn near cratered the program.
I've been trolling the UNC boards about this, and I've gotta tell ya... A lot of these guys are genuinely excited for this hire. It's like kicking someone when he's down... I can't troll you if you actually like the hire. I just feel bad for you at this point.
They just remember losing to him and weren’t paying attention to the rest of our games.

so how do they react to your trolling, remain in denial or are you bursting their bubbles?
Well, at least on here, we can continue to heap abuse on Clown.
Can't do it on TOS. As per this:

4. No personal attacks on current or former coaches or GTAA staff, to include the AD. Again, critiquing is acceptable, epithets like ‘clown’ or ‘used car salesman’ or their ilk are not kosher and will not be tolerated.

Stingtalk 1
Mods can ban everyone, I suppose, if that's the terms
They just remember losing to him and weren’t paying attention to the rest of our games.

so how do they react to your trolling, remain in denial or are you bursting their bubbles?
It wasn't much of a troll job. Just posting "lol" on a bunch of threads. There are a few guys on there who know college football and are aware this hire is a trainwreck.
I've been trolling the UNC boards about this, and I've gotta tell ya... A lot of these guys are genuinely excited for this hire. It's like kicking someone when he's down... I can't troll you if you actually like the hire. I just feel bad for you at this point.
If you have’n Geoff Collins I feel bad for you son. I got 99 problems but that clown ain’t one.
After he was our head coach or during? If it was during, you were probably DUT-ing up a thread and deserved it.
But a clown is a clown is a clown
He was a clown then. Is a clown now. And will still be a clown. Some people just don’t like having the light shown to them
Coulrophobia (Fear of Clowns)

Coulrophobia brings on feelings of fear when you see clowns or clown images. It’s a specific phobic disorder that causes anxiety, a racing heart, nausea and profuse sweating. Most people can avoid clowns. Some need exposure therapy, a type of psychotherapy, to help manage their reactions to clowns and clown images.

Credit to Cleveland Clinic website. :lol: :heelclick:
After he was our head coach or during? If it was during, you were probably DUT-ing up a thread and deserved it.
Called him a clown on here many times during too.
It was pretty obvious early on he was a clown/used car salesman. Never more so than bailing on the Savannah QB Club after The Citadel loss with one of the flimsiest excuses ever and then his shuck and jive routine when mediocre as hell VPI was kicking our ass 45-0 in the fourth quarter at home. After that, I was done with that POS. and that was before I got wind of how he treated D Mo.
He said what TStan wanted to hear (branding, etc).
I'm sure he fed Mack a similar line of BS of what he thought Mack wanted to hear too.
He's their problem now.
Called him a clown on here many times during too.
It was pretty obvious early on he was a clown/used car salesman. Never more so than bailing on the Savannah QB Club after The Citadel loss with one of the flimsiest excuses ever and then his shuck and jive routine when mediocre as hell VPI was kicking our ass 45-0 in the fourth quarter at home. After that, I was done with that POS. and that was before I got wind of how he treated D Mo.
He said what TStan wanted to hear (branding, etc).
I'm sure he fed Mack a similar line of BS of what he thought Mack wanted to hear too.
He's their problem now.
It was slimy from the start. The bullshit about big time football, all the pro-style nonsense, the skinny jeans and no socks and underized shirt/jacket, the damn dancing and other assorted BS instead of practicing, eliminating traditions, etc. I knew we were in for it at the Spring Game. I'd never had gone to one but just happened to be on campus for business the day before. He pulled that crap on the 1st play, wanted everyone to clap like a seal at Sea World. There there was the shirtless player pictures acting like they were doing something slick in the weight room, add to that the other dumb exerises they were doing, all the clowning around and lack of discipline. We then come out unprepared, can't get plays in, kids not knowing assignments, blown timeouts, idiotic penalties, an OC that had no idea what type of plays he was running, etc. Yeah, why the öööö did he run off Dmo? Juvenile BS there, just a crap move. Damn the list is so long. Just sickens me we had to endure 4 years of that crap. Peterson and Stansbury laughed along with all the crap. They all deserve the same treatment. Those 3 wrecked this program royally, we'll be repairing damage they did to the fanbase and program for a decade.
It was slimy from the start. The bullshit about big time football, all the pro-style nonsense, the skinny jeans and no socks and underized shirt/jacket, the damn dancing and other assorted BS instead of practicing, eliminating traditions, etc. I knew we were in for it at the Spring Game. I'd never had gone to one but just happened to be on campus for business the day before. He pulled that crap on the 1st play, wanted everyone to clap like a seal at Sea World. There there was the shirtless player pictures acting like they were doing something slick in the weight room, add to that the other dumb exerises they were doing, all the clowning around and lack of discipline. We then come out unprepared, can't get plays in, kids not knowing assignments, blown timeouts, idiotic penalties, an OC that had no idea what type of plays he was running, etc. Yeah, why the öööö did he run off Dmo? Juvenile BS there, just a crap move. Damn the list is so long. Just sickens me we had to endure 4 years of that crap. Peterson and Stansbury laughed along with all the crap. They all deserve the same treatment. Those 3 wrecked this program royally, we'll be repairing damage they did to the fanbase and program for a decade.
Yet there were those AT THE TIME getting their bans and being berated for pointing out that crap.
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