Re: Coach O\'Leary sighting
(Driver8 Quote)
Allright,...let's give him the chance to take our program back to the B--- L---- days. But in the eyes of some, that's OK because we've got academic integrity and our coach preaches a good sermon.
Who wants him to take the program back to the Bill Lewis days? I have not seen one person suggest this other than you.
O'Leary dropped the record to 7-6 in his last 13 games, and Gailey had a 7-6 record in his first 13 games. So, if Gailey were to have a record of 8-5 this year, it means Gailey would have upped the scale at Tech a notch from the O'Leary's last year.
I and most of the posters on Stingtalk and the Hive are hoping Gailey can carry us to the next echelon of winning, not back to the Lewis days.
As far as Gailey's background in his belief and his appearances at churches, I challenge you to find one poster that has used this as a reason to give Gailey this year to coach.
Every last poster has stated they think it is fair to give him this year to prove his mettle as a coach. It has nothing to do with his religion. You are the one that keeps bringing that up. The other posters only care about his coaching ability.
When you use these statements, you are telling a bald-faced lie, because the posters are not saying that.
(Driver8 Quote)
As for the do-gooders,.....Listen, I think it's great that CG has such high moral standards and religious convictions. I agree that we want our Head Coach to be cut of this cloth. But that is no defense for him when it comes to his atrocious handling of our football progam. Last year was a disaster. The off-season has been worse. He's here to lead our Jackets to the Promised Land,...not to preach to the multitudes.
Again, you make false statements, which is the same thing as lying. Those do-gooders (people that are not evil) have not used his preaching or attending Church as a reason to keep him as a coach. Find me one post on Stingtalk that suggest this view. You cannot because none exists.
Now, if you are upset because he goes to church on Sunday, I really don't know what to tell you. Many people go to churches on Sunday. Does it make any difference if he preaches while he is there?
Do you think he should quit going to church on Sunday because he is a coach?
Just what is your problem?
Father Time
(Driver8 Quote)
Allright,...let's give him the chance to take our program back to the B--- L---- days. But in the eyes of some, that's OK because we've got academic integrity and our coach preaches a good sermon.
Who wants him to take the program back to the Bill Lewis days? I have not seen one person suggest this other than you.
O'Leary dropped the record to 7-6 in his last 13 games, and Gailey had a 7-6 record in his first 13 games. So, if Gailey were to have a record of 8-5 this year, it means Gailey would have upped the scale at Tech a notch from the O'Leary's last year.
I and most of the posters on Stingtalk and the Hive are hoping Gailey can carry us to the next echelon of winning, not back to the Lewis days.
As far as Gailey's background in his belief and his appearances at churches, I challenge you to find one poster that has used this as a reason to give Gailey this year to coach.
Every last poster has stated they think it is fair to give him this year to prove his mettle as a coach. It has nothing to do with his religion. You are the one that keeps bringing that up. The other posters only care about his coaching ability.
When you use these statements, you are telling a bald-faced lie, because the posters are not saying that.
(Driver8 Quote)
As for the do-gooders,.....Listen, I think it's great that CG has such high moral standards and religious convictions. I agree that we want our Head Coach to be cut of this cloth. But that is no defense for him when it comes to his atrocious handling of our football progam. Last year was a disaster. The off-season has been worse. He's here to lead our Jackets to the Promised Land,...not to preach to the multitudes.
Again, you make false statements, which is the same thing as lying. Those do-gooders (people that are not evil) have not used his preaching or attending Church as a reason to keep him as a coach. Find me one post on Stingtalk that suggest this view. You cannot because none exists.
Now, if you are upset because he goes to church on Sunday, I really don't know what to tell you. Many people go to churches on Sunday. Does it make any difference if he preaches while he is there?
Do you think he should quit going to church on Sunday because he is a coach?
Just what is your problem?
Father Time