Dear Lord, man - why is it my job to educate you? If you don't have first hand knowledge of the depths our program had fallen to in the late 1970s then look it up, ask questions, do some homework. If you don't have reason to challenge the generally accepted assertion that our program was within an eyelash of shutting down, then you need to read up. But for Homer Rice, we might not even have a football program - there were many on the GT BOD who were ready to drop the sport. Thank God Joseph Pettit wasn't on board - I spoke to him at the time - he (alone) understood from the days of Dodd that football was a revenue machine so he hired Rice and allowed Rice to hire Curry to fix the dumpster fire that was GT football. You really have no idea what you are talking about and I have no further interest in bringing you up to date.
In 1980, we had the worst program in Division I if not all Divisions. In 1984, Curry curb-stomped Vince Dooley's team three years removed from an NC in Athens then beat them again in 1985.
So don't spout off some BS then make it my job to supply the necessary evidence to refute your point. Next time, bring your own damn evidence.