Ding Dong... MBob's gone!

This. MBob was an empty suit who did nothing to enhance the GT brand.

The only thing that I know he did was hire Pastner after firing Gregory and that hiring process was embarrassingly botched.

Good riddance.
He should've been fired after the Gregory contract extension fiasco.
How much does it pay? I'll do it for like ~60-75% of whatever MBOB was making.
Surprised, but not surprised, I guess? I think his one job was to hire a basketball coach. As much as I actually do think Pastner is going to do well, the process certainly wasn't smooth. I take this as a positive development, provided we hire someone who actually wants the job, which MBob never seemed to in the first place.
my bad


Almost there, but considering he is headed to Purdue, MBob should be going down in a dumpster full of dildos.
Than hire the "slickest, dirtiest, rules bendingest assistant AD we can find in the SEC"? Yes.

If that's what competence in college athletics is (and probably it is), then I'd rather not be competent.

This. I like winning, but not so much that I'm willing to cheer for a dirty program. Doesn't really have anything to do with my degrees.

We just finished the worst year for our sports program in memory with terrible years in pretty much every major sport. Our athletic program has been getting worse across the board. A horrible hire in basketball which is why he was brought here and a football program that isn't getting the support they need. I, for one, am elated he has decided Purdue is a better fit.

Frankly, I hope Peterson is next because our academic programs have been slipping down the rankings as well.
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This. I like winning, but not so much that I'm willing to cheer for a dirty program. Doesn't really have anything to do with my degrees.

Stretch the limits of your imagination and think of something in-between andrew's post, and where we have been since Dr. Rice.
Based on Bobinski's background, he has almost exclusively been in Indiana or Ohio. It could actually be "personal reasons" for moving back, rather than being forced out. Not that Peterson put up much of a fight against Purdue either.

There's overestimation here too of how much power the AD has. Basically, the AD can't screw things up with the NCAA or worse than the NCAA (see Baylor). But what else does the AD really affect? The only answer I've gotten to that is "student athletic fees."
Based on Bobinski's background, he has almost exclusively been in Indiana or Ohio. It could actually be "personal reasons" for moving back, rather than being forced out. Not that Peterson put up much of a fight against Purdue either.

There's overestimation here too of how much power the AD has. Basically, the AD can't screw things up with the NCAA or worse than the NCAA (see Baylor). But what else does the AD really affect? The only answer I've gotten to that is "student athletic fees."
I'm sure they pay him $750k a year to affect very little. :facepalm:
MBob only managed to reup CPJ for a record low contract considering his success at the time, followed by landing a top flight basketball coach for astoundingly cheap, all on a shoestring budget, and while ensuring complete compliance with NCAA buffoonery.

Oh yeah, he did horrible. If only we had some young whippersnapper who was fun to listen to and who could get an ACC Championship Game thrown out, that'd be fantastic. Maybe we can hire a new AD who will scrap all the hires and leave us in a mountain of debt. That'd be fantastic.
MBob only managed to reup CPJ for a record low contract considering his success at the time, followed by landing a top flight basketball coach for astoundingly cheap, all on a shoestring budget, and while ensuring complete compliance with NCAA buffoonery.

Oh yeah, he did horrible. If only we had some young whippersnapper who was fun to listen to and who could get an ACC Championship Game thrown out, that'd be fantastic. Maybe we can hire a new AD who will scrap all the hires and leave us in a mountain of debt. That'd be fantastic.

He didn't get us on probation is your bar for success?

He made GT basketball a laughingstock with his CBG extension and then looked like a clown trying to replace him. Was that a good look?
What did he do to further the GT brand?
What fundraising did he accomplish?
What did he do other than maintain the status quo, which sadly, is GT falling further behind P5 conference peers?
Based on Bobinski's background, he has almost exclusively been in Indiana or Ohio. It could actually be "personal reasons" for moving back, rather than being forced out. Not that Peterson put up much of a fight against Purdue either.

There's overestimation here too of how much power the AD has. Basically, the AD can't screw things up with the NCAA or worse than the NCAA (see Baylor). But what else does the AD really affect? The only answer I've gotten to that is "student athletic fees."

The AD is responsible for marketing and operations of all of the athletic programs. So, everything that isn't direct recruiting, practicing, or competing. It's a huge amount of responsibility and influence which is why they get paid close to a million a year.

Branding? AD.
Advertising? AD.
Compliance? AD.
Game day experience? AD.
Conference relationships/votes? AD.
Hiring coaches? AD.

You're right. Even the best AD will be limited by circumstances but a bad one can really screw things up.
MBob only managed to reup CPJ for a record low contract considering his success at the time, followed by landing a top flight basketball coach for astoundingly cheap, all on a shoestring budget, and while ensuring complete compliance with NCAA buffoonery.

Oh yeah, he did horrible. If only we had some young whippersnapper who was fun to listen to and who could get an ACC Championship Game thrown out, that'd be fantastic. Maybe we can hire a new AD who will scrap all the hires and leave us in a mountain of debt. That'd be fantastic.
Here comes beej the contrarian.

Let's totally overlook the fact that MBOB was complicit in our shoestring budget in the first place, signing Gregory to that RIDICULOUS contract extension.