At one point, near the end of the first half, the cameras cut to CGC - dude looked shellshocked. I know he has been an assistant for some big name P5 schools, including Tech under CGOL, but damn if he didn’t look like a scared kid in that shot.
Hats off to the players, especially Swilling, TO, Watson, and Graham. All played hard and had some nice plays. The biggest issue last night was play calling on both sides of the ball. The defense should have been read the riot act after that first Lawrence touchdown and adjustments made to keep guys at home on those very obvious draw-motion plays. There’s no way a target that big should be able to lope about the field like that.
On offense ... öööö, I don’t even know where to begin. I’m not expecting flawless execution there, but I AM expecting to see the OC laying the foundation for the future of the program. We all agree this is a rebuilding year. As such, let’s get the future on the field, in real games, and give them the snaps they need to learn and develop. I don’t mind falling flat on our faces if we are doing that, but I do mind watching a new coaching staff essentially try to do what the old coaching staff was doing, only much less efficiently and really ugly.