DJ Donley

Some professors may try and some may not. I tried this with a Biology professor and he told me "no dice"...he could care less what I was required to do outside of studying.

I had a couple prof's who had a completely different way of thinking - a Dr. Brown in ME from whom I took statics and dynamics, and a physics guy known as Woody. They were truly there for and had the long-term interests of their students at heart, not how brutal they could make their classes or how high a failure rate they could reach. I hope that over the years there have been others; it is unbelievable the difference it makes.
I can only speak for when I was at GT (84-87). I was a 4 year tennis player, starter, and captain. I went onto warning twice in four years. I couldn't even get the academic support at the AA (George Slayden and Carol Moore) to give me any kind of guidance to help me do what I needed to do to get back on good standing. I finally had to have my parents call. And at that point they required me to go to study hall five nights a week at the AA. Once I got there I was to sit in a room and study. All I did was sign in and out and study for 3 hours.

One guy on our team, flunked out. He was the #5 recruit in the country coming out of high school. He wasn't a dumb guy but he had a learning disablity. I've never seen a guy work so hard. He studied 5 hours a day (outside of class) and quit coming to practice to try to get his grades up. Tutored, everything. He would have been All-ACC.

FWIW, tutoring only really helped in the freshman year (and for some sophomore level classes). There weren't enough people needing tutoring in junior and senior level classes to have it. So you were really on your own after your freshman year.

I never saw any cheating. And the word at my fraternity was better than at the AA...
The prof's there are there for grant money and research. They actually even do very little are really on your own to learn the material...or seek out counselors/tutors/prior students for help.

QFT. This was Tech's problem for years, but I thought they were slowly addressing these concerns over the last 5 years or so. At least I've been told that. I had professors I couldn't understand because they barely spoke English. Passing them was hard enough, but you pretty much had to study all the material and learn it on your own because you certainly weren't going to learn anything from the professor.

This is the biggest reason why GT is so hard. It has nothing to do with the material, its the system of support and the people they have teaching.
QFT. This was Tech's problem for years, but I thought they were slowly addressing these concerns over the last 5 years or so. At least I've been told that. I had professors I couldn't understand because they barely spoke English. Passing them was hard enough, but you pretty much had to study all the material and learn it on your own because you certainly weren't going to learn anything from the professor.

This is the biggest reason why GT is so hard. It has nothing to do with the material, its the system of support and the people they have teaching.

It's also a big reason why Tech students are so close. Since we literally teach ourselves and each other.

As for the foreign accent / research Professors, they're still there, and you roll the dice with the early courses and the senior level courses. Of course, by the time you've reached senior year, you've learned how to get the good professors. The real luck is getting a good TA for a class.

For the most part, most of my professors had their student's interests at heart, although I did have the occasional research prof who was completely lost in front of any number of students.
I'm calling BS on this. What you think you see and what really happens are often two very different things. If players get extra time to turn in assignments because they miss class for example.

What gtfannbama is talking about is giving grades to people who haven't done the work or other doing the work for them. If you have seen that kind of thing you need to go to the Admin. Otherwise, shut up. You realize you're suggesting NCAA violation type stuff if going on, right? So if you've really seen something you need to go to the Hill, if you really haven't but like to sound big on a message board then you need to shut up.

Yeah, I will shut up. Just throw in a vote from a current student to support what GTfanNbama is saying, for whatever that is worth(which I suppose is not much, but hey, it's a message board, not a newspaper).
the fact that he STILL has Bama in his name proves he is not a Tech fan, nor has he shown ever any understanding of the Tech experience

our athletes fail out, name the last guy from UGA to fail out from the FB team? i can name quite a few Tech guys, including Anthony Hargrove (NFL) and Joe Burns (NFL) and Tony Hollings (NFL)... etc etc
the fact that he STILL has Bama in his name proves he is not a Tech fan, nor has he shown ever any understanding of the Tech experience

our athletes fail out, name the last guy from UGA to fail out from the FB team? i can name quite a few Tech guys, including Anthony Hargrove (NFL) and Joe Burns (NFL) and Tony Hollings (NFL)... etc etc

I'll try to clarify about my name. Just so u know, I'm typing real slow for u. GTfanNBama means GT fan living "N" bama, not GTfan n bama fan also. Feel me?

As for the previous posts, who's the guy talkin about we should report things to the administration, was that a haha or was he being serious?

anyways, next topic
If you're talking about me, I said that if a current student knows that Tech is violating NCAA rules he should take it to the Hill, not make accusations on a message board.
I'll try to clarify about my name. Just so u know, I'm typing real slow for u. GTfanNBama means GT fan living "N" bama, not GTfan n bama fan also. Feel me?

again, the fact that you are in Bama shows me something. there just is no excuse.. and also, you might note that how fast you type has nothing to do with how fast i read.. i know it is hard to grasp after being in Bammer so long, but it really doesnt have anything to do with it. as far as the "feel me" request.. i'll leave that one to Fletch

but i really dont think you know much about GT 'culture' or really care about GT other than the football team from the posts of yours that i have read
Paul Oliver?

Paul Oliver did not fail out of UGA, he was declared ineligible by NCAA standards and opted to enter the NFL draft early

the Tech guys FAILED OUT OF SCHOOL, not just sit out of football.

so no on Paul Oliver
that gets funnier everytime i watch it. ol dude said that if there was a serial killer living next door then he wouldn't tell the cops, but he would 'probably move' :laugher::laugher:
actually czar, PO did fail out of UGAy so you would be wrong on this one. here is the quote from his wiki (link) and yeah i know its wikipedia and i know its standards, but this one is true.

"Paul Oliver was ruled academically ineligible on May 17, 2007"
he was ruled academically ineligible to play football, not kicked out of school

here is the quote from the (below) link that applies:
Oliver’s situation does not preclude him from remaining enrolled in school.

here is the link, from UGA no less:

do you believe me now? i know what i am talking about on this one. i have looked into it. GT fails players out, UGA players dont