Dwags figured us out

Which one of you is this?

Anime Avatar Guy: I can't think of anybody. He made that up.

Overcompensating Redneck Avatar Guy: BainbridgeJacket

Girl in Bikini Avatar Guy: Thomsonjacket/GiveEmHellJackets

The Calculus Professor: gtphd

The Reasonable One: knoxjacket/bonham

The Believer: 3GT

The Dungeon Master: Beestorm

George P. Burdell: GBurdell

The Girl: MadTownJacket

The Rocket Scientist: MtownJacket

The Straight Up Hater: AllenKoholic

The Virgin: Wreck Em

The Statistician: cyptomcat/ThisIsAtlanta

The Insect: Gnats

The Personnel Expert: dressedcheeseside

The Legacy: mack
If UGAy fans think I'm reasonable I seriously need to reevaluate my life.
that's very MTrain style, but I doubt he goes anywhere near AJC boards...
I guess I will be the first to say it: That article ööööing sucked big dick. Jesus F Christ.

This. As the resident English professor up in this piece, I found the "article" to be incredibly predantic (shocking) and lacking anything in the way of wit or real humor. He uses a very tired motif (the "guide"? Really? Dave Barry called, he wants his shtick back) and then proceeds to draw these pathetically repetitive caricatures of Tech fans. Get some new material already - as a Red and Black alum, I can say the guy is doing nothing for the fine journalistic tradition of his alma mater. I actually think his piss-poor attempt may have just further diminished the quality of a U(SIC-Motherööööer)GA degree. Harry Montevideo will not be pleased. Weak sauce.
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This. As the resident English professor up in this piece, I found the "article" to be incredibly predantic (shocking) and lacking anything in the way of wit or real humor. He uses a very tired motif (the "guide"? Really? John Barry called, he wants his shtick back) and then proceeds to draw these pathetically repetitive caricatures of Tech fans. Get some new material already - as a Red and Black alum, I can say the guy is doing nothing for the fine journalistic tradition of his alma mater. I actually think his piss-poor attempt may have just further diminished the quality of a U(SIC-Motherööööer)GA degree. Harry Montevideo will not be pleased. Weak sauce.

We defer to your great knowledge, o wise one.
I guess I will be the first to say it: That article ööööing sucked big dick. Jesus F Christ.

I agree. I though the piece was trite. The whole 'nerd' and 'dungeon master' thing is pretty well worn territory. I thought, since he was referencing ST, that it would have been more specific and original. I was looking forward to reading it a until a couple paragraphs in I realized I was reading a glorified Dawgvent post.

As an aside:I got a good chuckle out of: E(Editor's Note: Calculus isn't hard, thousands of 12th graders across the state of Georgia take it every year... although in fairness, they didn't take the really really hard version they only teach at Tech.) Apparently, Calculus isn't hard now because he said so.
This. As the resident English professor up in this piece, I found the "article" to be incredibly predantic (shocking) and lacking anything in the way of wit or real humor. He uses a very tired motif (the "guide"? Really? John Barry called, he wants his shtick back) and then proceeds to draw these pathetically repetitive caricatures of Tech fans. Get some new material already - as a Red and Black alum, I can say the guy is doing nothing for the fine journalistic tradition of his alma mater. I actually think his piss-poor attempt may have just further diminished the quality of a U(SIC-Motherööööer)GA degree. Harry Montevideo will not be pleased. Weak sauce.

The latest gem from the board admins:

"This is not a message board.

We aspire to write high level articles on Georgia sports, UGA and Athens, and encourage various viewpoints, while moderating comments and not permitting “hate” type speech. But this is not some mindless drivel with un-moderated hateful comments. Our posts have been used by the UGA sports department and we have good relations with the SID. The staff here is composed of successful lawyers, accountants, technicians and a military officer/pilot. It’s not a fly by night enterprise and in fact this post was a full staff collaboration."

That's some funny shizzle right there.

The best their successful lawyers, accountants, and the military pilot can come up with is tired old cliches worthy of a middle school newspaper.
I love it when guys use their career path as a measure of intelligence or accomplishment. It just shows how dumb they actually are. I don't go around saying what I do for a living trying to prove my intelligence to people. I let them figure it out.

I'd love to see how "successful" is defined in that context. Technically in today's legal market simply being an employed lawyer is being successful.