Enough with the Deon

Isn't Key the person that flopped as an O-line coach? I'm sorry... But, how does a person that cannot teach blocking schemes, all of the sudden, become a good head coach??? Am I the only one thinking this???? I foresee people setting themselves up for disappointment, once again.
He didn’t flop. He had limits of restraint put on him by head coach. That is gone now.
He didn’t flop. He had limits of restraint put on him by head coach. That is gone now.
I guess we'll see, eh? I have been disappointed by Key's woeful offensive line, and I doubt Collins "restricted" the line play in any way. That makes no sense. "Please make the line play poorly so that we get a lot of penalties and the QB gets sacked. Thanks."
If Deion is half as good as some of you think, then he knows Tech would be a terrible next step for him. I suspect the idea of Deion at Tech is as mutual as Putin attending the Queens funeral.
Isn't Key the person that flopped as an O-line coach? I'm sorry... But, how does a person that cannot teach blocking schemes, all of the sudden, become a good head coach??? Am I the only one thinking this???? I foresee people setting themselves up for disappointment, once again.
Here's the thing about Key. He has done little to nothing here so far, but now we will truly see if Collins had any effect on that. It sounds like the whole team has been soft and lacking accountability and that attitude to go out and get what you want rather than wait on it to happen for you. It doesn't matter how hard Key coaches his guys in their independent portions of practice if the majority of the time they are going to be treated differently by the HC. Also, if Key was such a bad OL coach, Saban wouldn't have gone out and hired him when he already had Mario Cristobal on staff and also wouldn't have kept him around for 3 years. Sure he had more talent and more to work with there but he still had to coach them schemes and techniques.
He didn’t flop. He had limits of restraint put on him by head coach. That is gone now.
I cannot follow that logic. How was he restrained by Collins? I get Collins made bone headed errors. However; at the LOS and play by play level, our O line wasn't great. I guess if the O line was sound and we still lost, I could agree. Isn't it going to be the same offense, with Collins gone? Or are you thinking that they can implement a whole system, within a week?
Here's the thing about Key. He has done little to nothing here so far, but now we will truly see if Collins had any effect on that. It sounds like the whole team has been soft and lacking accountability and that attitude to go out and get what you want rather than wait on it to happen for you. It doesn't matter how hard Key coaches his guys in their independent portions of practice if the majority of the time they are going to be treated differently by the HC. Also, if Key was such a bad OL coach, Saban wouldn't have gone out and hired him when he already had Mario Cristobal on staff and also wouldn't have kept him around for 3 years. Sure he had more talent and more to work with there but he still had to coach them schemes and techniques.
I guess I just haven't seen anything close to others saw. We'll see. It will all come out in the wash. Maybe he is some diamond in the rough. I am just of the opinion, if you cannot succeed at a specific, smaller level, it will be hard to succeed at a higher level. Not sure how false starts and missed blocks were Collins' fault.
I guess I just haven't seen anything close to others saw. We'll see. It will all come out in the wash. Maybe he is some diamond in the rough. I am just of the opinion, if you cannot succeed at a specific, smaller level, it will be hard to succeed at a higher level. Not sure how false starts and missed blocks were Collins' fault.
Again, "diamond in the rough" isn't a good term. He has already had success at UCF and Alabama as an OL coach. Why would he all of a sudden not be a good coach? If anything, his time at GT is the outlier on his resume, and most of that can be chalked up to having to work with a patchwork OL and underclassmen the whole time. We all thought his recruiting would be better but I think it's safe to say now that I can see why some of his targets wouldn't want to come play for a bumbling idiot of a HC.
He didn’t flop. He had limits of restraint put on him by head coach. That is gone now.

He definitely flopped. The question is how much of a role, if any, Collins played in causing the flop.

He's got eight games to try to prove himself. More than many in his position get. I'm excited to see what he can do.
Again, "diamond in the rough" isn't a good term. He has already had success at UCF and Alabama as an OL coach. Why would he all of a sudden not be a good coach? If anything, his time at GT is the outlier on his resume, and most of that can be chalked up to having to work with a patchwork OL and underclassmen the whole time. We all thought his recruiting would be better but I think it's safe to say now that I can see why some of his targets wouldn't want to come play for a bumbling idiot of a HC.
Well, he has 8 games to audition. I am not expecting anything other than a W against Duke and maybe one against VT. If we do better than that, he should get a shot. If he does less, he should be shown the door, like the rest of the coaches. If we win the 3, than meh.... I can go either way...
We'll see in two days if this team can play differently with Key. I expect a different attitude with Key. PJ never had an issue getting his boys ready and playing hard. Let's see if Key can at least try to do this.
I remember back in the '70s that even though Pepper Rodgers was a former Tech QB and had some success coaching at UCLA, there was a lack of acceptance because he was a little too flashy and flamboyant for the big Tech supporters. Even though the Tech community has evolved over the years I have a feeling Deion would have the same problem because he's just that much more flashy and flamboyant.
Well, he has 8 games to audition. I am not expecting anything other than a W against Duke and maybe one against VT. If we do better than that, he should get a shot. If he does less, he should be shown the door, like the rest of the coaches. If we win the 3, than meh.... I can go either way...
I'm not talking about his ability to be a HC, nobody knows about that yet. I'm talking about his abilities as an OL coach.
I guess we'll see, eh? I have been disappointed by Key's woeful offensive line, and I doubt Collins "restricted" the line play in any way. That makes no sense. "Please make the line play poorly so that we get a lot of penalties and the QB gets sacked. Thanks."
He restricted the practice coaching, that is clear. Hard to get better when you are playing kickball and hip hop dancing instead of drilling your blocking assignments in.
Why does this need its own thread? You couldn’t have written your displeasure about Deion in the Deion thread? You had to create an anti-Deion thread? What a douchebag. I hope we hire Deion now just to spite this guy.
Let me fully understand what you said, the people that hired Geoff Collins and gave him a seven year contract and paid him over 20 million dollars to win 10 games in four years, are SMART!!!!!!! enough to do what?
Do you think they're going to say, "We made a risky hire before and it was a disaster, so let's make a far riskier hire of a dum-dum who recruits well!"

The Collins hire was also only bad in retrospect, but that's another conversation...