
Big 12 is the ACC without Clemson and FSU. At least the Big 12 beat the ACC to the punch. We are stuck in a conference that will eventually disappear and let's hope there are still some chairs open when the music stops.
And for the life of me I don't understand what makes the Big 12 more appealing than the PAC teams. Is it just the Big 12's contract isn't done like the PAC's currently is?

I think it is that the Big12 still has a contract. This is what the ACC contract guarded against. The problem is the acc missed the peak.

The B1G had the right distribution method.
The SEC has the right content.

The acc guarded itself against what killed the PAC. The Big12 will suffer a similar fate before the acc contract expires.
ACC staying put isn't a bad thing in this situation. I'd rather stay put with what we have than to reach and add garbage pieces.

Big12 getting praised for adding Arizona, Colorado, UCF, Houston, Cincy, BYU while losing Texas and OU. Those brands combined don't make up for what they are losing, let alone on a revenue slice. Is anyone pumped for a Arizona vs. Baylor matchup? WVU - Colorado really move the needle for anyone? Adding a bunch of mediocre programs does nothing.

What good move was there available to the ACC that wasn't made this cycle? If there isn't a good move to be made, which it looks like there isn't, then roll with what you got. Just get better.

FSU needs to shut their face and win games and elevate their play before they start beating their chest like they are OSU or Bama.
Yes. If the ACC had teams coming in/out right now GT would end up in a similar situation as Oregon State Wazzu Call and Stanford.
The Nike money and influence makes up for the academic shortcomings.
Nike money at Oregon may have been a factor a decade or so ago, but I doubt Nike is gonna throw current SEC or BIG10 money at Oregon.
And the SEC will try to spin it into a 16 team playoff where 10 teams are from the SEC.

And why wouldn’t they? The job of the SEC leadership is to provide for its members. Not to provide for others. That’s like being mad at your neighbor for feeding their kids steak while yours gets hotdogs. If you want steak then put in the work to afford the steak. The SEC has put in the work decade after decade to build their conference and image. Too bad our ACC leaders were too busy giving reach arounds to Dean and Coach K for decades.
The era of conferences is over. We are now in the era of leagues and there are only two of them.
Agree - that is the long play. ACC will eventually be poached by SEC/BIG and maybe a team or two from BiG 12 to round things out. What is left of the ACC and the BIG 12 - big money contracts will dry up (like PAC now) and become Group of 5 teams/conference.
They bring a regional rival for VT, Pitt, and Louisville and an old rival for Miami. Rivalries strengthen the conference.
It’s almost like the Big East is reconstituting itself within the ACC. Honestly that may not be a bad thing because geographically it makes the most sense. It could help keep the ‘band’ together. Add ND and poach Penn State and viola. You have something that could compete against the BIG and SECheats but still make sense for rivalries and travel.
Good for the Big 12. Strong conference. Stanford and Cal Berkeley to Big Ten soon i guess.
How many teams will the B12 have now?


16? Did I miss anyone?

Not sure how that group draws more money than the pac12 did.
How many teams will the B12 have now?


16? Did I miss anyone?

Not sure how that group draws more money than the pac12 did.
I think they are getting the Rough Riders from the CFL and the Washington Generals from the USFL to go to 18. I think the ACC is going after Hawaii to stop the BIG from going to Asia for further expansion.. Does anyone know if Midway Island has a football team?