Fitz on lower attendance

So they did the corny "we picked a venue!" Announcement this past weekend. Looks like a Saturday next October. I will send my regards to her if we have a home game.
Wtf is this?
No shit. You have a photographer take pics of her and the stupid schlep who is marrying her holding a sign saying "We picked a venue!"

Later, there are pics saying "We picked a dress!". Not sure if you do that for the caterer or not

In the case of @Akinji07 , it would eventually lead to pics of the bachelor party with him holding a sign saying "I banged a stripper!"
All these variables come into play when discussing attendance. Not arguing these points. One that is rarely mentioned is simply love of the game. I could care less about most of the game day experience theories thrown out there to increase attendance They are nice to haves but not why I go to as many live games as possible. I just want to be there and see it as live and raw as possible. The entire game day experience on campus is where the energy is. I simply love the game and GT football. I have sat through monsoons and the coldest game played in Miami. Even sat through the Tulane heat. Would not have traded it for a tv experience. I suspect there are a lot of fans in my age group who grew up loving and playing football, who will not be easily replaced. Hope I am wrong but can you really teach a smartphone culture to love football at a later age? Time will tell I guess.