Gnonkonde gone

Have you had a chance to read the quotes from Gnonkonde's coach/guardian?

Here's the coach's quotes from the article:

Failure #1 - Accepting the kid's commitment prior to clearing the Hill.

Failure #2 - Telling the kid to shut down his own recruiting process after the commitment, especially considering Failure #1.

Failure #3 - Stringing the player along for months/lying to him about "being OK."

Failure #4 - Sucking at communicating. The coach was confused or failed to understand where Gnonkonde actually stood with Tech. It's CPJ's job to make sure there can be no confusion.

Failure #5 - Yanking his 'ship this late in the process. Sorry. That's pathetic and rubs me raw the most.

Tech FUBAR'd this thing like no other.

I'm sure the kid's high school coach is completely unbiased and not lying about or exaggerating any of those things. If he misinterpreted the situation or used poor judgment, he would definitely own up to it.
Well, what about his account do you doubt? I don't find anything in there that screams, "He (the coach) is just trying to save his ass."

I doubt that we completely blindsided him on this. As I said, he was likely given a target for SAT score and he didn't hit it.

Maybe they thought we'd budge on it, and we didn't.
I'm sure the kid's high school coach is completely unbiased and not lying about or exaggerating any of those things. If he misinterpreted the situation or used poor judgment, he would definitely own up to it.

Jesus Christ, what lines are you guys reading between in that article?

“I’m confused, upset and very disappointed,” White said. “I feel like I let the kid down. Maybe I led him in the wrong direction by allowing him to commit so early to Georgia Tech and then shutting it down …

Looks like he's owning it to me.
I'm sure the kid's high school coach is completely unbiased and not lying about or exaggerating any of those things. If he misinterpreted the situation or used poor judgment, he would definitely own up to it.

Jesus Christ, what lines are you guys reading between in that article?

Looks like he's owning it to me.

The ones where he says the kid meets the minimum NCAA standards to play football, but he doesn't know if Georgia Tech's minimums are higher than those of the NCAA's. He continues to harp on that point too, talking about how other schools aren't recruiting rocket scientists to play football.

I find it ridiculously implausible that Tech would never have informed him that our standards are higher than NCAA minimums. Quite the opposite, I would think we would stress that.

coit said:
Maybe they thought we'd budge on it, and we didn't.

This is what I think happened. This would also explain his continual references to meeting the NCAA minimums and saying that other schools would have made it work.
CPJ has egg all over his face on this one.

Whether it's his fault or not...Georgia Tech made him look bad.

Do we get ANY exceptions at all anymore? Or did Gailey ruin that for us indefinitely?
CPJ has egg all over his face on this one.

Whether it's his fault or not...Georgia Tech made him look bad.

Do we get ANY exceptions at all anymore? Or did Gailey ruin that for us indefinitely?
it has already been mentioned earlier in this thread that there are several exceptions in this current class
Do we get ANY exceptions at all anymore? Or did Gailey ruin that for us indefinitely?

There are probably still a few exceptions made. No real coach would want to work here if they have to always meet the regular GT student standards.

That said, pretty much.
admissions policy for SA's is set by the presidents office along with discussions with the AD. If the president wants to change it a bit he can. Clough changed it alot in 2001 or 2 (can't remember)

Peterson needs to get off his arse and do something. You're the friggin' PRESIDENT. Your move.
I get the feeling that most posters here are just spouting off.

It seems to me that this guy was given a target, but missed it. He should have known there was a chance that, having fallen short of the target, he wouldn't get in to GT.

It also seems pretty clear to me that CPJ sticking by him isn't necessarily a bad thing. We couldn't have told him to take a hike 6 months ago because, more than likely, we didn't know at the time he wouldn't get in.

Who knows, maybe he HAD to get a certain score, and he recently got back the results. People are acting like we've sat on his test scores for almost a year. Last time I checked, the SAT is given on multiple days. Like in 2011, the SAT was given on October 1, November 5, and December 3. In fact, it wouldn't be surprising if he took the December 3 SAT in a last ditch effort to get in, but didn't quite do well enough. The administration would probably get those scores around the new year, so a 2-3 week decision wouldn't be that bad at all.

The fact that we held a scholarship open for this guy, despite the fact he hadn't qualified, shows me that we gave him every opportunity in the world to go to GT. I feel bad for the guy, but this isn't a situation where someone is getting screwed because the coach needs to cut somebody.
CPJ has egg all over his face on this one.

Whether it's his fault or not...Georgia Tech made him look bad.

Do we get ANY exceptions at all anymore? Or did Gailey ruin that for us indefinitely?

It has been said that his SAT wasn't even good enough for an exception. Even GT's exception standards are higher than the NCAA minimums.

I imagine an overall SAT in the high 500's for this guy because that is the NCAA minimum for his GPA, and if you read carefully he apparently just made the minimum. Language barrier or not, no way the Hill will let a 500-something SAT into GT.

It is what it is.
I don't understand this attitude - CPJ wins the ACC championship not Georgia Tech (I mean "the hill"). But Georgia Tech loses commitments? No way. This is CPJ's responsibility all the way. No exceptions.

I guess CPJ should've taken the SAT for him too, huh?
Peterson needs to get off his arse and do something. You're the friggin' PRESIDENT. Your move.

He's doing exactly what he should be doing. As others have said, we do get some exceptions but there are standards for even those. There aren't "exceptions for exceptions."

Believe it or not the school's main purpose isn't to win football games at any cost, and football is only a small part of his job.
For a group of supposedly smart people, there are some real ignoramuses on this board. I really hate this time of year. Every recruiting hiccup brings out the ninnies.
For a group of supposedly smart people, there are some real ignoramuses on this board. I really hate this time of year. Every recruiting hiccup brings out the ninnies.


I thought you were banned?