Gnonkonde gone

Ten years ago it was easier to get in to Tech, but much harder to get out.

Now it's much harder to get in, but a tad easier to get out. It looks that way because of the increase in average GPA and higher retention rates, but as a student here I still have a ton of friends who drop out. Maybe the influx of non-engineering majors is throwing the stats off some, I don't know, but someone can correct me if I'm wrong.

Glad GT_Johnnywhatever is doing well for graduate school. I'm sure going to such an overrated undergraduate school made it hard to get accepted into an Ivy League program.
I wonder if there's more to this. We are right at our scholarship limit if I understand correctly. With this Aussie guy committing and Tomlinson waiting out there, maybe there's another big name showing interest and CPJ is pulling the scholarship to open up more room.

I'm sure CPJ or someone from the Hill went over basic qualifications to get in when they offered the scholarship, and since you never know who are the exceptions in each class you can only assume that they could give him an exception if they wanted to but chose not to.
Ten years ago it was easier to get in to Tech, but much harder to get out.

Now it's much harder to get in, but a tad easier to get out. It looks that way because of the increase in average GPA and higher retention rates, but as a student here I still have a ton of friends who drop out. Maybe the influx of non-engineering majors is throwing the stats off some, I don't know, but someone can correct me if I'm wrong.

Glad GT_Johnnywhatever is doing well for graduate school. I'm sure going to such an overrated undergraduate school made it hard to get accepted into an Ivy League program.

Eh ... Columbia is the Georgia State of the Ivy League. If he was a real man, he would have gone to Dartmouth or Brown. Actually, for neuroscience, Cornell would be impressive. Columbia? Meh.
If Tech is easier to get in to then why do we never hear this happening at Georgia? Why do we hear from GTeric and the like that there is a recruit we could go after but they don't have the grades yet Georgia rakes in so many players?


Football admission requirements are only tangentially related to general admission requirements. The fact that U[sic]GA lets in a bunch of retarts to play football has little bearing on whether U[sic]GA is harder to get into than Tech.

And I don't know the figures myself (though I have read those in this thread), but I wouldn't be surprised if there are legitimate measurements that show U[sic]GA is harder to get into than Tech, simply because many more people want to go there than Tech, especially with the HOPE scholarship. Doesn't mean anything about the quality of the school.
Eh ... Columbia is the Georgia State of the Ivy League. If he was a real man, he would have gone to Dartmouth or Brown. Actually, for neuroscience, Cornell would be impressive. Columbia? Meh.
lol, Columbia is one of the best for neuroscience, great location too
Eh ... Columbia is the Georgia State of the Ivy League. If he was a real man, he would have gone to Dartmouth or Brown. Actually, for neuroscience, Cornell would be impressive. Columbia? Meh.

Yeah one of my public policy professors graduated from Columbia for undergraduate, and when he gave his introductory speech to the class, one student was like "Oh nice, Ivy League school!" and Prof was like "Meh, it's completely overrated"

The Hill isn't the problem. The state of Georgia and the ööööty schools in the rural parts of the state are the problem. It's hard to be a tough school and simultaneously field a competitive football team when you're located in one of the dumbest states in the nation.
Imagine what a weapon the Hill would be for Saban and oversigning. Sorry Justin Taylor, your grades just didn't cut it...
The Hill isn't the problem. The state of Georgia and the ööööty schools in the rural parts of the state are the problem. It's hard to be a tough school and simultaneously field a competitive football team when you're located in one of the dumbest states in the nation.

Mississippi is worse...
The Hill isn't the problem. The state of Georgia and the ööööty schools in the rural parts of the state are the problem. It's hard to be a tough school and simultaneously field a competitive football team when you're located in one of the dumbest states in the nation.


Gee, I wonder why UGA and Alabama and Auburn do so well!
Smaller population. There are counties in Miss that are still so rural they have to share school districts, as many as 3 counties merging school systems to make one HS.

Wow, didn't know that. Sucks for them. I guess having Atlanta in the next state to Alabama helps Auburn and UA.