Gnonkonde gone

How the F*** can the Hill do this??? Knowing full well that people that don't get into Tech are destined for poverty, starvation, and living on the streets. May this person's, and all other people who don't get accepted, blood be on your hands you wretched Hill. You are modern day Pharisees and we see you for what you are.I curse you forever and wish upon you the same fate that you have inflicted upon others. I double this curse if the rejected person was a prospective offensive or defensive lineman or someone who could punt or kick the ball into the endzone or run the TO and complete more than 50% of their passes or who is an athletic receiver who can also catch the ball or someone who can coach special teams or create their own shot off the dribble in BB or hit and catch a baseball in postseason play. You Hill are the spawn of the Devil and I refute thee.

Excellent post. You are a true fan :biggthumpup:.
This is disappointing for us and for the young man, but not devastating. If we offered we hoped he would have the grades and scores to satisfy the Hill. He doesn't, and the Hill let us know in time to offer someone else and let the young man know in time to sign somewhere else. This is how it should work.
Is anyone struck by how closely this resembles the Justin Taylor situation?
- Recruit is committed for almost a year, has rug pulled out from under him
- Coach is recruit's legal guardian
- Coach says he's upset, confused, etc.
- Recruit has to rush to check out other places before signing day

Ours is a lesser evil though, I think: Alabama's is one of greed; ours is an evil of bureaucracy and poor academic policy.
and I was the one getting blasted a week after the UGA game, in a post titled "we have been here before part 2" for suggesting until the hill and the GTAA demands more from admissions we would be stuck in mediocrity as a program.

Well, here is a good example of "your sign"

If a prospect has a GPA of 3.2, I can tell you, for a FACT his SAT can be freaking 850-900 and still get into tech for football. The fact they are not letting him in reaks of ridiculous.

Second how many times are we told for recruit stalkers that tech doesn't even offer if they aren't essentially qualified to be admitted. So what happened here?

Is PJ Saban and academics are the excuse?

Or is the hill just doing...what it does?
Is anyone struck by how closely this resembles the Justin Taylor situation?
- Recruit is committed for almost a year, has rug pulled out from under him
- Coach is recruit's legal guardian
- Coach says he's upset, confused, etc.
- Recruit has to rush to check out other places before signing day

Ours is a lesser evil though, I think: Alabama's is one of greed; ours is an evil of bureaucracy and poor academic policy.

Both are bullshit.
This is certainly disappointing, but we don't know the whole story. We don't know his SAT score. We don't know if he was told he needed to make a certain score, but didn't reach that score. We don't know if he scored poorly the first time he took the test, but refused to take it again despite being it expected that he do so.

There are a lot of things we don't know. Another thing to consider is that college admissions rarely, if ever, make sense.

I'm disappointed for the young man, but we do have contingency plans. If he has his heart set on GT I'm sure he could always try to transfer back.
I'm disappointed for the young man, but we do have contingency plans.

Here's a contigency plan for you...if CPF'nJ were to guarantee me a starting spot on the DL, I'd quit my job and go straight to ATL. I got in once so I'm sure I'd get in twice...after all, how could someone with a GT degree not be qualified right? Plus, and this is key, I'd pay my own way, thus freeing up a scholly for an athlete who would be less than 50% of my age. Take that Hill.

My only stipulation is no night games...i like cocktails and hor d'oeuvres around 6PM and generally am in bed by no later than 10. Plus the scholly would have to be used on someone who could actually catch or kick a FB. With that, all my cards are on the table. Next move is yours Coach.
Only a Tech football message board would turn into an academic discussion before page 2.
Guys...lighten up with the head hunting.

No one surprised anyone unless they (the high school coaches) thought we would take him whether he met the requirement or not. Everyone knew what target needed to be reached.....just never thought he may not be it.

let me just say it....he knew he had to improve his test score. EVERYONE thought it would be no problem (us, him, his school, his teachers, his coaches, etc.) as he has good grades. could not clear the hump. There is definitely a test taking problem to deal with.

If you want to lay blame...but it on the Lanier County School System for having someone with a 3.4 GPA but struggles mightily with the SAT.

Once again...and let me emphasize this...he committed early...very early. We have tons of kids with 2013 offers that we would take commitments from now and they do not have a qualifying test score yet. However, we stick with the kid as long as he is doing everything he can to get it...especially when there is no reason to believe he cannot.
Guys...lighten up with the head hunting.

No one surprised anyone unless they (the high school coaches) thought we would take him whether he met the requirement or not. Everyone knew what target needed to be reached.....just never thought he may not be it.

let me just say it....he knew he had to improve his test score. EVERYONE thought it would be no problem (us, him, his school, his teachers, his coaches, etc.) as he has good grades. could not clear the hump. There is definitely a test taking problem to deal with.

If you want to lay blame...but it on the Lanier County School System for having someone with a 3.4 GPA but struggles mightily with the SAT.

Once again...and let me emphasize this...he committed early...very early. We have tons of kids with 2013 offers that we would take commitments from now and they do not have a qualifying test score yet. However, we stick with the kid as long as he is doing everything he can to get it...especially when there is no reason to believe he cannot.

the problem isn't the process or what you described above. The problem is the hill's rules that makes this tenuous approach with recruits a constant issue. He can get into plenty other schools that are decent academically but not us.

The issue, isn't how the coaches handled it or will in the future.

The issue, plain and simple, is Tech and its rules. It is too hardlined, not "really" with it; kids not exposed to years of western education aren't going to do good in standardized tests; and frankly his GPA is a good indicator he is a hard worker and probably can get by at tech. I am not blaming a county school for this. His situation is a tough one. Tech's policies and considerations are dumb and always have been.

You know as do I this has been a debate as long as we have discussed recruiting. We already let kids into tech well below what the normal student has to be. How you can draw a line to what we let in today, with a kid who is 50 points below that and say HA, thats it, he won't succeed here is ridiculous. Its like the 3 star who is ranked 99 and a 2 star is ranked 100 and saying the three star is better. HA.
He's a foreign kid who didn't do well on an American Standardized Test.

President Peterson, be warned, you are now on my -----list. This is unbelievably detrimental to your school's football program.
Guys...lighten up with the head hunting.

No one surprised anyone unless they (the high school coaches) thought we would take him whether he met the requirement or not. Everyone knew what target needed to be reached.....just never thought he may not be it.

let me just say it....he knew he had to improve his test score. EVERYONE thought it would be no problem (us, him, his school, his teachers, his coaches, etc.) as he has good grades. could not clear the hump. There is definitely a test taking problem to deal with.

If you want to lay blame...but it on the Lanier County School System for having someone with a 3.4 GPA but struggles mightily with the SAT.

Once again...and let me emphasize this...he committed early...very early. We have tons of kids with 2013 offers that we would take commitments from now and they do not have a qualifying test score yet. However, we stick with the kid as long as he is doing everything he can to get it...especially when there is no reason to believe he cannot.

Looks like the facts you just dropped won't get in the way of this story turning into a PR hit for GT.

Here's the AJC's interpretation/spin on it including some pretty damning quotes from the school's Athletics Director/his guardian.

“Georgia Tech’s admissions people had his transcript and test scores for awhile. Why didn’t they let us know long before this? We’re finding out just now? This kid has been committed to Georgia Tech for 11 months, we didn’t talk to other schools because he was committed there, and now this happens 10 days before National Signing Day?

“I’m confused, upset and very disappointed. I feel like I let the kid down. Maybe I led him in the wrong direction by allowing him to commit so early to Georgia Tech and then shutting it down.”
He's a foreign kid who didn't do well on an American Standardized Test.

President Peterson, be warned, you are now on my -----list. This is unbelievably detrimental to your school's football program.

$20 says Peterson has no idea who Gnonkonde is. Another 5 says Peterson couldn't get him in even if he wanted to.
This will turn into a GT nightmare....apparently, UGAy is in talks with Junior now....great.
Looks like the facts you just dropped won't get in the way of this story turning into a PR hit for GT.

Here's the AJC's interpretation/spin on it including some pretty damning quotes from the school's Athletics Director/his guardian.

“Georgia Tech’s admissions people had his transcript and test scores for awhile. Why didn’t they let us know long before this? We’re finding out just now? This kid has been committed to Georgia Tech for 11 months, we didn’t talk to other schools because he was committed there, and now this happens 10 days before National Signing Day?

“I’m confused, upset and very disappointed. I feel like I let the kid down. Maybe I led him in the wrong direction by allowing him to commit so early to Georgia Tech and then shutting it down.”
---THIS--it's all about PERCEPTION and this will be PERCEIVED as "dastardly"--it's a black eye for Tech irregardless of "how" the punch was THROWN.
$20 says Peterson has no idea who Gnonkonde is. Another 5 says Peterson couldn't get him in even if he wanted to.

probably right on the first part

totally wrong on the second

and admissions policy for SA's is set by the presidents office along with discussions with the AD. If the president wants to change it a bit he can. Clough changed it alot in 2001 or 2 (can't remember)
Ok are they just going after our guys out of spite?

no he is a good player and ideal for the 3-4 who is academically fine for 99% of the schools out there. LOL we can't get out of our own way.