Gnonkonde gone

The Hill isn't the problem. The state of Georgia and the ööööty schools in the rural parts of the state are the problem. It's hard to be a tough school and simultaneously field a competitive football team when you're located in one of the dumbest states in the nation.

Agreed. That is why I always liked the policy of giving people the benefit of the doubt on the way in but making it a bear to get out.

Some smart kids from crappy schools stepped up to the challenge and outperform kids with head starts from better schools. Some kids from better schools wilted under the workload and pressure. But the quality coming out was always good.

Now it seems everyone is driven by the ratings from magazines that punish the bootcamp mentality of flunking out the weak while rewarding restrictive admissions that may exclude those who could have made it on a level playing field. It is a shame IMO.
Guys...lighten up with the head hunting.

No one surprised anyone unless they (the high school coaches) thought we would take him whether he met the requirement or not. Everyone knew what target needed to be reached.....just never thought he may not be it.

let me just say it....he knew he had to improve his test score. EVERYONE thought it would be no problem (us, him, his school, his teachers, his coaches, etc.) as he has good grades. could not clear the hump. There is definitely a test taking problem to deal with.

If you want to lay blame...but it on the Lanier County School System for having someone with a 3.4 GPA but struggles mightily with the SAT.

Once again...and let me emphasize this...he committed early...very early. We have tons of kids with 2013 offers that we would take commitments from now and they do not have a qualifying test score yet. However, we stick with the kid as long as he is doing everything he can to get it...especially when there is no reason to believe he cannot.

Bull. Lots of kids from every avenue of life have trouble with these test. Some fruitcake on the Hill wanted to flex the only semblence of a muscle he had. And they don't give a ---- how it hurts this young man or GT. Those scumbags need to have the rug pulled out from under them. Maybe then they would have to go find a real job.

The kid gave his word to GT and kept it only to be spit on.
Does this mean we have tomlinson?

Actually it might scare more recruits away, especially if that AJC article is the only thing said about it which makes us look like total dicks. Some in this thread have said we actually let him know much earlier that there would be trouble than the article says. If so, we better mention it or anyone on the fence about us might just bug out.
Guys...lighten up with the head hunting.

No one surprised anyone unless they (the high school coaches) thought we would take him whether he met the requirement or not. Everyone knew what target needed to be reached.....just never thought he may not be it.

let me just say it....he knew he had to improve his test score. EVERYONE thought it would be no problem (us, him, his school, his teachers, his coaches, etc.) as he has good grades. could not clear the hump. There is definitely a test taking problem to deal with.

If you want to lay blame...but it on the Lanier County School System for having someone with a 3.4 GPA but struggles mightily with the SAT.

Once again...and let me emphasize this...he committed early...very early. We have tons of kids with 2013 offers that we would take commitments from now and they do not have a qualifying test score yet. However, we stick with the kid as long as he is doing everything he can to get it...especially when there is no reason to believe he cannot.

I don't accept your bullshit spin job.

probably right on the first part

totally wrong on the second

and admissions policy for SA's is set by the presidents office along with discussions with the AD. If the president wants to change it a bit he can. Clough changed it alot in 2001 or 2 (can't remember)

I'm sure Peterson could make something happen, but people don't realize how little power people actually have.

I know there have been 6 & 7 figure donors, active on advisory boards, whose kids couldn't get in to Tech even with various Deans arguing for their admission. The Hill has a lot of power and they don't give in to just about anyone.
Aren't we allowed exceptions anymore? I thought GOL made hay with 'em?

Pretty sure that shortly after the hay was made a bunch of those exceptions failed out and Tech got put on probation (yes, I realize there were other factors at play), so now we get fewer.
---- this ----ing hellhole of Georgia Tech. ---- you little bitch for making my life ---- the past 5 years. And now you ----ing ---- with the football team. Die in a ----ing fire.

(drunk post)
$20 says Peterson has no idea who Gnonkonde is. Another 5 says Peterson couldn't get him in even if he wanted to.

Well...then SCREW Peterson.

If he is this clueless...then I hope he moves FAR AWAY where he f-ing belongs.

SCREW this loser. SCREW HIM and his yankee arse all the way back to Minnesota or wherever the hell he's from.

Peterson. Your arse is grarse.
Well...then SCREW Peterson.

If he is this clueless...then I hope he moves FAR AWAY where he f-ing belongs.

SCREW this loser. SCREW HIM and his yankee arse all the way back to Minnesota or wherever the hell he's from.

Peterson. Your arse is grarse.

WHY should the president of a university know about any of the football recruits?
His score was in the 600's. Meets NCAA requirements for the sliding scale. Doesn't meet GT standards. Sucks it took this long to figure out he wouldn't make the score, but if he wasn't even taking the test again then we should have moved on long ago.
But he has a 3.2 gpa?

Dude, there has got to be some kind of non-native speaker exception in our criteria. Wow, what BS.
I don't know all of the details here, but this whole thing reeks of GT administrative incompetence. The same people that got us a major violation because they couldn't figure which courses the players needed to take or how to round GPAs properly.

That being said....At a 3.225 Core GPA, you only need a 530 SAT score to be NCAA eligible ( Heck at a 2.7 Core GPA you only need a 730 SAT to be NCAA eligible. The point here is that you can have a really bad SAT and still meet the minimums for the NCAA. I'm all for taking players like Daryl Smith that have good GPAs and 800+ SATs, but you've got to draw the line somewhere. If a kid can't break 800 (and I don't know this kids score), he probably shouldn't be at Tech.
Peterson has control of the infamous "Hill".

I'm done with Peterson. He is the enemy now.
Well...then SCREW Peterson.

If he is this clueless...then I hope he moves FAR AWAY where he f-ing belongs.

SCREW this loser. SCREW HIM and his yankee arse all the way back to Minnesota or wherever the hell he's from.

Peterson. Your arse is grarse.

You realize he is president of a school and not a football team, right?
Bull. Lots of kids from every avenue of life have trouble with these test. Some fruitcake on the Hill wanted to flex the only semblence of a muscle he had. And they don't give a ---- how it hurts this young man or GT. Those scumbags need to have the rug pulled out from under them. Maybe then they would have to go find a real job.

The kid gave his word to GT and kept it only to be spit on. do not know the situation...I do. The test score was not even close...there was no way to rationalize it...and it was after multiple tries.

If you do not like the Darius Caldwell, Junior G situations....then maybe you would advocate us not making any early offers and taking early commits any longer even though the process is happening earlier and earlier each year. Heck...some schools already have 2014 commits.
Aren't we allowed exceptions anymore? I thought GOL made hay with 'em?
Yes...three per year. However, the exception minimum is higher than the NCAA minimum. Kids that make 900 scores on SAT's have been used as exceptions before. I am not going to say his score but it was not close to that.

We are using some exceptions this year...and I will not say who they are.
Why do you think that Gnonkonde's coach is telling a completely different version of events from the facts as you present them? The quotes from him in the AJC piece by Carvell completely contradict what you have said. If the facts are as you state them, I can't figure out why he would say what he has said in an interview. Seems it would damage his future relationship with GT football.