Gold Facemasks

Hey man, I'm no old man. I'm in my twenties. And after last week I prefer to enjoy progress and winning over how good our uniform looks. It doesn't matter how good we look in fashion if we look like crap playing. We wont remember how awesome those uniforms looked last week over the remembrance of how awful of a loss it was. I love talking about uniform stuff but last week changed somethings for me.

Ok well i apologize for that old man comment......anyway i’m pretty sure this season is going to be a complete shitshow on the field of a historically bad nature so we may as well just relax and enjoy the finer aspects of a good uniform thread without equating it to the product on the field or the coaches abilities or lack thereof.
Ok well i apologize for that old man comment......anyway i’m pretty sure this season is going to be a complete ööööshow on the field of a historically bad nature so we may as well just relax and enjoy the finer aspects of a good uniform thread without equating it to the product on the field or the coaches abilities or lack thereof.
Fair enough.
That looks pretty good. Like the combo ( just not striping or fonts. I know - sorry).
This seems like a no brainer. There are white facemasks all over college football, and white's our color. Why haven't we done this before?

I assume contrast.

I think the better route is Gold on Gold and White on White ( look at Texas hat)..
This seems like a no brainer. There are white facemasks all over college football, and white's our color. Why haven't we done this before?

I think there is a proper way to do the white face mask as well so that they are metallic / shinny like the gold. I don't think a 'matte' white would look great.
If they had some gold pants to match with that ensemble, I might die and go to heaven a happy man. ;-)

Just kidding, I don't care that much about uniforms but do really like the jersey and helmet and the entire look is great. I would like Gold pants better but it is good either way.
Sharp. Looks like the uniform of a school whose colors are white and gold. Should be our default road uniform. Save the whiteout/alternates for home with GWG as the home default.

Definitely for white face masks but the gold is a sharp upgrade over blue.
