Here Is The Real Truth

So ahso, are you saying that premium seating is sold out and there is no attempted buyout of DB as reported here, and that everything is hunky dorry at the GTAA?
Aho....Great post !!!!

The MAIN POINT BEING...As is the case with almost every political issue in this country..somehow the minority is the most VOCAL and would have you believe that they are the majority...Regardless if your numbers are off just a little it IS a small VOCAl clan that is making all the noise..They NEVER liked the hire of Chan Gailey from the start..Who knows their thinking...It could be his Baptist faith, his Southern Georgia upbringing or the fact Oleary is gone and Braine didnt hire him back after the Notre Dame fiasco....There is an agenda there and that group knows if Gailey is given the proper time the odds are favorable (It took Oleary his 5th try to beat Uga) he will build a winner...They ABSOLUTLEY dont want that.....
Dave Tech, now how in the world did you get that out of my post?


Father Time
Ahso: So glad you REMEMBERED the numbers I gave you because my info was also from the inside -

I don't invent info - I say it as it was told to me EVERY TIME! I am a season tix holder who is also a Tharpe Fund Contributor. My sources told me that close to 50% of the season tix holders were complaining and it constituted a Dave Braine reaction/communication. The word here is 'concern'. Concern because those who were complaining however it was done, had impact.

You can paint this picture any way you want and quote your inside source, but the numbers were there to constitute a reaction from the AD that hadn't been done in recent history. He was worried silly about the financial effect as posted in this thread by others.

Thanks for bringing it up again because it still exists.
Originally posted by BLACK WATCH:
Aho....Great post !!!!

The MAIN POINT BEING...As is the case with almost every political issue in this country..somehow the minority is the most VOCAL and would have you believe that they are the majority...Regardless if your numbers are off just a little it IS a small VOCAl clan that is making all the noise..They NEVER liked the hire of Chan Gailey from the start..Who knows their thinking...It could be his Baptist faith, his Southern Georgia upbringing or the fact Oleary is gone and Braine didnt hire him back after the Notre Dame fiasco....There is an agenda there and that group knows if Gailey is given the proper time the odds are favorable (It took Oleary his 5th try to beat Uga) he will build a winner...They ABSOLUTLEY dont want that.....
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">You are confusing issues here.

There very well may be some minorotiy with an agenda against Gailey currently. So what? I would venture to bet that the members of this conspiracy have little financial power against Braine. Braine there for could not care less about these people, because they don't affect his bottom line. That is how Brainne works.

This issue that Ahso is trying to address took place a while back after some pretty dismal performances by our football team. It was not some conspiracy theory that caused Braine to write that letter. It was real people who could seriously impact the GTAA financially. They made it known that they were not going to pay to see that kind of product put on the field.

Believe in the conspiracy if you want, but even if it is true, they won't have much to do with Gailey's future. Only Gailey can save himself, and I certainly hope he does. He got jerked around by Braine, but Braine will have his head if he has a bad season and people with financial interests call in again threatening to withdraw their support. It may not be fair, but it is reality.
MsTA, the person that told you that, either misunderstood, lied, or received false information.

Most likely they used the figure of +35% Dave used in the conversation on the radio interview. I have already stated the +35% from that interview was meant to be of the 200 complaints received. After GTAA checked the 200 letters/calls/Emails further, it was determined the actual complaints were 50% of the 200 or 100 complaints.

The quote was taken by some to mean all the season ticket holders, but it was an erroneous assumption by those who did so.

The 100 complaints is the correct figure. It makes no difference where you got your information.

I feel relatively sure, anyone wishing to pursue the truth of this matter could go to the GTAA and verify the information.

However, I don't expect you to go to the GTAA and check it out, I expect you to continue using the false informaion, it sounds better from your perspective.

Father Time
Ahso, you can spin things any way that you want regarding numbers... The fact that braine had to send out "the letter" to discipline gailey speaks volumes.. This letter was humiliating to gailey and effectively "cut his legs out from under him..."

Nine more days.. he better win...
I guess some of us "got over it" but some people--apparently--never will.

Calling me a liar and claiming I make up this stuff is a personal attack. I'm sick of it and have tried to respect you. You claim I have an agenda, well you seem to have one against me and what I post here.

My info was straight from a source because I called and complained more then once because I was concerned as to what I was seeing! I was even told that Braine would be sending a letter.

I suggest you get your info, say what you heard without attacking someone else's info or post.
Originally posted by ahsoisee:
MsTA, the person that told you that, either misunderstood, lied, or received false information.

Most likely they used the figure of +35% Dave used in the conversation on the radio interview. I have already stated the +35% from that interview was meant to be of the 200 complaints received. After GTAA checked the 200 letters/calls/Emails further, it was determined the actual complaints were 50% of the 200 or 100 complaints.

The quote was taken by some to mean all the season ticket holders, but it was an erroneous assumption by those who did so.

The 100 complaints is the correct figure. It makes no difference where you got your information.

I feel relatively sure, anyone wishing to pursue the truth of this matter could go to the GTAA and verify the information.

However, I don't expect you to go to the GTAA and check it out, I expect you to continue using the false informaion, it sounds better from your perspective.

Father Time
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">Unless you are willing to reveal your source, your info is not better than hers. While it may be interesting info, no one should believe either of you until they confirm for themselves just as you suggest.

Anyway, all of this is a moot discussion. The season will soon start, and as events unfold the future will be told.
This thread sucks.
It's an Associated Press article...I think everybody should calm down, since it's time for football to start, and we'll soon see whether the spirit of last season (7-51) carries over. Then it's time for a new coach, period.
BeeSerk: Quite possibly, the GTAA would verify this information if someone checked with them. They might possibly be willing to come on the board and verify this information, if anyone wishes to contact them.

Father Time
BeeBad, you are posting an ignorant phrase. I made it as plain and simple as anyone could possibly post the information.

I have spinned nothing. Read my lips, there were only 100 letters/calls/Email complaints. See if you can spin that or make it any simpler.

Father Time
ahso said
Dave Tech, now how in the world did you get that out of my post?
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">I guess the real truth according to asho isn't as clear to the rest of the world.
Wow 100 letters out of how many Tech Fans?? That sounds like a SMALL group...Is this the same little ole group that refuses to let everyone here get excited about some football?? With their constant Beebad spins and such..
Ahso's numbers seem plain and straightforward to me. I did not detect his use of the word liar either.
Before anyone considers ahso's information relevant... consider what he predicts our win/loss record will be this year... What's your latest prediction, Ahso? 8-9 wins?.. I think based on that we all have placed your observations in their proper context...
