Here Is The Real Truth

BeeBad, you have proved nothing more than you are throwing another smoke screen.

It has already been established Braine was referring to the 35-40% of the 200 letters/calls/Emails, nothing more, nothing less.

It was actually 50% of the 200 letters/calls/Emails which comes to 100 negative people complaining to the GTAA. The total complaint negative people complaining is officially 100 at the GTAA.

You can not make it go away, and it is official. You can try to spin it any way you want, but it still stands at 100.

It appears you and some others would rather throw smoke screens rather than to check it out. You have lied BeeBad, by saying I lied, when I have presented the facts. All you have presented is affirmation of what I have already stated, "that Braine had said 35-40% of the 200 letters/calls/Emails to the GTAA were negative.

Go find some real facts, better yet, go to the GTAA and prove me wrong.

Father Time
Dave Tech, are you afraid to check it out? I have given the board the true data. Prove me wrong, chech with the GTAA.

Father Time
I say it in loving kindness to a younger supporter:

Dave: I know to some extent how you feel; but We all love you, so let's let anger, revenge, intellecutalism (real or imaginative); and all other none Tech "upwardness": rest..please, for the sake of the program, school.
NCJacket, I did not try to guess how many fans we have, I used a conservative number to show an approximate percentage of complaints received by the GTAA when compared to the 100 complaints.

I have not in any manner tried to suggest how many were or were not upset. I merely gave the quantity of complaints. This number is not an estimate by the GTAA, as you suggest, it is an actual quantity of complaints received at the GTAA.

Now, you ask do we have to do this? Do what? I found some accurate recorded figures to correct a false statement made on the board. I have posted the correct figures. This should have made all Tech fans happy that the complaints were not as high as many tried to suggest.

I bring good news to tbe board, and some do not want good news. Why? What would be the motive?

Those that are interested in the health of the GT community should be glad to find out the actual quantity of complaints were low. How could anyone claiming to be a Tech fan be upset that the total is much lower than most believed?

Why should anyone else glory in the fact that they should be higher? What could possibly be the reason for some to want the quantity of complaints to be inflated way above the actual amount recorded?

Father Time
Now I see that Beebad has resorted to calling people "liars". I thought Ms TA said that only Friends of Chan called people names and attacked. I guess not!
83Jacket, in defense of BeeBad, I will have to explain why he did this. I have proven on several occasions he had posted false statements.

I told him if I called him a liar and proved it, I was not calling him names, but was proving he was lying.

He thought he had finally found where I had told a lie on the board. He was overjoyed and called me a liar, because he thought I had told a lie.

However, he comes out on the short end again, because my statements are true and can be proven. He is just afraid to look into the situation and prove it.

So, he gets a bye, because he was really in the heat of competition and thought he had just scored a touchdown.

Father Time
ahso, my only point is it really doesn't matter. Once the season starts, what went on last year will be last year. We'll either start to get the excitement and support back or we won't. I'm not saying you made anything up or that MsTA or BeeBad of Braine or whoever at GTAA MsTA talked to made anything up. I'm just saying none of us really know so why not just leave it that some people are mad, most are concerned and all are Jackets?
Braine didn't that send the "Vote of Confidence" just for the sake of writing a letter.

He did it to quiet what he felt was growing, vocal unrest.

If you believe that only .17% of our fans are worried about him, then you're kidding yourself.

I'm one of the few people that I know that are trying their best to give him the benefit of the doubt. But the list of guys I went to college with (who don't post here or The Hive) is short that have much faith in him.
100% of me couldn't give a crap and that's all that matters.
This might be the most stupid argument of all time. Its all based, from what I have cared to read, on ahso's (very incomplete) data.

Once again, ahso, you have tried to derive facts to plug into your "answer machine".

You have attempted to say that only 100 of the entire fan base was "disen Chan ded" prior to Braine's letter. Is that it?

You actually think that only the truly peed off sent a letter? Get a life, man!

Its very true that we need to focus on whats ahead, but I am very assured that you will try to turn the future events regarding Tech football into this type of nonsense debate.

Obviously, you have fun with this. The frustration you cause to the many that rely on common sense is even more rewarding, I am sure.

Be aware of this, though. Most that try to communicate here just want to talk about Tech football. They do not want to have to debate with you what is fact.

I only could bear to read about 1/3rd of all posts. If I am off topic, sorry. However, ahso, I get your deal. Buy yourself a Playstation and quit being ridiculous here. LL.
TRUTH! I don’t want the TRUTH! I can’t handle the TRUTH!

I’m still waiting on Ann Margaret, that freckled faced nymph in shear lounge jammies, to climb down out of Rock Perdoni’s arms and tear my cloths off and make savage love to me right there on the Rose Bowl field, while calling me her forever stud muffin……
Originally posted by techsamillion:
Hey, belly, don't you know that both you and I are truly European: we have to realize that we have to have a "whatacallit"; You are still my true love!!!!
We have to tease around for enjoyment; even with others if need be. (After all, you have given me no satisfaction for months!!!!!!)
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">Ladies & Gentlemen.. we have a Love Connection ... Morton Downey, Jr. would return from the grave for an interview with this couple...
LLCoolJacket, read this very slowly.

First, my facts are complete. There were only 100 complaints received at the GTAA. It can't be any more complete than that. Secondly, it is no argument, it is fact posted on the board. I did not derive facts, I asked for facts and received the facts.

Continue to read slowly. I have never stated that 100 of the fan base is all that is disenchanted with Gailey. I said 100 complaints are all that was received at the GTAA, and it is not 50% of the 20,000 season ticket holders as posted by MsTA.

My only point in the whole post was to rebut the false information posted by MsTA, nothing more, nothing less.

Now find one post where I have suggested 100 is all that is upset or concerned with Gailey and last season. You will be unable to do so. I have not stated such.

I never suggested that there were not others, nor did I state that only the peed off sent letters. Again you are making up things that have not been said by me.

Your post is stupid for stating things that I have not even suggested.

Now maybe you need to get a life, if all you have to do is argue about a topic that you evidently don't know anything about. If you did you would not be posting false statements I have not made.

I believe I have just relied on more common sense than you. At least, I did not make up false statements as you have done. You call that common sense?

Anyone that does not want to debate with me is free to choose not to do so, and that includes you. I seldom post to start a debate. I post most often to enter information, facts, and interesting items for those who would like to read them.

I believe you will find I have entered considerably more football posts on Stingtalk than you. Personally, I consider this an item on football.

You are free in the future to ignore all of my posts.

Yoda Bee, Read slowly.

You have made the same error. I have "never" stated that only 0.17% of our fans are worried about Gailey.

I stated the GTAA received only 100 negative complaints and those official complaints were only 0.17% of a hypothetical 60,000 fans.

I "never" stated the 100 complaints were the only fans upset or concerned about Gailey. You pulled this out of the air. I merely stated the 100 complaints received at the GTAA was nowhere near the 50% level posted by MsTA.

I have no idea how many are upset, nor are not upset. I made my post to clear up a false statement posted by MsTA. My post definitely refutes the 50% MsTA posted.

I don't know why Braine sent the letter and I don't really care. It was not my objective in the post.

For anyone else that is off base and did not understand the original and subsequent posts, maybe you need to read them over and read more slowly.

Father Time
ahso .. MsTA does not deal with facts. she deals with feelings, gut instincts and emotions.

she does not have facts about jack. but she does have feelings and emotions and gut instincts about jack.

so whatever she states on this board .. don't take it for fact .. take it for *her* feelings, instincts and emotions.

she doesn't know for fact that 50% or whatever % of the tech fan base is disenchanted or whatever but she does feel that way so she states it here.

pure waste of time trying to highlight that MsTA is posting incorrect factual information. that is a given.
Originally posted by ylojk8:
ahso .. MsTA does not deal with facts. she deals with feelings, gut instincts and emotions.

she does not have facts about jack. but she does have feelings and emotions and gut instincts about jack.

so whatever she states on this board .. don't take it for fact .. take it for *her* feelings, instincts and emotions.

she doesn't know for fact that 50% or whatever % of the tech fan base is disenchanted or whatever but she does feel that way so she states it here.

pure waste of time trying to highlight that MsTA is posting incorrect factual information. that is a given.
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">Umm, your buddy AHso hasn't posted a single fact either. He has only posted rumor. Unless he is willing to reveal his source here, or in private to an honest person that will back him up, AHso has NOT posted a single fact in this thread.

Ahso's "100" is complete bull shiite. It is message board rumor with no basis in fact. Just because Ahso "claims" he has a source doesn't even come close to meaning it has any resemblance of the truth.

We don't have to disprove Ahso's rumors, because they are rumors in their very nature. If Ahso wants intelligent people with common sense to belive him, then he can prove it himself. Reveal his sources, and we will all believe him. Until then, Ahso is "blowing smoke" as much as anyone else on this board.

I hate that we have to continue to hash these ridiculous propositions so close to kick off, but Ahso insists on making it an issue.
BeZerk, why have you not tried to verify my statements and prove me wrong?

Maybe, you already know it is correct.

Father Time
Originally posted by ahsoisee:
BeZerk, why have you not tried to verify my statements and prove me wrong?

Maybe, you already know it is correct.

Father Time
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">I don't have to prove you are wrong. You made the claim, not I. I haven't tried to state a rumor as truth. You have. You are full of rumors. Unless you reveal your source, you are spreading rumors. That is fact, and this is truth.

Would you like me to make statements, and then ask you to prove me wrong?

We can play that game if you want.

I think you are afraid to reveal your source, so are you?
I have honestly tried to be civil to you of late and your brain just cannot handle it. You have proven yourself to be a low-life scumbag in more ways than one. Also your lack of I.Q. and abundance of crudeness proves you to be beneath anything and anyone that associates in the least with G.T./you could not be from the south or else if you are you definitely are white trash.
You are a foolish imbecile. I will be glad to take this up with you in private email or face to face.......but you will never do either you wimp.
I have faced your kind most of my life and know you stem to stern you sack of manure! You do not know the word courage: if you are so big and bad why did you not got face to face with B.O.R. when you had the opportunity. You saw him there and instead of confronting him you slithered home from Lunch Bunch (you snake) waiting till you could cringe and hide behind your distant computer. You called him a little boy with a big mouth. and a half-breed. You slime-sucking bottom feeder (ylo was correct) The audacity of calling anyone a half-breed to thier back when you could face them easily as you could have at lunch bunch. You have shown all who read this board that you are a fake, a phony, and worst of all AFRAID!!!! I know how to take care of your type: all I need is to know where you are or tell me where you will meet me! You are a yellow belly, dirtbag, with a footwide yellow stripe down your spineless back. Hey, i.d. yourself, you yellowbelley (where are you from).......or go back to your hole forever. If brains were cotton, you would not have enough to make a tampax for a flea. Come out of your hole you S.O.B. or shut up!!