Here Is The Real Truth

You are right LLCoolJacket, it is eating at you, BeZerk and the rest of the anti-Gailey group. It is eating at the group because it is exposing the truth that your only goal is to get rid of Gailey and Braine.

You really do not want to see Tech win the first four games. It Tech wins the first four games, your agenda will be dead. You will be squirming if Tech beats BYU. In fact, you are already squirming

Father Time
Ahso, don't go there. I will get the damn transcript of the damn interview, and post it.

You so freely throw around the words fact and truth even though without lies, this damn post never gets started.
ahso said
Fine LLCool, go get your transcript and post it. I am not trying to keep anyone from posting anything they would like on the board.
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">And if he does I am sure you will have some cutsie response like "Oh LLCool can use a search engine."
Dave Tech, I don't use that type of hype. That must be your forte, as you just used it.

Father Time

We have just received a flash message. Braine has issued the order to Ahso and his agents to begin Operation BRAT

BRAT - Brainwash, Recruit, And Target

The internet is a prime source to find unexpecting and unknowing children to fill their ranks. All of you good and faithful GT parents with kids... don't let your kids fall victim to Ahso's evil agenda! We have already received a sattelite photo of Ahso and his agents in action:

That's funny, BEEzerk !!

I'm trying to go easy on ahso.. He's had a nice run this past offseason, pulling out the 7-6 at every opportunity while trying to protect his hero, gailey... He's actually been one of the better debaters... Problem is the season starts in a week.. The 7-6 fades in the distance as the games from the new season appear on the horizon... It's like last call for alcohol now for ahso... He's guzzling every drink he can get his hands on now 'cause soon the well-worn, tired arguments that he has used over and over are soon to be rendered inconsequential... Starting a week from today the bar lights come on... gailey HAS TO WIN.... and ahso's questionable array of factoids won't prop him up anymore...
Beebad..You just PROVED Ahsos point YOU DO NOT WANT GAILEY TO WIN..Plain and simple..AGAIN...YOU DO NOT WANT GAILEY TO WIN...THIS SOMEHOW MIGHT LEGITIMIZE YOU... This is the same MO for your little clan of 4 or 5 that post here regularly...
BeeBad, you don't have to take it easy on me. This has been easy. I have not had to work up a sweat to shine light on these subjects.

For instance, the facts that I have presented will never go away. They are here for as long as Tech is here. When you and I are both gone, the facts will remain.

Of course you are still throwing around false information, such as Gailey being my hero. I have no more attachment to Gailey than you. So, if he is my hero, then he is also your hero.

I do admit I want Tech to win this season. In fact, I would love to see them go 13-0. I confess to being a Tech fan.

The first year record of Gailey last year at 7-6 will always match the last 13 games of O'Leary's 7-6 regardless of what he does this year. So, you see, you cannot erase facts.

I don't know about guzzling the drinks, I am sitting here drinking a Dr. Pepper. However, I don't have any alcoholic beverages in the house, so it would be hard for me to be guzzling those drinks.

Just remember, after the season is finished, no matter what happens, you can reread every post I have originated and the facts presented will never change. All of the facts will still be here.

Keep digging BeeBad

By the way, I knew it was about your time to step up to the plate.

Father Time
Originally posted by ahsoisee:
Bezerk, keep digging!

Father Time
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">Just like the godfather says:


The truth is out there!

Your game is up Double Agent Ahso. Any "true Tech fan" would be part of the 20,000 (sic) season ticket holders, and cheer for the SA's at a location where the players could actually hear you. The Georgia Tech campus is enemy ground for you. You are afraid that your cover will be blown if you were to actually attend a game at BDS.

You have already admitted publicly to cheering for the Dawgs... You don't watch GT games on TV at all. We have your profile now Double Agent Ahso. We have an extraction team closing in on you. We will have you behind bars soon enough. You better be watching over your shoulder while you are up in Athens cheering on the mutts!

You never know who is hiding in the bushes:

ahso said
Dave Tech, I don't use that type of hype. That must be your forte, as you just used it.
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">No, then who said this?

ahso said
Dave Tech, you must have gone to a lot of trouble to search for that article, or did someone feed it to you.?
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">Guess it IS your forte.
Dave Tech, I sure did. Did you find that article on your own ititiative or did someone tell you about that article and have you post it?

Father Time
Bezerk, you are in a hole and digging it deeper. I have had season tickets in the past, and have attended many games in the past.

I have a three game package for this year, and will be there for those three games. As far as one of the 20,000 season ticket holders now, I will gladly become one if you will buy the season tickets for me each year.

I have never said I cheer for UGA, so you have just lied. I said, I want them and all State teams to win when they are playing out of State opponents.

Sometimes, I do not want them to win, such as their game against Clemson. I had rather for an ACC team to beat them. However if they are playing any teams other than Tech or the ACC teams, I prefer for them to win because they represent the State of Georgia.

That might not mean anything to a lot of fans and players because they are not from the State of Georgia. I was born here and raised here, so I want all Georgia teams to excell against out of State teams.

As far as looking over my shoulder for anyone after me, I would not give it a second thought. I can't think of anything I could worry about less than that threat.

I will repeat this again. There is only 100 complaint letters/calls/Emails that have been received at the GTAA which is all of the official complaints received. That equates to less than one half of one percent and certainly does not come near the 50% quoted as being the number of official complaints against Gailey.

I can keep repeating this and other truths as long as you want me to reply.

You have left being bezerk and have now become paranoid. Maybe, you should change your Stingtalk name from BeZerk to Paranoid.

Father Time
ahso said
Dave Tech, I sure did. Did you find that article on your own ititiative or did someone tell you about that article and have you post it?
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">Just an example of the cutsie remark I said you would make that you said you don't make. That part where you "don't use that type of hype."

Just give it up ahso. There is no one in this country making the money Clough or Braine make that give two hoots about 100 complaints. They respond to the money people quietly, or to lots more than 100 e-mails.

And by the way, the article I found has one hell of alot more truth than anything you have put up about so and so told so and so who told me and I can't say who - but trust me. Right, we trust you. Most of us call that unfounded rumor.
Dave Tech, your useless rantings about me mean nothing to me or most of the sane readers on the post.

The fact still remains only 100 complaints were received at the GTAA, and it is not going away. There is no way you can truthfully inflate the amount of official complaints. There is nothing you can do about it. It still stands.

You can Huff and Puff, you can Hokus Pokus, but you cannot change the official complaints received of 100.

Keep posting and keep digging though, there are others visiting this site by the hour and they can see the tally.

Thanks for keeping it alive.

Father Time
Ahso said
your useless rantings about me mean nothing to me or most of the sane readers on the post.
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">So now your pompus arrogant opinion speaks for everyone? Excuse me??????

ahso said
The fact still remains only 100 complaints were received at the GTAA
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">You haven't backed up your statement at all, I refuted you, you lied.

ahso said
but you cannot change the official complaints received of 100.
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">To quote Matthew McConaughey in How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days - B___LS__T
Gee thanks, you give me the chance to say it again. To make it easy, I will cut and paste each time.

Here is the real truth about the percentage of negative feedback from Tech fans regarding last year's season ending losses.

Dave Braine did a radio interview on 790 in mid-January...Chris/Nick asked him if he'd received many letters/calls/e-mails about how the football season ended...Dave said "yes, quite a few"...then Nick/Chris asked what percentage were negative, and Dave responded "35% or so."

The truth is the GTAA received no more than 200 letters/calls/Emails. Instead of 35% of the contacts received being negative, actually 50% of them were negative.

Some of the same people sent several negative letters/calls/Emails, but there were no more than the maximum of 200 people contacting the GTAA including those that were positive.

In reality if we apply 100 negative contacts out of 20,000 season ticket holders, that represents 0.5% of all season ticket holders that contacted the GTAA negatively.

If you guess we have 60,000 Tech fans, that represents 0.17% of the 60,000 Tech fans that contacted the GTAA negatively.

Now, for all the Tech grads, 0.17% and 0.5% is less than half of one percent. That means the amount of Tech fans contacting the GTAA negatively was extremely negligible.

So when you hear MsTA state that 35% to 50% of Tech fans were complaining to the GTAA about Gailey and Braine, remember, it was really only 35% to 50% of 200 letters/calls/Emails were negative.

As Paul Harvey would say, "now, you know the rest of the story.

Father Time
Ahso.. Why does Black Watch call you A Ho? Something going on between you 2 that you may care to share with us?... Not that I'm being critical, anything 2 consenting adults do in the comfort of their own homes is their business...
You must be unobservant, there are many on the board that shorten ahsoisee to Aho, or Ah. I think it is short for, pardon the expression, Ass Hole.

Father Time