Here Is The Real Truth

First, let me acknowledge my ignorance as to how this argument started as I have not been following this post.

But what the heck is everyone arguing about? Who cares whether 100 or 1,000,000 complaints were actually sent to the GTAA? After the Georgia fiasco, I would hazard to guess that all GT fans were pissed. Who cares how many of them crystalized their angst into physical letters to the GTAA? Personally, I think there were probably more than 100 negative complaints. But only a moron would think that 50% of the tech fan base actually sent in a complaint. Not because there wasn't that many of them, but because people are inherently lazy. It takes too much effort for most people to put pen to paper and mail it in.

So, substantively, I (and I think most reasonable people
) dismiss the idea that 50% of the fan base sent in complaints. But, as I said above, I think far more than 50% of the fan base were complaining after the GAg game.

Let it go people. We have a game in less than a week and I predict we're going to win it big. Focus on that...
Jack-it, I don't think you get it.

I posted some information for the board that they had not heard and to balance the false statement that had been made earlier.

I cannot help it if the core group continues their assault on me for posting it. I will not back down from the truth of the statement.

If one of the group attacks me and tries to ridicule the information, let it be known, I will reply to their attacks and false statements.

If they do not attack and present false statements, I will not add another post. But, I will not back down from anyone trying to strong-arm me. The ball is in their court.

Father Time
Double Agent Ahso,

We have now uncovered another item in your agenda to destroy GT Football and our athletics program.

I simply thought you were trying to get Gailey fired by inciting riots among the Tech family that you are not a part of. It is common knowledge that anyone that roots for the dawgs (like you do) is no real Tech fan. You are a brave one though Agent 517. Even though your cover has been blown, you still carry out your mission. You have been trained well by the evildoers that control you.

We have discovered your latest sinister plot however. We now understand why you are trying to convince real Tech fans that your LIES of the "100" complaints is not a figment of your imagination.

You are trying to get Braine fired. It makes perfect sense that you continue this made up story of the "100". Braine has made some excellent decisions lately and is starting to show true leadership and the vision to lead GT to upper echelons of college athletics. If GT succeeds, it spells certain doom for you and your organization of mutt lovers.

You are trying to make Braine look like a moron. Any sane person reading your lies of the "100" can see that. You are trying to convince everyone that Braine is such a moron that he sent a letter of confidence concerning Gailey for nothing more than "100" complaints. No intelligent person in this world would send out that kind of letter if only 100 complaints came in out of 60,000 fans. Anyone who might do that should obviously be fired. It was a good idea, but we have foiled your plan. No one believes your lies of the "100".

So now we have you on record as stating that Braine is a moron.

We already know what your next move is Double Agent Ahso. You are going to try and convince us that Gailey is a poor coach and emotionally weak person. You are going to try and convince us that a moron like Braine had to send that letter out to restore Gailey's confidence. It won't work. We don't believe your lies, and we support Gailey fully. We are real Tech fans, and we don't root for dawgs!

We will NOT fire Gailey, he is our leader and no lie you make up will convince us that he is not the person for Tech right now. We have now foiled your attempt to label Braine as a moron.

What is your next move Agent 517? Maybe we already know what it is!
Paranoid (Bezerk), I see you are still babbling and hallucinating.

Well, has the commander sent you this time? It appears to be a four man rotation. I guess I know who will be next.

The official tally is still a total of 100 complaints received at the GTAA.

You seem to have the capacity to babble incoherently, but you cannot answer the question as to why you want to inflate the complaints. I will post the questions to you again.

Evidently this piece of information is really detrimental to the core group trying to get rid of Gailey. You sure are putting a lot of effort into your name calling and smear tactics.

Why are you so insistent to try and inflate the complaints. What are you trying to accomplish by inflating the complaints? Why do you want the complaints to be a high figure? Can you name one motive for your want of high figures other than false ammunition to try to get rid of Gailey.

Can you explain your madness and how it eats at you that the complaints received at the GTAA is only 100?

Why not give us a good explanation of all this?

Come on Paranoid (Bezerk) Tech, surely you can come up with some excuse for this behavior.

Are you beginning to hear an echo in the huge hole you are digging?

Father Time
Double Agent Ahso,

Why are you trying to deflate the number of complaints? Why are you trying to make Braine look like a Moron?

Your propaganda machine is not working.

Real Tech fans have left 51-7 and Fresno St in the past. We are focussed on the future. You keep trying to bring up the past with your lies of the "100" hoping to discredit and undermine Braine's excellent leadership in recent months.

Go ahead and keep repeating your lies. You have been exposed for what you are! There is still hope for you though, you can be deprogrammed.

Shall I speak to my handler about bringing you in?
Jack_it, you are correct. Its just that Ahso likes to pull something out of the air, and then make a case about it.

What you have so succinctly stated is that who cares how many Tech fans actually wrote a complaint note to D. Braine. That number, in no way represented the entire lot of unhappy fans, as of January, 03.
Ahso does not really have an opinion on anything. He just reports "his" facts.

He does a masterful job of it too. He backs into a corner better than a three legged mouse.

Just watch his pattern.
Originally posted by LLCoolJacket:
Jack_it, you are correct. Its just that Ahso likes to pull something out of the air, and then make a case about it.

What you have so succinctly stated is that who cares how many Tech fans actually wrote a complaint note to D. Braine. That number, in no way represented the entire lot of unhappy fans, as of January, 03.
Ahso does not really have an opinion on anything. He just reports "his" facts.

He does a masterful job of it too. He backs into a corner better than a three legged mouse.

Just watch his pattern.
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">Ahso is very competitive & enjoys a good debate more than most.. For an old codger he's got a lot of stamina... ahso, you missed your calling, you would've made a great legislator (you could've filibustered with the best of 'em)...
Beebad..Besides the many here that think your a Buuuldawg...You would have fitted in well with the Clinton Adminstration..The biggest bunch of Liars and spinmeisters this Country has EVER known...You sure that isnt you James Carville?????
Originally posted by BLACK WATCH:
Beebad..Besides the many here that think your a Buuuldawg...You would have fitted in well with the Clinton Adminstration..The biggest bunch of Liars and spinmeisters this Country has EVER known...You sure that isnt you James Carville?????
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">Well, until Bush II came along,
Now Bellyseries..I have ALWAYS enjoyed your posts and thought you were cool..You dont really think there is ANY comparison do you??? The lieing and spinning with the Clinton White house has NO comparison...Beebad WOULD fit right in.....
Originally posted by BLACK WATCH:
Now Bellyseries..I have ALWAYS enjoyed your posts and thought you were cool..You dont really think there is ANY comparison do you??? The lieing and spinning with the Clinton White house has NO comparison...Beebad WOULD fit right in.....
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">Black Watch, I enjoy your posts too, and don't want to fight. But I can hear BeeBad telling us all about the African yellowcake threat just as easily as I can imagine him denying with embarrassment that that woman, Miss Lewinsky, was really very friendly.
omigod, my apologies to all-I had no idea we were taking this thread to FOUR PAGES.

my bad

Don't Care about all insinuations, inuendos, falsehoods, mis-spoken and pre-judgemental statements.

I still stand with Ahsoisee!!! I have no fight with anyone and I have no dog in this fight (as the saying goes; do not know all it means but I like the sound of it).

Still, I know something of the character of this man and choose to stand by his side or back to back as the case may call for.

Long live that which is RIGHT/TRUTH !!!!!
RE: Beebad's statement:.. only Dem I ever pulled the lever on was Zell Miller (once)....

Sorry BB cannot remember from "chat" what year you showed up on the Atlanta scene, but if you did not vote for Maddox, I am somewhat let down.
Apart from this: Only dem I ever voted for was :
Maddox, Brinkly (once), and of course, Marvin Griffin.

same claptrap. You are repeating yourself and continuing to say nothing. Only 100 complaints are you daft? No reasonable human being will accept that. I stand by my statements.

You say there were only 100 complaints and I say you are full of it. We will just have to agree to disbelieve each other.


timeless father

No man is an idiot until he touches a keyboard.
Ahso, as I stated earlier, I will do everything possible to attain the transcript of that interview with Braine in January. I will even pay a reasonable amount.
I am most curious about how you will respond if you are proven wrong. You have already alluded to an inability to back down in a post not too long ago.

If you want to make me learn the archive feature here, I will.
Bezerk, Dave Tech, LLCooLJacket, and BeeBad.

I will state with authority, when I make a statement of fact, I can back it up. Anytime you want to take one of my facts injected on Stingtalk, it can be proved.

When I offer something as an opinion, it is just an opinion.

If you call one of my statements a lie, be able to back it up. You are liable on the internet to prove claims of libel against another person.

Another thing, BeeSerk, you will make no more overt or veiled threats against me. I will pursue the next veiled or overt threat against me, and you will have to face the authorities.

To all four of you, be willing to back up any false statement you have made against me in these posts. I certainly will be willing to back up any statement I have made.

I assure you I can back up the statement made about the official total of 100 complaints of letters/calls/Emails received at the GTAA. In fact anyone on the board can verify this at the GTAA.

You have pushed me to the point of revealing a lot more than I intended to reaveal about the effort by a few to oust Gailey. It will come on a separate thread.

I have tried to keep some names out of the discussions that are integral in the events leading up to the possible dissention on last years team and the wrath against Gailey. Because of the false attacks, I feel it is proper at this time to post it on the board.

The following are many statements and a few threats made against me. Some called me a liar, attempted to defame me, and false statements against me that cannot be backed up by the four mentioned posters. Again, I assure you I can back up my statements.

Even when I made a statement that you lied, I can back it up with your own posts. I have copied and pasted all of your past posts involved, so I have them in the original postings.

Shall I speak to my handler about bringing you in?

Go ahead and keep repeating your lies.

You keep trying to bring up the past with your lies of the "100" hoping to discredit and undermine Braine's excellent leadership in recent months.

It is common knowledge that anyone that roots for the dawgs (like you do) is no real Tech fan.
You have been trained well by the evildoers that control you.

We now understand why you are trying to convince real Tech fans that your LIES of the "100" complaints is not a figment of your imagination.
You are trying to get Braine fired.

If GT succeeds, it spells certain doom for you and your organization of mutt lovers.

You are trying to make Braine look like a moron
Any sane person reading your lies of the "100" can see that. You are trying to convince everyone that Braine is such a moron that he sent a letter of confidence concerning Gailey for nothing more than "100" complaints.

No one believes your lies of the "100".

So now we have you on record as stating that Braine is a moron.

We already know what your next move is Double Agent Ahso. You are going to try and convince us that Gailey is a poor coach and emotionally weak person. You are going to try and convince us that a moron like Braine had to send that letter out to restore Gailey's confidence. It won't work. We don't believe your lies, and we support Gailey fully.

We will NOT fire Gailey, he is our leader and no lie you make up will convince us that he is not the person for Tech right now. We have now foiled your attempt to label Braine as a moron.

Ahso is a Double Agent. Technically he is known as Agent 517. Agent 517 has admitted to lusting after victories for the red and black to sastify his carnal desires. Agent 517 is attempting brain wash the kids of GT fans and alumni with his "100" number.

Agent 517 is attempting brain wash the kids of GT fans and alumni with his "100" number. If he repeats that mantra enough, all the little ones who cheer for the White and Gold will enter into a trance like state and actually believe that Agent 517 (Ahsoisee) speaks the truth. He can then recruit them into his inner circle and then force them to either cheer for tech, or cheer against them (like he does).

That is his agenda.. to turn good GT fans against the program and other GT fans.

He must keep the numbers equal. He must make sure that 50% of GT fans think that everything is good, and 50% must think that things are bad.

He is trying to start a war between these two groups. He wants GT to fail.We are onto his plan and are taking preventative measures. The real Tech fans have put plans for a counter attack into motion.

We will deploy our super secret agent to follow Agent 517 (Ahsoisee).

Maybe you have heard of our secret agent before?
He keeps records of what you say, think, or do.

He tracks your every move. When he sees a chance to brainwash you, he attacks and turns you against your fellow GT friends. Oh, what an evil mastermind he is.

The Georgia Tech campus is enemy ground for you.

You have already admitted publicly to cheering for the Dawgs... You don't watch GT games on TV at all.

We have an extraction team closing in on you. We will have you behind bars soon enough. You better be watching over your shoulder while you are up in Athens cheering on the mutts!

The internet is a prime source to find unexpecting and unknowing children to fill their ranks. All of you good and faithful GT parents with kids... don't let your kids fall victim to Ahso's evil agenda! We have already received a sattelite photo of Ahso and his agents in action:

Umm, your buddy AHso hasn't posted a single fact either. He has only posted rumor
AHso has NOT posted a single fact in this thread.

Ahso's "100" is complete bull shiite. It is message board rumor with no basis in fact.
Ahso is "blowing smoke" as much as anyone else on this board.

just ignore Ahso. He is posting rumors and trying to cause trouble on this board. He knows it is not fact, and only rumor.

Ahso is just mad because no one will believe his made up story.

Ahso could easily prove to us that his rumors are fact, but he won't do it. He is simply "blowing smoke.

The facts are you have posted rumors, and you have not revealed a source to prove them as facts.

It is just Modus Operandi for these guys. I have been studying Ahso and his cronies. I know what they are up to. They are being subtle, but if you look closely enough you can see what they are doing. They have an agenda to split Tech fans apart. They don't want Tech to really succeed.

Under cover of being "true fans", they are trying to create a group of "anti-tech fans" that will root against the team, because they ultimately want Tech to fail. Ahso is the leader, and they are conducting a covert war to pit Tech fans against each other.

First, they went after the easy targets... those who have a prejudice against Gailey. Now, they are trying put people like you and me, who want to wait and see what happens before passing judgement, into the Chan basher category.

They have conducted a flanking maneuver. Pretty good idea, but luckily I saw it coming. The more people they can put into the "anti-chan" crowd, the more legit their cover of "true fans" appears to everyone else. A brilliant strategy actually. I guess you could call them "double agents".

It all sounds plausible to me! Oh yeah, one of my sources has told me that Braine may in fact be the leader himself of this group. That fishing trip out to Denver was just a cover up for a secret meeting to finalize their attack plans.

I am sure that all of this is true, and the evildoers of Ahso and his agents frequent this website

Just as you state some lame opinion out of the blue and then defy anyone to disprove it.

Apparently you slept through Logic 101 because you are flunking it now.

So now your pompus arrogant opinion speaks for everyone? Excuse me??????

You haven't backed up your statement at all, I refuted you, you lied.

And if he does I am sure you will have some cutsie response like "Oh LLCool can use a search engine."

you look rediculous continuing to claim there are only 100 complaints - period

2)I am trying to explain that you are using bad data (lies) as a foundation for your case
Well ahso which one was it? You have no clue because you did not hear the interview. For God sakes, your children need to take away your internet priviliges for a while.

AHSO ALERT, everyone... He's making things up again, and he believes it!

If you are truly mentally incapacitated, I apologize. If you are physically incapacitated, I feel for you. If not, get off your dead ass and go to a ball game or two. Wal Mart always hires idiots for customer greeters. Work 20 hours,..... and bing, bang, boom.. you have marta fare and 30 bucks to buy a ticket.

You may not be an idiot, but you play one on the internet.

Once again, ahso, you have tried to derive facts to plug into your "answer machine".

You have attempted to say that only 100 of the entire fan base was "disen Chan ded" prior to Braine's letter. Is that it?

You actually think that only the truly peed off sent a letter? Get a life, man!

I was wrong! I originally stated that Ahso's post was based on incomplete data. His incomplete data is actually false.

You don't care though. You have happily presented your case based on a foundation of lies.

You then defend your position by daring frustrated posters to refute your facts (lies).

Great read BEEs, but Ahso to me is a guy that loves to argue just for the sake of it. When he doesn't have facts he just makes it up as he goes.

Not that I'm being critical, anything 2 consenting adults do in the comfort of their own homes is their business...

He's had a nice run this past offseason, pulling out the 7-6 at every opportunity while trying to protect his hero, gailey..

It's like last call for alcohol now for ahso... He's guzzling every drink he can get his hands on now.

ahso's questionable array of factoids won't prop him up anymore..

Sorry, ahso... You are now proven to be a liar with cold, hard, facts...

NC.. here is the link that exposes ahsoisee as the liar that he is

Father Time
Originally posted by bellyseries:
omigod, my apologies to all-I had no idea we were taking this thread to FOUR PAGES.

my bad

<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">durn right you should be sorry. YOu went and derailed a perfectly good conspiracy story. I was hoping to turn this transcript into a screen play or something.