Here Is The Real Truth

When I called and talked to the person I was venting to this 35-50% was not 100 emails/letters - don't you wish!

Mr. Braine is a worse AD then thought if he indeed sent that letter to ALL OF US and it should have been sent to 100! If he indeed was only worried about the big money contributors, then that letter should have gone to them ONLY!

I got one and so did every other season tix holder BECAUSE it was many, many more then 100 complaining! How illogical is this to open a can of worms to the entire season tix holder base when you need only express yourself to your 'SWEET 100'!

That letter was to calm the masses, not the minority! No, fellas - that letter was in response to all of us who called with concerns and it wasn't 100!
To Beebad and Mstech...A bit dog always hollers...
Me thinks Aho has the facts straight as he spelled it out so well..You 2 just dont like the truth..
As far as credibilty Beebad..The majority here have smoked you two out..Aho is a very reasonable and logical poster..He spells out the facts which you two have major problems with.....
BeeBad, you told me a while back you were going to save my post where I predicted Tech to go 7-5. I have just predicted the same 7-5 record in another post in the last couple of days.

Your memory sure is short. Where is the post you said you had saved?

I think your memory works according to your agenda.

Father Time
Ahso, I've got no beef with you but I believe you are practicing "bulldawg" math.

The people who contacted the AA can only be considered a sample from the larger population that constitutes all Tech fans. Normally if you sampled the population in a representative manner then the % of the sample would be a good predictor of the % in the population. Therefore your 50% dissatisfaction on your sample could be used to infer that 50% of Tech fans are dissatisfied.

Now, this is clearly not a representative sample, since someone who is unhappy is more likely to bitch and contact the AA. Therefore I would say that 50% dissatisfaction point estimate is too high.

However, I bet it ain't far off. To imply that this proves that less than 1% of Tech fans are dissatisfied is, well, ludicrous, IMHO.
Originally posted by ahsoisee:

I always make it a point to stand outside of the Forest and look at it, rather than look at it from the middle of the forest. That is my forte. I do not get involved in it emotionally. I get involved from an analytical basis and one of searching for the truth.

Since I am not a supporter of Gailey nor O'Leary, I can look at things objectively. I support whichever coach is at Tech at the time. I am more a supporter of Tech sports rather than the coach himself.

Father Time[/QB]
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">
Originally posted by ahsoisee:

I always make it a point to stand outside of the Forest and look at it, rather than look at it from the middle of the forest. That is my forte. I do not get involved in it emotionally. I get involved from an analytical basis and one of searching for the truth.

Since I am not a supporter of Gailey nor O'Leary, I can look at things objectively. I support whichever coach is at Tech at the time. I am more a supporter of Tech sports rather than the coach himself.

Father Time[/QB]
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">Ahso,
That's great to hear! So you are the one person around here who offers pure truth and objectivity? It might be a little dangerous to think so highly of oneself. I, on the other hand, have a funny feeling that everyone on this board operates from some subjective perspective of their sense of what's right for the Tech community and makes arguments accordingly.
Ramblinwise, I am not practicing anything. What is your problem here?

Read this slowly. There were only 100 letters/calls/Emails received at the GTAA that were complaints.

MsTA had stated that 50% of the season ticket holders and fans had complained to the GTAA about Gailey after the UGA and Fresno State game.

Is everybody with me so far? Anyone in the whole wide world can see that 100 complaints received is not 50% of the 20,000 season ticket holders MsTA used, nor 50% of the fan base.

My statement was that MsTA's post was inaccurate. I used 100 divided by 20,000 and 100 divided by an arbitrary number (60,000) Tech fans to prove beyond all doubt to anybody in the world that knows math, that 100 complaints "is not" 50% of season ticket holders nor 50% of the fan base.

I made no other assertions than to show that the 50% post was inaccurate.

Now anyone that has the simplest math knowledge should be able to see this. It is not bulldog math, Tech math, Alabama math, etc, it is math at its simplest. Anyone that cannot see this has a heap of problems.

I am not reporting samples, I am not reporting guesses as to how many might have been upset, I am reporting the number and percentage of complaints actually received. Did I lose anyone?

Father Time
Originally posted by ahsoisee:
Ramblinwise, I am not practicing anything. What is your problem here?

Read this slowly. There were only 100 letters/calls/Emails received at the GTAA that were complaints.

MsTA had stated that 50% of the season ticket holders and fans had complained to the GTAA about Gailey after the UGA and Fresno State game.

Is everybody with me so far? Anyone in the whole wide world can see that 100 complaints received is not 50% of the 20,000 season ticket holders MsTA used, nor 50% of the fan base.

My statement was that MsTA's post was inaccurate. I used 100 divided by 20,000 and 100 divided by an arbitrary number (60,000) Tech fans to prove beyond all doubt to anybody in the world that knows math, that 100 complaints "is not" 50% of season ticket holders nor 50% of the fan base.

I made no other assertions than to show that the 50% post was inaccurate.

Now anyone that has the simplest math knowledge should be able to see this. It is not bulldog math, Tech math, Alabama math, etc, it is math at its simplest. Anyone that cannot see this has a heap of problems.

I am not reporting samples, I am not reporting guesses as to how many might have been upset, I am reporting the number and percentage of complaints actually received. Did I lose anyone?

Father Time
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">Story Time !! 2 men sitting at the bar notice an elderly gentleman sitting across the bar from them ... One says to the other, "See that elderly genteleman across the bar?.. Bet he's got lots of stories to tell... wonder what it costs not to hear 'em?".........
Deacjacket, did I say I was the only one around here who attempts to offer pure truth and objectivity, or is that something you dreamed up?

Find any quote where I said I was the only one trying to be objective about Gailey and last season. You can't.

In fact, there have been many on the board who have been objective and seeking the truth about the season.

Did I say I think highly of myself, or is that another item you have dreamed up?

If you think everyone on this board is acting in the best interest of Tech, instead of their own personal interest, I have a bridge to sell you.

There are some on this board who are putting their personal agenda ahead of this year's Tech season. If you missed it, one person came on the board and admitted he wanted Tech to lose the first four games and then for Braine and Gailey to be fired.

If you think that poster is wanting what is best for this football team, then I know you are a good candidate to buy the bridge.

Father Time
Well it is obvious BeeBad has no facts or anything interesting, back to the attack mode.

When someone cannot present facts or intelligently rebut a topic, they always revert to attacking.


Sorry, ahso... You are now proven to be a liar with cold, hard, facts... You live by facts & you die by facts, ahso... Do you want cremation or burial by see?....

When braine did the interview on 790 after his infamous "letter" I took notes then posted it on the other board.. Mr. lawbee linked to my report for those here on StingTalk.. (StingTalk had not yet been graced with my presence here).. While the superior StingTalk format allows for archiving, the other board doesn't... So we can't see my original report.. But it is apparent from the posts that follow what the words were... Noone disputes the 35-40% number, even crackerjacket or Mr. lawbee.... Even ylo has some rather stunning commentary for us...

Take a walk down memory lane folks... and to my good friend, ahsoisee...... ahsoisay, "Tough luck old man"..... The smoking gun link: THE LINK OF THE TRUTH
Originally posted by ahsoisee:
Ramblinwise, I am not practicing anything. What is your problem here?

Read this slowly. There were only 100 letters/calls/Emails received at the GTAA that were complaints.

MsTA had stated that 50% of the season ticket holders and fans had complained to the GTAA about Gailey after the UGA and Fresno State game.

Is everybody with me so far? Anyone in the whole wide world can see that 100 complaints received is not 50% of the 20,000 season ticket holders MsTA used, nor 50% of the fan base.

My statement was that MsTA's post was inaccurate. I used 100 divided by 20,000 and 100 divided by an arbitrary number (60,000) Tech fans to prove beyond all doubt to anybody in the world that knows math, that 100 complaints "is not" 50% of season ticket holders nor 50% of the fan base.

I made no other assertions than to show that the 50% post was inaccurate.

Now anyone that has the simplest math knowledge should be able to see this. It is not bulldog math, Tech math, Alabama math, etc, it is math at its simplest. Anyone that cannot see this has a heap of problems.

I am not reporting samples, I am not reporting guesses as to how many might have been upset, I am reporting the number and percentage of complaints actually received. Did I lose anyone?

Father Time
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">Nevermind!!!
I understand to some degree what Ahso is saying and what MsTech is saying.

1. Some of the "complaining" (no matter the number was simple knee-jerk reaction). Those of you who studied statistics will easily see this.

2. Some of the "complaining" was about Braine's manner of doing his job or lack there of. (I rather suspect the majority here).

3. Some of the "complaining" (I would guess a good deal lesser amount were about Gailey exclusively).

4. Some of the complaining was "other".

5. Some of the complaining was "other, plus other".

As some have aptly stated (inclusion and pharapharsing tolerated):

a. It is put up or shut up time for the program. Till then, I think all of us ought to either support all things from water boy to President or just hide and watch.
b. It is "Are you ready for some football!!!!" time.
c. It is time to put all differences aside and fight the opposing teams and be a 100% supporter of Tech.

In conclusion: I agree witht the spirit in which each poster defends his/her posts and viewpoints.
I also think that focus needs to shift from everthing but BYU and our team, and our schedule.
Give Clough a rest, Braine a rest, Dr. Moore a rest, especially Gailey and all the staff a rest.
And put all energy toward young men who 2 months to 5 years ago decided they wanted to play football for Georgia Tech. It does not matter who gets fired, scolded, sent to the hospital for emotional rest, or what else: damage to the program, shots at the program, questioning the program, etc., all do damage to the team (the guys we owe the most to for giving themselves to win for Tech. Forgive me, but wasn't it Martin Luther who said (if not I don't care who did say it, if applys perfectly here): "It is much better to light ONE LITTLE CANDLE, than curse the darkness."
Awhile back, in this thread, someone alluded to the fact that everyone things himself/herself right. It is true: Folks, I am right here. We can continue to drag down "things" or boster them.
And please don't give me the old saw that "prospective recruits not do read this, or recruits do not read this, or out team does that read this, nor that it never affects anything. If you are of that pursuasion, you are incorrect (and this indeed has been proven as well as correctly suspected).

I question no one's long term loyalty to Tech. I question anyone's loyalty who continues from this moment on (before the first kick-off) who is critical and demeaning to any part of our school/program.

There will be plenty of room after the first game: there is no room now.

(Forgive my misspellings until we get a spell-checker)
First do we really have to do this???

Listen, the FACT is nobody knows how many Tech fans there are, how many were upset, and what percentage are still upset. The number of complaints received isn't the answer and the estimate by someone at GTAA isn't either. The only thing I believe is true is that neither MsTA or ahsoisee know the real answer, because NOBODY DOES!

Bottom line is a lot of us were upset particularly about the Ga game. Why not focus on the new season and hope we all get enough good news to forget about it (or at least not dwell on it). I tell you, sometimes we make my kids look reasonable.
BEEBAD: I in a post some time ago posted an apology to you for my immature behavior and "ugliness". Both of us have pretty well exchanged barbs from time to time; but since then, I have grown fond of you even though from time to time, I still cannot go along with your view point/position/ reasonings.

"Now, please, let's all 'bury the hatchet' into BYU, and not one another. Thanks buddy, I like you even if you disagree with me.
BeeBad, that's fine, but my point is even Braine doesn't know what the universe of Tech fans think. 35-40% may be his best guess but that's all it is, an educated guess. I would agree that 1%is a ludicrously low number. Hell, I'll bet that many were pissed about something when we won the MNC. The point many of us are trying to make is it doesn't matter.
Hey, belly, don't you know that both you and I are truly European: we have to realize that we have to have a "whatacallit"; You are still my true love!!!!
We have to tease around for enjoyment; even with others if need be. (After all, you have given me no satisfaction for months!!!!!!)
ahso said
There were only 100 letters/calls/Emails received at the GTAA that were complaints.
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">Ahso I have a bridge in Baghdad to sell you. If for one minute you believe Clough sent out a letter of support and DB took his e-mail down and quit reading for 100 letters/calls/e-mails you are sadly mistaken.