Housing Policy......................................

Sorry To but in but I have people on both sides of this close to me. I will say as much as I hate to admit in terms of business and law the mutts have got it. Now in terms of scienece and tech if you hold your head high with a mutt degree in engineering that's sad and shameful.
well yeah considering tech doesn't have a law school
As a KSU graduate / sidewalk fan making a very good living for myself, this thread screams of an inferiority complex. Who gives a flying eff about a degree when it relates to a kid playing CFB, CBB, golf etc? Some of you have a real hard time understanding the difference between a SA and general student.

As others have pointed out, there are plenty of people with Associate Degrees or no college degree at all who make solid livings with less stress than most of us. I don’t get the “we’re better than everyone else” mindset, yet complain how “unfair” it is that other schools in the ACC, SEC are better programs with a much higher NIL collective, etc.
As a KSU graduate / sidewalk fan making a very good living for myself, this thread screams of an inferiority complex. Who gives a flying eff about a degree when it relates to a kid playing CFB, CBB, golf etc? Some of you have a real hard time understanding the difference between a SA and general student.

As others have pointed out, there are plenty of people with Associate Degrees or no college degree at all who make solid livings with less stress than most of us. I don’t get the “we’re better than everyone else” mindset, yet complain how “unfair” it is that other schools in the ACC, SEC are better programs with a much higher NIL collective, etc.
I, too, am shocked that people are talking shit about their biggest rival on a college football internet message board
I, too, am shocked that people are talking öööö about their biggest rival on a college football internet message board
Wow. This went directly over your head. You proved your level of insecurity here. I didn’t even mention uga by name, and even lumped in the other ACC / SEC schools around GT with the same degree options, etc. But please go on…….
Wow. This went directly over your head. You proved your level of insecurity here. I didn’t even mention uga by name, and even lumped in the other ACC / SEC schools around GT with the same degree options, etc. But please go on…….
Obviously. This thread has nothing to do with uga “academics.”
So what you are saying then, is that there are good people on both sides. Clemson, what with all the orange, maybe, but from the cesspool of evil redness, I'm not going to buy that at face value. The only direct evidence I have is that I know of one young uga business grad, intern at my wife's company who demonstrated some difficulty in doing a 10% calculation so my skepticism remains higher than giraffe pussy.
I should have been more specific, I'm talking outside of the football team I do know some people that are geniuses that go there, so may be personal expierience.
I had taken this 'math' elective over one summer while at GT in 95'. I think it was math for mgt. I was just trying to get hours to graduate and didn't want to add another English class. CJ Williams came to class maybe only 3-4 times as I recall. It was only a class of about 40 students. On the flipside, Grant Baynham (TE) was my lab partner in Optics (Physics III I think at the time). He came in most lectures and was there every day for lab but half the time like me he didn't know what was going on.
I had taken this 'math' elective over one summer while at GT in 95'. I think it was math for mgt. I was just trying to get hours to graduate and didn't want to add another English class. CJ Williams came to class maybe only 3-4 times as I recall. It was only a class of about 40 students. On the flipside, Grant Baynham (TE) was my lab partner in Optics (Physics III I think at the time). He came in most lectures and was there every day for lab but half the time like me he didn't know what was going on.
There is no worse feeling than thinking "everyone else seems to be getting this, but me".
There is no worse feeling than thinking "everyone else seems to be getting this, but me".

lol dude that was me for basically the first two years. I went from skating through high school blind and being an alpha to being a bottom feeder at GT. I was just happy I survived and welcomed ANY curve. I look back now and still don't know how I made it out but I did lol.
Y'all thought Tech was hard?
I have hard for you.
