I’m still mad and I will never get over this

She’s learned over the years that I become irrational on gameday and that a GT win is better for everyone. The saying “happy wife, happy life” is inverted in this house on gameday.
Anyone who says and genuinely lives by "happy wife, happy life" has been cheated on repeatedly.
She’s learned over the years that I become irrational on gameday and that a GT win is better for everyone. The saying “happy wife, happy life” is inverted in this house on gameday.
Not sure why this warranted a clown from @BuzzCzar but I guess that’s to be expected since he’s been douching up the board since his return.
I still haven’t gotten over these games: 71 76 78 95(crazy wobbly line drive field goal that should never have made it goes through the uprights somehow someway to break my heart. and we can’t make one from the 10 yard line this year.) 1997 just a killer. And too many more to mention.

Every kind of critical fumble, bad PIcall , missed FG, broken down marker chain links giving a first down. Any and everything you imagine to send me to the depths of hell.

And I don’t even get me started on what happened for most of the 2000s.

God I need a drink.
When I was a young man, I consoled myself with thinking the ridiculous losses would eventually even out over my lifetime. That we would get the screwy bounces and calls at some future date. Older and wiser, I now know one of two things is happening. Possibly the Simulation has been programmed to break my heart around Thanksgiving every year lest I become the thing I hate most (ie as obnoxious as an uga fan).

More likely, though, is there is some Satanic power at work. The refs making those calls in the 70's, 80's, and 90's are probably dead and buried, but the same thing is still happening. That makes me believe the refs' vision is being distorted at critical times by some unseen force. We have hit that upright repeatedly. IIRC, our kickers hit it three times in a row (or three out of four) over the 96/98 games. Could they have done that with a scoped rifle? No Way, man, No Way. The 95 FG you mention was on a wet field, and the uga kicker threw up more mud than a tractor pull. Did he hit the upright? Of course not. It Went Thru! I have to admit grudging admiration for the creativity of whatever power is behind all this. That is what makes 99 (we fumbled two punts in the second half but Oh Jasper) and 14 (Richt calling the TO to allow us to get set up for the FG) so special. That Power can be defeated.
You don’t get over it. You hold the hate hot all year, you do whatever you can for the program, and next year you actually show up in greater numbers than the dwags at mbs and watch Tech beat them like a red and black headed step child. This program has risen from its ashes and we’re on the verge of greatness.

Another thing I’ll add is this. We obviously have the money judging by the way we’ve recruited this year. Who would have thought? They make paying recruits legal and all of a sudden we have a more level playing field. Believe in Brent Key. Do whatever you can and there’s no reason next year top 20 doesn’t become top 10 class.
Thread winner.
Congratulations!!!! My kids a ways off, but I think about it more than I should, but I really hope my kids get into Tech. It is a life changing institution.
Make sure that they don't get discouraged if they get a conditional acceptance and have to go somewhere else and maintain a good GPA for a year. Rules Jr. did that, and now he has a GT AE degree.

An other benifit was his GPA was so good at SPSU that it kept his overall high enough to keep the Hope scholarship for the entire time.
Also - if you think you were mad immediately after the game, the current mutt chatter is that Bobo is going to retire at end of season. And of course our game convinced all of their fans that the replacement must be Buster.
Also - if you think you were mad immediately after the game, the current mutt chatter is that Bobo is going to retire at end of season. And of course our game convinced all of their fans that the replacement must be Buster.
I've heard something similar.
Bobo is out and they're coming after Buster. This is from a source who was talking to folks at Tech earlier this week.
Now I know how the villagers in Pompei felt like.
Water was running, children were running
You were running out of time
Under the mountain, a golden fountain
Were you praying at the Lares' shrine?
But, whoa, oh, your city lies in dust, my friend
Whoa, oh, your city lies in dust, my friend