I have some more coaching news

How bout this?

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You just gave me a new idea. Bare with me. It might be blasphemy (still better than TQM ugay love). It's raw and needs work I'm sure. I'm also sure you old farts are gonna whine:

Tech should partner with one of the car manufacturers to create a new "Wreck"- not an Italian made super sports car, but a GT-made super sports car made with students involved. We can still drive both on the field. Or maybe we can switch. Whatever.
It's not about that. It's about the hype generated from the new hire which is vital right now for convincing high in demand kids to come play for us and we have a bunch of Tech fans going around telling everyone it's not gonna happen because they would rather tell everyone they're idiots to make themselves look smart. The way you project yourself to others carries a lot of weight, even if you currently dont have what it takes to back it up. These fans are doing a disservice to the program and they're not even aware of it. Think about it like this, you wanna go out with the hottest girl in school but you're the biggest nerd in school. Someone is giving you a make over and telling you, you're gonna öööö the prom queen so act like it and the whole time, to avoid disappointment, you're saying nah she wont like me, I dont know why I'm even trying. Then because you have no confidence in yourself, still nobody likes you and you end up taking your cousin to the prom or you dont go. Then you tell yourself, well I knew it wasnt gonna work anyway, this was a waste of time. It's a self-fullfilling bs prophecy.

We're not gonna be that nerd anymore. We're gonna be the nerd that öööös the prom queen.

and the people said, "Amen." Awesome post- thank you.
On bball, recruiting might actually improve if they did play golf and not go on the road.
It’s only the Johnsonians that are pessimistic. Same thing happened with the Gailey fans when he was canned.

I think there will be a major difference in recruiting after being privy to the process of recruitment of Mike Barret, and seeing the how we never got him on campus when his coach went and played at GT. Not to mention that he wanted to go to Tech originally.

I’m pretty ööööing excited that we have someone that comprehends what GT can offer to not only the player but also the families.

Well, I’m one of the folks that will greatly miss PJ. But I’ve accepted the fact he’s not our coach, the 3O is gone and we are moving in a new direction. And I choose to be optimistic.

I think the following is more accurate:

Disagree, there is a subset of the fanbase that are miserable öööös and öööö on everything that happens to GT regardless of coach. There were people sitting around me during the Gailey years that would öööö on our players for the entire length of every home game, regardless of how we were actually doing on the field.
Will Glover is coming aboard as an assistant. Not sure what position. He was a WR coach I think Bethune Cookman.