I think 6 or 7 wins is possible this season

We lost by 31 pts. We had 86 penalty yds, they had 10. We had a little over 200 yds of offense, they had almost 400. We were 2/16 on 3d down, they were 7/16. We had two punts blocked. IMHO, we were beat soundly. Fans thinking this game was reason for optimism just shows what an incredibly low state the program has sunk to.

How much of that disparity came over the quarter and a half? We were quite clearly in the game when it was 14-10, and likely would have been winning if not for the blocked punt.

I think pretty much all of the criticism directed at Collins has been fair and on point, but let's not act like this was a 4-quarter butt kicking. Clemson pulled away late when our defense was gassed and they chose to keep piling on the points after we'd waved the white flag, which is their prerogative.
What do you want here? All of us expected to lose. We weren't beat soundly they needed two blocked punts and Dabo being a dick to cover the spread. You clearly have not watched much football if you think this was a öööö performance by tech.

While I'm upset by the öööö decisions made by cgc, im pretty optimistic about the seas9n based on what I saw tonight, I'm not sure any team left on our schedule, not named uga, could beat us, the way we played tonight, without two blocked punts.

It's hard to be optimistic about the season when the same stupid mistakes keep happening year after year. I mean do you really believe that this was not a shit performance? Special teams are 1/3 of the game and we failed miserably in that phase. Our OL performed like shit - hell our OL knows the snap count yet they committed numerous false start penalties at the most critical times. Our did D play with great effort and success but that doesn't erase the fact that we sucked eggs in 2 of the 3 phases of football. I'm no football coach but I have a hard time believing we can beat much of anyone if we play like we did last night.
I think there IS reason for SOME optimism, but it is in the offensive coaching, and not the head coaching.
There was a slight silver lining. However; we do have a depth issue. That much is clear. As for the play calling and coaching, I continue to give them a solid F. Collins has the worst game management skills. I foresee another 3 win season. Maybe 4 wins... But, we cannot compete with team with better talent. But, don't worry... We're still going though the greatest transition in college football history. I'm sure, we'll be great, once Collins get his players in place... At least, that is what I have heard the last 2-3 years. We'll hear that in year 4 too...
If our offense isn't playing well, nobody ever credits the defense we are playing.

If our defense plays good, oh it must mean the offense we are playing sucks.
Probably because we were #95 in offense and #110 in defense last season. While having a bottom-half strength of schedule.
The only good news is we can still win 7 games with the schedule we got. We still wouldn't be a good team, but we'd at least we'd shake the loser moniker that's hanging around our program's neck.
The only good news is we can still win 7 games with the schedule we got. We still wouldn't be a good team, but we'd at least we'd shake the loser moniker that's hanging around our program's neck.
In what world has our current head coach shown he can coach a GT team to 7 wins? It ain’t happening. He simply is incapable. He has a better chance of running a 5 minute mile. Listen, the ACC is a joke but at least these other teams who all played like garbage in week 1 have coaches who can at least try and “clean it up”. Our coach has no idea how to clean anything up. It was game 1 after weeks of whatever he calls practice and we couldn’t even punt the ball properly. And our OLine obviously have never been taught the rules of the game. These ACC teams that looked like garbage are looking at GT to get their win. We are looking at Duke for our win.
... I could see 6 wins if we fired Collins and promoted Long or Weinke.

On an interim basis, not permanent. A decent high school coordinator could have done better with game management than Gef did Monday night.
At a minimum he should turn all of these gameday decisions over to Long, doesnt even have to make it public, just tell Long in private he wants to here his opinion over the radio and then Collins can just do whatever he says.

Or just hire a high school head coach to be your get back guy and he'll tell you when to call timeouts
Ok willl admit been on at least six tech blogs andbeen a fan for over 70 yrs so explain why we dont honor the tech colors........all blue aint a tech color..where are the dodd unis
The Ole Miss game imwo, is the key to not only the season, but CGC's future as a HC in P5. They are about the 5th or 6th best team in the sec and should not be confused with their team last year. They wouldn't win the Coastal, much less the Atlantic. Sure, they are a "good" team, but after 2 games against an elite team and a small program, we should show against OM just how much we have improved. OM is an entire level down from uga/Clem, so our being competitive isn't too much to ask well into the 4th year. Lose this one badly and we have a looong season ahead, but win it or look impressive---bring on the floundering Coastal.
But, you must remember Lane Kiffin is a damn good coach.