Is this what Chan Gailey was like?

Part of CCG’s problem was that he couldn’t leave the OC alone to run the offense they wanted and call the plays they wanted to. He went thru about 3 OC’s and the onfield results were identical. If he had left Bill O’brien alone (like he didi Tenuta) and let him run the Friedgen offense (as promised) we would have won a lot more games imo.
THIS....CCG dumped one of the most prolific offensive systems in college football. Ran off one of the brightest young assistant coaches (O'brien) and replaced him with one of the worst OC's ever (Nix). If we could have maintained the offensive performance under O'Leary with Tenuta's D, we would have won far more games.
Lemme put it this way: if you could go back in time and change one of those losses to a win, which one would you pick?
All of them, including Wake in 2002, which was a death by 1,000 cuts,, and Wake in 1992. Or MTSU. Or Furman. The maddest I have ever left our stadium was NC State 2005. Singling out that one Wake game? So what? We've done worse.
Chan got 5 years and right off the bat he was saddled with flunk gate. We also lost a RB who looked to be one of the best RB's in CFB
He also showed up late because he wanted to finish the job with the Dolphins, and due to that we didn’t sign a full recruiting class. We should have hired the interim HC who was a Dwag but that got everyone’s panties all twisted up so we suffered through 6 years of CGE and no wins vs. uGA.
The refs sucked that game. Also JT got his ankle gator rolled by a scummy Duke player..
Thomas was gimpy because Cash (the scummy Duke player) was teeing off on him, and he stayed in the game too long. If Johnson would have subbed Byerly in sooner we would’ve won that game.
Glad you weren't at Furman, I suppose.
no to attending Furman game- but the difference to me is that team that lost to furman was a bad team win or lose and so what - not good but so what. The Wake game was for the ACC Championship and we thew it away to a mediocre Wake team - otherwise we play in the Orange Bowl as an ACC Champion. The other thing that drove me crazy was if we had just handed the ball off to Choice we would have won. Instead we throw deep in a game with a wet ball that is hard to throw and catch. I almost rushed the field after the game to tackle Nix for being an idiot . That is an exagerration but my brother and I were pissed as we drove back to Amelia for dinner.
no to attending Furman game- but the difference to me is that team that lost to furman was a bad team win or lose and so what - not good but so what. The Wake game was for the ACC Championship and we thew it away to a mediocre Wake team - otherwise we play in the Orange Bowl as an ACC Champion. The other thing that drove me crazy was if we had just handed the ball off to Choice we would have won. Instead we throw deep in a game with a wet ball that is hard to throw and catch. I almost rushed the field after the game to tackle Nix for being an idiot . That is an exagerration but my brother and I were pissed as we drove back to Amelia for dinner.
True. If we had handed the ball to PJ Daniels in 2005, we beat NC State
Glad you weren't at Furman, I suppose.
I knew a couple of the DL from that team. Coolest guys ever. They were both absolute monsters.

Dick Sheridan was their coach and I think that's when everybody realized how good a coach he was.
Wake wan't the worst game ever, but it certainly was the most frustrating. Watching Calvin being either overthrown or under thrown on every pass was maddening. So much talent wasted in that game. Chan definitely had an NFL mindset. He played for field goals and field position while the opponent was scoring TD's. He definitely could recognize talent, he just didn't know how to use it in the college game. Never beating UGA and that Wake game did it for me. I miss many of those players, but not 51-7.
Iced a game at home with PJ Daniels very similarly to how we iced the game today.
Iced a game at home with PJ Daniels very similarly to how we iced the game today.

Also iced a game like this:
