Jerrard Tarrant to the League

I accepted my David Sims mistake, and corrected it. I do apologize for the misdirection.
However, I understand that true fans do not take bad news willingly. And as a result, I understand that I will be subject to much criticism.
As long as my point is understood, that too many players are leaving the program, my agenda is complete.

You didn't answer the question of where you got this information. On top of that you admitted to having an "agenda"
However, I understand that true fans do not take bad news willingly. And as a result, I understand that I will be subject to much criticism.

The other thread you posted was quickly discounted because we had a very average (20-30%) of all players leave the program this year. That is normal, not the beginning of Armageddon like you want to make it seem. Because you're a mutt fan.

And of course you're going to receive criticism when you completely make up things like this Tarrant thing without even attempting to prove yourself.
"Mutt Fan"? Good one.
Did I break the news to be able to say, "I told you so?". Of course not.
I feel there is a larger issue at hand. For whatever reason, our players are leaving the program. Now that all of Gaily's talent is pretty much gone, we will see if CPJ is the coach we all hope he is.

CPJ did a lot more with Gailey's talent than Gailey ever did. I'm not worried.
So far this pretty much sums this guy up.


Jerrard Tarrant has announced his decision to enter the NFL draft early, along with teammate Nick Claytor.

Unless you have a link or substantial source, this is a blatant lie. Had Tarrant actually announced for the draft, there would be some evidence on the internet by now.

Granted, he may announce in the next 2 days, but as of right now, he has not announced anything.
Say it ain't so Jerrard!!!

I sure liked having a Carrollton rep on the team, I guess Snoddy will have to take his place. . .

We do seem to be having trouble holding on to upper-classmen. Is this all a recruiting c/o 2007 thing or is there more to this? Is CPJ somehow rubbing these players the wrong way?
"Mutt Fan"? Good one.
Did I break the news to be able to say, "I told you so?". Of course not.
I feel there is a larger issue at hand. For whatever reason, our players are leaving the program. Now that all of Gaily's talent is pretty much gone, we will see if CPJ is the coach we all hope he is.

You suck at trolling.
first explain why you chose PAT as a handle.

First explain why that particular PAT must be the one he was talking about. Its a pretty general football term.

We are jumping to conclusions on this guy IMO. This Tarrant Business shows he might know a thing or two if it pans out. Wait and see before the angry mob forms.

Note to PAT: 90% of everyone on this board is a douchebag. Including me. You get used to it (or join them).
Honestly... I've kind of thought JT would have to fight to keep his position in the coming year. To me, he was probably the least impressive of all our DB's last year. He played well in spurts, but got burned a good bit.

His username is a pretty big give away that this is a mutt. If this is a lie then he needs to be banned.
His join date is December 2010 and his name is "point after touchdown."

Couldn't possibly be chosen to rub it in, no?
I don't want anyone to leave, but if anyone wants to leave early for the NFL ( if you think CPJ is a hardass then get ready to welcome yourself to a true machine that will chew you up and deposit you on your ass). I agree with CPj. Man up and do your damn job or gtf out of the way.