Kids dont love it

I have far more important things to do with my time and money than to go to a game and experience the type of performances that have been exhibited on the field by those who will miss Collins as the coach.
I won't even watch any of the games on TV or try & sell my season tickets or even give them away to anyone.
Sorry, but the team is not worth it.
Yall quit big crying me like I didn’t have “Fire the son of the bitch” as my statement under my profile pic lol. Sure that disclaimer will ward off future poo and bigcrys. Anyway:

I wouldn't even tell people I was friends with Geoff Collins. Imagine telling on yourself like this.
I wouldn't even tell people I was friends with Geoff Collins. Imagine telling on yourself like this.
remember when he was first hired putting up videos of himself hulk smashing nerf basketballs in his kids face. man i miss those days.

Caralla should have just said thanks for giving me and job and easy money. He’ll be gone next year too. Every person on this staff should be gone. Seriously, we are a joke until the next coach gets here.
I hope his wife divorces him and gets half
i followed all the coaches on twitter from 2018 to June 2020. after the events of that summer i basically tuned them out. got what news i needed here.
a lot of you are being way too harsh on a bunch of 18-22 year olds who got to know a guy much better than any of us did. glad he's gone, he should have never been hired in the first place, but the kids can feel a little sad. they'll move on and be fine too. as fans, the minutiae of all this is meaningless to care about. wish the team well for the rest of the season and pray that we get a new good coach.
So we’re shifting to bashing our players now for caring about the man who was basically a father figure to them? Tech fans suck. Some of you deserve 3-9 from here on out. Y’all are ridiculous.

I think it falls more along the lines of a life lesson. Things aren’t always going to be as rosy as they have been presented, and sometimes the results of said lack of rosiness is directed towards those that are seen as a tangential contributing factor to those shitty results.
This is a time when those with thick skins come out much better than those with fragile personalities, and the guys with thicker skins are pissed off and want to help turn things around. The others just have an easy way out and will bolt at the first chance. It’s not like GT is a factory school.
Love our guys and I won't shit talk them.

But I will say one thing - they are 100% correct. Firing him now is absurd and dumb as hell....TStan should have fired the asshole the second the mutt game ended last year. There was plenty of evidence to prove it was the right thing to do.

But there is one thing I have learned in the workforce and in life and the players should take heed: if you love your boss or someone enough and want them to stay, then how about at least look and act a little competent to everyone in the world outside of those with Rose-colored glasses.

Their performance on the field is 100% inexcusable and if they feel that the coach was not necessarily the issue, then all they have to do is look inside.

I say that as someone who played football for several years and not as someone who is just bashing to bash.

That is all I'll say on the matter.
Maybe I’ve missed it, but I haven’t seen any player called out by name. I fully agree that individual player bashing is inappropriate. I don’t think making general statements about what we’ve seen on the field by our players is bashing.

I also think these players expressing their respect for their ex-coach is a good thing. I hope they have respect for all of the coaches.

I do not think the players as a team are above criticism. These kids put their talents on display in front of 10’s of people in Bobby Dodd stadium on Saturdays. Some of them are even getting paid to play now. Almost all of them are getting an education at a world class institution (if they are taking advantage of it). We supporters are their customers. The least they can do is listen to their unhappy customers wether they agree or not, wether it makes them happy or not.

We should all strive to be civil and show some class. But I won’t lose any sleep over these guys getting grilled about their lackluster performance under this regime. I won’t criticize anyone for venting their frustrations about the ex-coach and soon to be ex-coaching staff. They make shitloads of money to facilitate a game and make their customers happy. Put up or shut up. They haven’t earned the right to have my respect despite their “best intentions” for the institute.
a lot of you are being way too harsh on a bunch of 18-22 year olds who got to know a guy much better than any of us did. glad he's gone, he should have never been hired in the first place, but the kids can feel a little sad. they'll move on and be fine too. as fans, the minutiae of all this is meaningless to care about. wish the team well for the rest of the season and pray that we get a new good coach.
18-22 year olds rushed the beaches of France and defeated Hitler. @GT flunkout and I were talking about this on our way to Ole Miss game. The biggest problem we have as a society today come from considering people kids until they turn 30. And our problems specific to football, a game of war and attrition, are also because our coaching staff treated them like kids. This was a major disservice to them. I’m not blaming them for being upset that he’s gone because they went through most of their career being shielded by Collins and they’re not going to get it until someone teaches them differently or professional life hits them in the face.
Our fans are toxic. Getting rid of Collins didn't change that. Doesn't matter who the next coach is going to be. Our fans will still be toxic.
shut up. We are no different than any other fanbase just smaller and with fewer local fans.
a lot of you are being way too harsh on a bunch of 18-22 year olds who got to know a guy much better than any of us did. glad he's gone, he should have never been hired in the first place, but the kids can feel a little sad. they'll move on and be fine too. as fans, the minutiae of all this is meaningless to care about. wish the team well for the rest of the season and pray that we get a new good coach.
Yeah. N.D. is dead on with this take.