Looking good after fall finals

WTF is Undergraduate Studies?

Many schools offer Undergraduate Studies or General Studies. A degree in that means you completed the core curriculum and 120 hours of total courses. It's common for people who've changed majors multiple times.

It makes you qualified for an entry level job with "College Degree Required" in the description.

(some people legitimately pursue this degree when they want to create their own major from multiple other majors, e.g. if you want to create a degree for Engineering Entrepreneurism, so you pick classes from the Business School and then take the intro course for every engineering major, but this is generally a bad idea)
Grabbed 10 random UK profiles to check major:

Undergraduate Studies = 4
Family Science = 2
Communications = 2
Community and Leadership Development = 2

Grabbed 10 random GT profiles to check major:

Business = 7
Economics = 1
Civil Engineering = 1
Mechanical Engineering = 1

Well chosen. Glad you didn't grab any of our literature, media and communication majors.
I barely graduated with a B average. Good on the kid. Looking forward to seeing him shred Georgia next year.

Jackets appear to be in good academic standing
“I thought they came back and the energy level was good and we got a lot done,” Johnson said. “We were able to play a little bit live for five or 10 minutes, which we hadn’t done in a while, especially offensively, so that was a good thing.”
Tech will practice Tuesday and Wednesday before releasing the team for its holiday break. The team will reconvene on the 26th and practice on-campus on the morning of the 27th before flying to Jacksonville, Fla., the same day.

The Jackets will evidently not have any academic casualties after final exams. Johnson said that “as far as I know,” players made it through finals in good standing.

“They don’t tell me how they did on their finals unless it’s not good,” Johnson said. “So I’m assuming no news is good news. I’ll get a report, but it’ll be, like, in January.”

Last week, Johnson was hopeful but not certain that his players would make it through exams in good shape.

“It’s a tough place, so you just don’t know” until final exams are over, he said.

B-back Dedrick Mills reported making mostly B’s after a tough semester.

“I made my family happy because, at first, I was kind of struggling when the season first started,” he said. “At the end of the semester, I had almost all B’s. That’s a goal for me and pretty good and my family’s pretty happy now.”
Well, I had a 2.4 after my first quarter, and I didn't play football. Good for him.
So how'd everyone here do on their finals?
I'm not sure if this counts but I had that dream again where it's the day of finals and I realize I forgot to drop a class I haven't gone to since the beginning of the semester. So I go into the final and just stare blankly at the indecipherable equations before me. Fun times.
I'm not sure if this counts but I had that dream again where it's the day of finals and I realize I forgot to drop a class I haven't gone to since the beginning of the semester. So I go into the final and just stare blankly at the indecipherable equations before me. Fun times.

I get this once every two three months.