Looking good after fall finals

I still get them a few times a year. It is really amazing to me that so many people have the same dream of having forgotten to drop a class.

Something similar did actually happen to me. Read the schedule wrong the week of finals and missed my exams for CS2110. Dropped my grade to a D and I had to retake the course. I figured that's why I had the dreams. I'd be surprised to hear that everyone ITT is quite the fuckwit I am, though.
I never dropped a class or missed a final, but I get those dreams,
I never dropped a class or missed a final, but I get those dreams,
Same here. Although I did sleep through most of a test once. Showed up with 5 minutes to go and asked if I could have 15 minutes to take the test. The professor (Physics of some sort I think) agreed, and I took all the time he would let me (probably closer to 30 minutes) as he stood by watching. From that point on, he called me the '15 minute hour' every time he saw me (he was old and very nearsighted, and a jerk, so I tried to keep my distance). I made an 85 on the test. 30 of the most stressful minutes of my life, though.

I'm probably going to have the dream tonight...
I hate to burst the bubble, but I graduated from UGA and have those dreams too. I think it is a pretty common thing no matter what your alma mater is.

Ok...i have set you up nicely.....have at it.
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I hate to burst the bubble, but I graduated from UGA and have those dreams too. I think it is a pretty common thing no matter what your alma mater is.

I have degrees from multiple universities. Tech is the only one that haunts my dreams.
I have degrees from multiple universities. Tech is the only one that haunts my dreams.
Did you happen to learn from a former GT football player and grad?

He had some kooky beliefs that caused his school to lose accreditation. My father in law from my first wife was feeling beneath the weather back in the early 90's. Tightness of the chest. My former mother in law finally convinced him to go to his real doctor. Turns out, my FIL's chiropractor , Life College Grad, had put my FIL in "balance" and told him he no longer needed his medications. His real doctor upon hearing this and reading his vitals immediately sent him to the hospital, luckily just across the parking lot, for tests. While there, my FIL had a heart attack which luckily he survived. Life lost accreditation for a while for filling the heads of chiropractors with garbage about the healing powers of chiropractic. Loons
He had some kooky beliefs that caused his school to lose accreditation. My father in law from my first wife was feeling beneath the weather back in the early 90's. Tightness of the chest. My former mother in law finally convinced him to go to his real doctor. Turns out, my FIL's chiropractor , Life College Grad, had put my FIL in "balance" and told him he no longer needed his medications. His real doctor upon hearing this and reading his vitals immediately sent him to the hospital, luckily just across the parking lot, for tests. While there, my FIL had a heart attack which luckily he survived. Life lost accreditation for a while for filling the heads of chiropractors with garbage about the healing powers of chiropractic. Loons

He had some kooky beliefs that caused his school to lose accreditation. My father in law from my first wife was feeling beneath the weather back in the early 90's. Tightness of the chest. My former mother in law finally convinced him to go to his real doctor. Turns out, my FIL's chiropractor , Life College Grad, had put my FIL in "balance" and told him he no longer needed his medications. His real doctor upon hearing this and reading his vitals immediately sent him to the hospital, luckily just across the parking lot, for tests. While there, my FIL had a heart attack which luckily he survived. Life lost accreditation for a while for filling the heads of chiropractors with garbage about the healing powers of chiropractic. Loons

Maybe he just needed another adjustment.

#westernmedicineisahoax #bushplanned911
4 years? I think we've found an impostor.

Well I came in with 20+ credits, did 1 summer semester and still took me 8 fall and spring semesters. I was out of state, paying for college myself so tried to get out as quickly as possible.
Even when I was in med school, the dreams were about Tech. I think, though, I have broken free of those dreams. Or maybe parenthood has replaced them with scarier versions.