Looking good after fall finals

I'm not sure if this counts but I had that dream again where it's the day of finals and I realize I forgot to drop a class I haven't gone to since the beginning of the semester. So I go into the final and just stare blankly at the indecipherable equations before me. Fun times.
This might be the subject of a good thread...what dreams/nightmares do you have about classwork at GT. I still have the same one about once a year and I'm a good bit older than most of you all.
I'm not sure if this counts but I had that dream again where it's the day of finals and I realize I forgot to drop a class I haven't gone to since the beginning of the semester. So I go into the final and just stare blankly at the indecipherable equations before me. Fun times.

If it makes you feel better, I also have that dream periodically. I never get to the test because I realize that even with a perfect score on the test, I didn't turn in other assignments and would therefore still fail.

I also get a dream where I'm notified by Tech that I missed some random requirement for my PhD (sometimes it's a class, sometime a Qual) and it's too late to go back and finish the requirement, therefore they're retracting my degree and I lose my job, effectively wasting a decade of my life.
If it makes you feel better, I also have that dream periodically. I never get to the test because I realize that even with a perfect score on the test, I didn't turn in other assignments and would therefore still fail.

I also get a dream where I'm notified by Tech that I missed some random requirement for my PhD (sometimes it's a class, sometime a Qual) and it's too late to go back and finish the requirement, therefore they're retracting my degree and I lose my job, effectively wasting a decade of my life.

I think we all still get these dreams occasionally 4 years of hell gave us a lifetime of PTSD. My favorite is the one where there is a huge project due the next day and I didn't start it yet and I can't graduate without it. At least being out of school a while now I can sometimes realize this and wake up and know that it was only a dream reliving what actually happened :-P
If it makes you feel better, I also have that dream periodically. I never get to the test because I realize that even with a perfect score on the test, I didn't turn in other assignments and would therefore still fail.

My version goes the same way, except that I can't find the classroom to take the final. It's my final quarter and I can't graduate without those hours. I've been out over 30 years but only started having that dream about 10 years ago so there's some trigger there I don't understand.
I'm not sure if this counts but I had that dream again where it's the day of finals and I realize I forgot to drop a class I haven't gone to since the beginning of the semester. So I go into the final and just stare blankly at the indecipherable equations before me. Fun times.
I actually had a day about mid way through a quarter where I could not remember where I was supposed to be and when. It was so strange. I went to the guidance office and got a print out of my schedule because for the life of me I couldn't remember where to go.
If it makes you feel better, I also have that dream periodically. I never get to the test because I realize that even with a perfect score on the test, I didn't turn in other assignments and would therefore still fail.

I also get a dream where I'm notified by Tech that I missed some random requirement for my PhD (sometimes it's a class, sometime a Qual) and it's too late to go back and finish the requirement, therefore they're retracting my degree and I lose my job, effectively wasting a decade of my life.
I thought you were the man. Do you fire yourself?
I think we all still get these dreams occasionally 4 years of hell gave us a lifetime of PTSD. My favorite is the one where there is a huge project due the next day and I didn't start it yet and I can't graduate without it. At least being out of school a while now I can sometimes realize this and wake up and know that it was only a dream reliving what actually happened :-P

4 years? I think we've found an impostor.
I have the same dream others have, but I don't find out until I get my grades back at the end of the semester.

The other one I have is that I somehow dropped diff eq and managed to graduate with nobody noticing. Then three years into my job my employer finds out and I have to go back to tech for a semester. That's a really awful one.
It's interesting to hear about these dreams. Mine was getting half way through the quarter (yes, I'm that old) and realizing that there was one class on my schedule that I hadn't attended, and I missed the mid-term and couldn't drop the class.
I still occasionally get one of those weird Tech dreams. In mine it's three weeks into the quarter (yes, old fart) and I haven't been to any of my classes yet
because I lost my course schedule on the first day, no one on the Hill will help me, and whenever I go to my room strange people have moved in, taken over,
and tossed all my stuff out.

A psychiatrist could get very rich analyzing all the damaged Tech people.
I used to have these dreams all the time. Sometime in the last year or so they stopped. My Afghanistan dreams still keep coming though.
I used to have these dreams all the time. Sometime in the last year or so they stopped. My Afghanistan dreams still keep coming though.

I still get them a few times a year. It is really amazing to me that so many people have the same dream of having forgotten to drop a class.