Looking good after fall finals

Yes, you're all f'd in the head. And apparently we all have stockholm syndrome since we root for the institution that messed us up in the head.

Edit: I meant we are all ööööed in the head. It wasn't supposed to be 2nd person plural.
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Need to delete this thread - everytime it gets bumped I keep thinking the AA announced some players are ineligible.
I'm not sure if this counts but I had that dream again where it's the day of finals and I realize I forgot to drop a class I haven't gone to since the beginning of the semester. So I go into the final and just stare blankly at the indecipherable equations before me. Fun times.

Same dream, but it's my last semester along with me being at my current job and I've been working there since college without getting my degree.
While at Tech i took Jimmy Hebron's Basketball PE class... well, i tore my ACL that quarter and i "couldnt finish the class" and Hebron told me that he'd have to give me an incomplete and id have to re-take the class to finish, but when grades came out he had given me an A

But i sometimes dream that i didnt graduate as expected because i got an incomplete in basketball

I dont really dream about missing a test... although i did actually sleep late and miss a test once and also slept through another one while in the classroom thanks to no sleep during hell week.
I dont really dream about missing a test... although i did actually sleep late and miss a test once and also slept through another one while in the classroom thanks to no sleep during hell week.

I slept through an 8 AM final my freshman year, after staying up until about 4 or 5 studying for it. Set my alarm for PM instead of AM. Wasn't allowed to take it and failed the class as a result.
I slept through an 8 AM final my freshman year, after staying up until about 4 or 5 studying for it. Set my alarm for PM instead of AM. Wasn't allowed to take it and failed the class as a result.

I did essentially the same, but woke up in time to reach the class with about 20min left. The stress of the situation, along with sprinting to the class, induced a bit of an asthma attack and that became a convenient excuse as to why i was delayed. He let me sit in his office after the 20min were up for another hour, and he knew me bc i was active in class and that i had a grasp of the material, which is why i think he gave me the benefit of the doubt on taking the test. Got an A in the class

But freshman year, Lyman Hall, i was head bobbing for the entire test period during a Chem exam. I kept waking up and saying to myself, "ok, now i have to take this test" ... only to wake up again a few minutes later. Thank god that we could drop one test in that class!

the night before was actually worth it, as we unleashed a gaggle of chickens that we had picked up from a pledge brother's farm into the fraternity house, creating a massive frenzy and many trollpoints scored...however, the consequences of that prevented any sleep

That Chem professor died like the next quarter..forgot his name...sat by the projector and pointed to his scribbly notes
I have a recurring dream that I study for a final all day the day prior to the exam, then show up and no one is there. Turns out the exam was the day before and I failed because I was studying for the exam during the exam instead of taking it. I do not have anything like that from law school, which was not that bad in comparison.
So you were definitely head bobbing, you say?

So anyway, back to the original thread... I'm assuming we would have heard by now if anyone was academically ineligible?
I saw an article on AJC yesterday stating that all players had arrived in Jax and were eligible for bowl game.