Mobile Homers vs. Golden Domers OFFICIAL THREAD!

You cray cray. They played like 8 or 9 ranked teams. They had a hard schedule.

Oklahoma- WASN'T THAT GOOD, Michigan- WASN'T THAT GOOD, Michigan St- STUNK, Miami- STUNK, USC- We beat them. Stanford is the only really good team they played, and they beat them on a controversial call.

This is not Notre Dame playing bad. This is what Notre Dame is. I watched almost all their games and saw it coming.
Heisman winner is double validated after the bowls.

Manziel vs. Alabama = Manziel wins
T'eo vs. Alabama = T'eo humiliated
Notre Dame would have had trouble getting by Clemson and FSU to win the ACC. Their offense simply never was that impressive this year. Golson would play WR at Bammer.
UGAG. I think they lose more than one next year.

They'll be highly ranked, but that defense will get gutted by kids leaving for the NFL, if not graduating. Depending on who Bama returns, they will probably get the number 1 ranking. TAMU will be up there as well...
I think our defense would do better than this.
Announcers kill me talking about how Notre Dame just isn't tackling well. NO, EDDIE LACY IS A FUTURE NFL STUD.
What do you think Notre Dame's gameplan will be for the second half?

They'll be highly ranked, but that defense will get gutted by kids leaving for the NFL, if not graduating. Depending on who Bama returns, they will probably get the number 1 ranking. TAMU will be up there as well...

They might be pre-season number 1, but it depends on how many leave. UGAG, TAMU, Clemson, Oregon, and others will also be in the mix.
So how many SEC teams can get in the playoffs next year?