Originally posted by ahsoisee:
Oldgoldbee, how long have you been on Stingtalk? Evidently you know little about the discussions that have taken place here. I don't think you should open your mouth too wide until you become a little educated on the subjects that have been discussed in detail here.

You are evidently very naive regarding the subjects here.

MsTA has been one of the main instigators of the get "rid of Gailey" campaign. She has stated she never liked him or wanted him as coach before he ever coached a down at GT.

She is constantly pushing the issue hoping, along with others, she can gain enough support to encourage everyone to put pressure on the administration to get rid of Gailey before he has a chance to coach this year's team.

Now, if you think I and the majority of Tech fans are going to sit here and let her and her kind accomplish this without giving Gailey the same chance all of the coaches at Tech have enjoyed, you are just blowing in the wind.

She is the instigator, and I merely rebut her false information. Now if you think you want to engage me in board conversation, have at it, but don't you try to tell me what to do. You do not have the authority or the power to do so.

Does it make any difference if I ever played sports? Does it make you an expert if you have? Does it mean you have the authority to tell others what their opinions should be because you have played sports?

This is a message board for Tech fans to express their opinions. Each person's opinions are no better than the next opinion. You have no idea of the person's expertise or lack thereof, and that is the way it should be.

I could care less if you have played professional football and have been the MVP

1. Have you ever played? if so at what level?
2. Have you ever coached? if so, again at what
3. How do you watch a game? ie; do you watch
only the ball or do you watch line play, etc.,

Or maybe you're just one of the many fonts on
here that have attended GT games for a number
of years, so that gives you the privelege and
authority to spout off just because you don't
agree with someone else.

Futhermore, I find it very childish to come
on this board and create a thread just to
show off one's "male superiority."

I believe that you can use a private E-mail
to vent your displeasure.
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">The instigator of these discussions is Chan himself! Had he done a better job running this program and producing something positive his first year - myself and everyone else wouldn't be giving our opinions in a negative vain!

What I am realizing here - is that you and others truly believe I have that much clout to be able to get rid of Chan - I'M FLATTERED!!!!!!!!!!! If I did, he would have been gone after FRESNO and bit the bullet and go from there.

No, I have not formed a "BOOT CHAN COMMITTEE" or have I said he should be fired, YET! I have not even emailed the Admin and said any such thing. I have emailed and mailed my concerns like thousands of other GT fans. What I have said, is in my opinion and have disected his coaching abilities at GT thus far. Just like everyone does on the other side of this equation.

You always mention falsehoods on this board AND THIS IS A HUGE ONE FOR YOU AND YOU ONLY!!!!!!
Originally posted by BLACK WATCH:
Mtech Im sure most folks on here DONT want you to leave or wish you bad BUT want you to STOP trashing our coach. He is a GOOD person and Obviously a GOOD coach ( Just ask: John Davis, Dan Reeves, Emmitt Smith, Kordell Stewart The list goes on and on )

As to me being a newcomer, yes i just started this week posting BUT ive been reading this board everyday for sometime. I only started posting as others did when we as fans that LOVE GT and care about it, Got tired of hearing people trash our coach after ONLY ONE YEAR.. Ive been a huge GT fan for over 40 years...
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">Black Watch: I have said many times here - I met him and he is very nice - BUT that has nothing to do with coaching. I think this personal side of Chan is way out of whack. Coaching is a business and Chan has the job - that's what this is.

Trashing the coach is the position not the man! And as far as the word 'trash' how about evaluate because that's what I've been doing. You and others use that word, not me! I appreciate you being a fan for 40 years - I'm going into my 29th but this personal attacking because I have an opinion different from yours is uncalled for.
So Mtech you blame Chan for EVERYTHING. is it his fault because your having another bad day ?? I wonder what are you going to say when he starts winning ??? Although he is playing with an extremley short hand for NOW He will in time win ( Just keep getting the Grants, Scotts and Balls out of HIgh School every year )
Originally posted by i_bleed_gold_white:
I'm not ready to hang up on Gailey yet because I don't think you can fairly judge a coach on one season (remember Ross' first season?). That being said, I did witness possibly the worst coaching of my entire lifetime in the UGAG game last year. And, by that, I don't mean us being kicked around 51-7 OR our team quitting. IMHO a coach's job is to do 5 things: 1. Evaluate talent and put the best on the field 2. Recruit better and better talent 3. Motivate the players to play their best and 4. Prepare and install a game plan 5. Evaluate the play during the game and make necessary adjustments.

I won't even comment on the first 4 because those have been expounded upon ad infinitum on this very board, but I will speak on #5. Evidently, our coaches determined that UGAG's noseguard was so dominant that we needed to put our QB in the shotgun to protect him....okay, sounds like a good strategy. Now, here's my problem...during the game, our center snaps the ball along the ground 4 out of the first 5 times he tries to snap the ball. Three of those turned out to be fumbles...2 were lost. OKAY COACH...EARN YOUR MONEY...GET THEM OUT OF THE FREAKING SHOTGUN! Nope, didn't do it...we snap the ball into the shotgun formation 4 more times...three on the ground. At that point, I started evaluating our coaching staff in a different light. And I don't care if BOB was responsible for the offense, Chan should have gone over to him...slapped him so hard his headphones fell off...and told him to get the QB underneath the center.
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">Great insight about this game and couldn't agree more!
Originally posted by BarrelORum:
</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">Originally posted by ahsoisee:
(MsTA Quote)
Maybe against UGAG but not against Maryland, Wake, Clemson, FSU - those were all winnable games and players didn't sit down on the job - that was coaching!

That is entirely possible, but whose coaching, BOB's or Gailey's? If I remember right, the big problem was the offense and the quarterback play.

Who was coaching the offense and the quarterbacks?

Father Time
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">Why are you even bothering going here Ahso? MSTA wouldn't know a football if one smacked her in the side of the head. Unfortunately that must have happened to her as a small child givin some of the garbage she posts on this board. Needless to say, give it up Ahso. MSTA is hopeless. She's going to have her simple minded opinion and continue to be a cancer on this Institute with the shit that she tries to promote.

YEAH, I said it.
</font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">BOR: YOUR NASTINESS SUITS YOU and you truly are a BORe!!!!!!
Originally posted by BLACK WATCH:
So Mtech you blame Chan for EVERYTHING. is it his fault because your having another bad day ?? I wonder what are you going to say when he starts winning ??? Although he is playing with an extremley short hand for NOW He will in time win ( Just keep getting the Grants, Scotts and Balls out of HIgh School every year )
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">Again, you are speculating on my day ... my days are good, can you say the same about our coach - he's feeling the heat and rightfully so! Sorry, but when you take a job YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR EVERYTHING that goes with it! I don't buy that he shouldn't be.

Laying your responsibilities for the job on someone else is fruitless! It's like me saying to my boss - it's your fault I made the mistake! No, that doesn't cut it.
Ahso: By giving me my own post you SUCCESSFULLY gave me the opportunity to make my points - THANKS!
Mtech, Chan has proven what kindof man he is by the Humble Way he has handled all the setbacks (Most of which were out of his Control) He is not Whining BUT Looking and acting positive about the future.

And by the way he is a GOOD COACH also not just a good man. Of course now if you know more about football than Dan Reeves, Emmitt Smith, Dave Wanstadt, Kordell Stewart and all the hundreds of other Respected Players and Coaches that say he is a winner, then everyone else here on this board will trust in your judgement...

So go ahead and bash Chan after ONE year..Wow i guess that shows your intellegence and knowledge of the game. Or does it show your AGENDA ????
Originally posted by MsTechAnalysis:
Ahso: By giving me my own post you SUCCESSFULLY gave me the opportunity to make my points - THANKS!
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">...and prove his point.
Originally posted by oldgoldbee:
Before any of you begin to "preach" to
MsTA, the first question I have to ask
is......what is your background in

1. Have you ever played? if so at what level?
2. Have you ever coached? if so, again at what
3. How do you watch a game? ie; do you watch
only the ball or do you watch line play, etc.,

Or maybe you're just one of the many fonts on
here that have attended GT games for a number
of years, so that gives you the privelege and
authority to spout off just because you don't
agree with someone else.

Futhermore, I find it very childish to come
on this board and create a thread just to
show off one's "male superiority."

I believe that you can use a private E-mail
to vent your displeasure.
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">OldGold: Appreciate your support and agree on your assessment of the situation - opinions are what we all have.
Originally posted by BarrelORum:
MSTA, your ignorance and arrogance is absolutely mind boggling. I still maintain that you Ma'am are a cancer to this Institute. It's obvious you just don't know any better.

I don't put a lot of stock in what you are saying, or how important a person you are. My opinion, your opinion means little in the long run. But however small our opinions are in the big scope of things, our attitudes are what can be damaging, even in the most miniscule of ways.

Obviously unbeknowst to you, your attitude is damaging to GT. In however small a fraction it might be, it is nonetheless damaging.

Like I have spelled out for you a million times over. You can be critical of a coach. But you are not critical... you are unfair. And THAT is what is damaging.

So I will say again. You are a cancer to GT. Fan or no fan. And I will continue to be nasty and downright mean to you, until you pull your head out of your ass and realize what you are saying half the time you post is completely unfair to our Coach, the players, the fans, and GT.

You just are not getting it.
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">Cancer starts with an INFECTION and you are an infection on this board when you chose to spew your nastiness - let's not get away from what you are!

With fans like you - who needs enemies! I would be more suspect in GT ability to do well with fans like you then me! Nastiness gets YOU ABSOLUTELY NOWHERE and much less respected!!!
Originally posted by toe meets leather:
msta i find your comments accurate. i can think of only 2 people who did not see chan was not getting the job done, ray charles and ronnie milsap.
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">TML: Thanks for the levity - this board needs that. I believe you and I are just as supportive as the rest, but some seem to think you have to agree to make that happen or you shouldn't be here. I have never said that those who see a brighter picture shouldn't be here - I would just argue the point!
Alright, MsTA, we'll do this easy. I want you to say ONE WORD, and ONE WORD only. I'm going to ask you a question and I want you to answer with ONE WORD.

Chan Gailey will fail as football coach at Georgia Tech.

Is the above statement:

ONE WORD, Either "fact" or "opinion."

Originally posted by BLACK WATCH:
Mtech, Chan has proven what kindof man he is by the Humble Way he has handled all the setbacks (Most of which were out of his Control) He is not Whining BUT Looking and acting positive about the future.

And by the way he is a GOOD COACH also not just a good man. Of course now if you know more about football than Dan Reeves, Emmitt Smith, Dave Wanstadt, Kordell Stewart and all the hundreds of other Respected Players and Coaches that say he is a winner, then everyone else here on this board will trust in your judgement...

So go ahead and bash Chan after ONE year..Wow i guess that shows your intellegence and knowledge of the game. Or does it show your AGENDA ????
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">Blackwatch: Let me ask you this ... when it comes to references - there were many, many more coaches out there with the same credentials or better who could have done the same. That means nothing unless in your job you ACTUALLY prove your references out! THAT HAS TO HAPPEN - and in 2002 it did not!
Originally posted by The Jacket:
Alright, MsTA, we'll do this easy. I want you to say ONE WORD, and ONE WORD only. I'm going to ask you a question and I want you to answer with ONE WORD.

Chan Gailey will fail as football coach at Georgia Tech.

Is the above statement:

ONE WORD, Either "fact" or "opinion."

<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">How about we ask you on the other side the SAME QUESTION ... let me hear you first. Let's hear all of you first, then I'll give you mine. It seems like you're in the majority - so lets have a poll!

I am not wishy/washy I have said this IS an opinioin board based on everyone's - what do you think?
It's time we all cool off!!! I like and respect MTA, as well as all Sting Talkers, Ahso, Father W. etc. Does that mean I agree with everything thats said on this or other boards heavens no. Nor do I get onboard and call people names like "cancer" everyone has a right to an opinion it's no better than mine or yours nor is it worse. Ahso is correct about O'liars record with and without the Fridge. He's the guy who should be coaching us now. As for CCG lets get off his tail and give him time to right the ship, if he doesn't there is always someone willing to step up to the plate and do the job.
Originally posted by MsTechAnalysis:
</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">Originally posted by The Jacket:
Alright, MsTA, we'll do this easy. I want you to say ONE WORD, and ONE WORD only. I'm going to ask you a question and I want you to answer with ONE WORD.

Chan Gailey will fail as football coach at Georgia Tech.

Is the above statement:

ONE WORD, Either "fact" or "opinion."

<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">How about we ask you on the other side the SAME QUESTION ... let me hear you first. Let's hear all of you first, then I'll give you mine. It seems like you're in the majority - so lets have a poll!

I am not wishy/washy I have said this IS an opinioin board based on everyone's - what do you think?
</font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">You are without a doubt the most hopeless person on this board.
I guess I'd say I'm in CCG camp now until he proves he can't handle the job.