If things keep going like they did Saturday night, there may soon come a point where Tech cannot afford to keep Coach Collins.
Attendance, support, contributions and recruiting will decline drastically and rapidly. Tech football under Collins has reached the final stage: it's pathetic, irrelevant and embarrassing, and nobody takes it seriously. It's Dwayne Morrison time. But, maybe we'll find a Bobby Cremins for football.
You keep comparing Collins to Pastner. You're overlooking the fact that basketball doesn't drive the Athletic Department bus. Football does.
For the last three years, people have been trying to decide whether to believe what Collins says or what they see. I have wanted to believe what he says, because it's what I want to hear. But, after Saturday night, I just can't believe what he says anymore. I now believe what I see.
I think he'll go about 2 - 10 this year. I don't think he'll be our coach next year. As much as it will cost to get rid of him, it will cost more to keep him.
I feel sorry for him. But, not too sorry, because he will walk away with about 20 million dollars of Tech fans' money and leave total destruction of our football program behind.
The real biggest transition in the history of college football will be the transition away from him. But, it will only take one good football coach to do it.
How long do you think Georgia, Clemson, Notre Dame or Alabama would put up with Collins? We won't catch them with a coach they're laughing at.
I think we'll win this Saturday night. But, the rest of the year will be so bad that a change will have to be made.