Next AD?

Good lord, spectrum boy, you are really butt hurt about time outs, aren't you?

And Spurrier is 77 years old and doesn't give a single öööö about GT. Yea, he coached here, before Bill Curry was hired. This belief that he has some special soft spot in his heart for GT and will ride into town to save us shows just how damn stupid you are.
Only one of us is butthurt about your timeout idiocy. I’m very glad to see you hold onto that ignorance and expose it further. Just proves what a complete moron you are.
You also seem to lack reading comprehension so your level of stupid has no bounds. I never suggested he’d ride in on a white horse to save Tech. He probably hasn’t though much about Tech except when we play the mutts. I strongly suspect he gets pleasure from every uga loss.
So what I proposed moron, was paying him for his knowledge, experience, and insight to advise a search committee. For both an AD and a new head coach.
You are without doubt the most ignorant person on this board. Thank you for entertaining us. :)
Only one of us is butthurt about your timeout idiocy. I’m very glad to see you hold onto that ignorance and expose it further. Just proves what a complete moron you are.
You also seem to lack reading comprehension so your level of stupid has no bounds. I never suggested he’d ride in on a white horse to save Tech. He probably hasn’t though much about Tech except when we play the mutts. I strongly suspect he gets pleasure from every uga loss.
So what I proposed moron, was paying him for his knowledge, experience, and insight to advise a search committee. For both an AD and a new head coach.
You are without doubt the most ignorant person on this board. Thank you for entertaining us. :)
Good lord douchebag. Let the ööööing timeout thing go already and move along. Nobody else on here wants to hear that bullshit in every single thread.


I strongly suspect Spurrier is 77 years old and wants to live out his life not worrying about an AD search for GT.
Good lord douchebag. Let the ööööing timeout thing go already and move along. Nobody else on here wants to hear that bullshit in every single thread.


I strongly suspect Spurrier is 77 years old and wants to live out his life not worrying about an AD search for GT.
So this is you admitting you were a fool about that and are crying mercy on the topic?
Admit it and I’ll grant you mercy on it and only call out your stupidity on new topics going further.
As for Spurrier, that’s why you’d pay him ya moron. Ditto for anyone else that could provide his level of expertise and knowledge. You have any candidates that are better? Nope.
A 14 year old who vapes and is a real loose cannon would be a better AD than Stansbury.
Well crap. There was a thread.

None of you have mentioned Tom Jurich yet. This should make you all profoundly ashamed.
We need money so we need an AD who knows how to motivate nerds to contribute every year … like that IPTAY thing at Clemson., and of course will be compensated well for raising money. We can form a search committee of smart folks, former coaches like O’Leary & Fridge, and former players to find us a head coach. And we need an AD who can sell Tech football to the under 50 crowd including high schoolers and college age kids. We need fans … younger fans.
We need money so we need an AD who knows how to motivate nerds to contribute every year … like that IPTAY thing at Clemson., and of course will be compensated well for raising money. We can form a search committee of smart folks, former coaches like O’Leary & Fridge, and former players to find us a head coach. And we need an AD who can sell Tech football to the under 50 crowd including high schoolers and college age kids. We need fans … younger fans.

Didn't O'leary have a lot of contribution on picking this current staff?
Well crap. There was a thread.

None of you have mentioned Tom Jurich yet. This should make you all profoundly ashamed.
Your suggestion in your post has a name that starts with G and ends with 'eff along with a preexisting connection to GT. No. Thanks.