No we are not in The Top 25.

We will be ranked.

I’m guessing #23 Air Jordan status.

Better question is…when was the last time GT was ranked? Certainly never happened under Geoffrey’s reign.
Based on what I'm seeing so far, FSU may still be ranked above us if they win Monday. ESPN already has them above us before that game at 0-1.

Reminds me of the time we hung half a hundred on VPI in Blacksburg early in the season and the coach's poll still put them 2 spots above Tech.

How many heads explode ITT when FSU is still ranked ahead of Tech? Voter inertia is strong.
They’ve earned the benefit of the doubt and we haven’t yet. We looked better than them in that game. First game of the year means a lot can be overlooked/explained away. We were fortunate with our lack of heavy turnover. Other programs are dealing with that churn a bit more.
ESPN’s FPI still has us down at 34. Feels like we’re about to get boned.
I fully expect them to be ranked ahead of us. I'm guessing F$U at 19 and us around 24.

I’m not gonna do the legwork, but I doubt there’s many (if any) examples in history of an undefeated team being ranked below a team they’ve beaten.

There’s simply no way FSU could end up above us at 1-1 when we’re 2-0 with a neutral site W. That does mean, however that voters are going to have to decide how low they feel like pushing FSU against how high they feel like pushing us. If FSU wins convincingly I have a hard time believing they’re not still ranked.
I’m very interested to see how fsu looks against BC. Is fsu as good as advertised and we are just better? Is fsu average and our win fools gold?