No we are not in The Top 25.

don't care what's under the hood so long as it has an air intake and a tailpipe
We won’t be ranked yet. Better question, who cares. Rankings only matter toward the end of the season. If we’re 4-1 or 5-0 in conference going into ND, we should be ranked. (They’ll want to rank us to hype the game) The final 5 game gauntlet will determine whether we’re in the ACCCG and/or the CFB playoff. If we can’t get to at least 6 wins by mid October, the most we can hope for is a nice bowl game.
FPI is a math-based algorithm. Does not reflect polls. FPI likes UNC over GT. Not a single person on earth would rank UNC ahead of GT.

But there has to be a starting point, otherwise everyone would start with the same rating.

Based on last years results? Based on ratings of players?
#19 not official yet.

Editor's note: This set of rankings reflects Florida State's Week 0 loss to Georgia Tech. It will be updated following Monday night's Florida State vs. Boston College game.
The F$U debacle didn’t do us any favors tonight. Clemson and F$U are on a race to the bottom. I’ve never seen two worse 5 Star QBs in my life.