Official Championship weekend thread

Redneck motheröööööös are shooting fire works off now making my dog bark. öööö I hate uga. öööö öööö öööö öööö. öööö auburn too. Redneck dumbfucks.

Everybody thinks this place is so great and so fun, but no. The south is full of “polite” <goacc> who think that just because you say something nice to somebodies face that makes you a good person. Well guess what? when a person talks <goacc> about a person as soon as they leave the room THEY ARE NOT A VERY NICE PERSON. Jeez. this whole town is toxic. Everybody is an alchoholic or drug addict and nobody thinks it’s a problem. Everyone here is also incredibly lazy and mediocre. They don’t understand what quality means. they think that just because you do something kind of right, or follow a <goacc> tutorial on pinterest then you’re some creative genius. NO YOU ARE NOT. ugh. Athens is terrible. Also all the entitled spoiled college brats flock here so there’s that to deal with too. Oh and people who go <goacc> over their “Dawgs”. Guess what? your school isn’t that good. it’s not even close to the level of intellect at Georgia Tech. Seriously, go die, you southern backwards ignorant <goacc>
“Well we got here :shrug: So.... we might as well win since we got here :shrug:” - Mark Richt on making it to the ACC Chanpionship Game
Why does Clemson have fat cheerleaders?