Official Coordinators Search And News Thread

Because G5 OCs don’t always pan out at P5 and working under a decent OC in a factory is a good way to learn and gain more experience in how things are done. Time will tell but I think hiring the guy who turned a nobody like Stetson Bennett into a serviceable quarterback who became a heisman candidate is not a small feat at a place like uga none the less. I believe Key made a great hire.
Before it’s all said and done, he’ll most likely be partially responsible for 2 straight National Championships. That ain’t such a bad thing to have on a resume also.
I thinking we are about to see most if not all of that increase spent on support staff. We are way behind in that area and in reality beefing up that side of the staff makes more sense than giving a lot of dollars to an OC and a DC. Think offensive and defensive analysts, recruiting staff, dieticians, more strength coaches....etc.
Probably for the beat honestly