Official GT Head Coach News Thread

I'm taking cases on all you bitches slobbering over the Key hire (who, FTR, I told you definitively several days ago it would be). I don't want to read one ööööing word from ANY of you the next four years about how we need to replace Key. At that point, you will just need to enjoy a big cup of STFU.

I don't think it's an obvious home run or anything, but I don't really think any of the candidates would have been that for us. They all had question marks ranging from age to lack of power 5 experience to having names like Willie or Jamey.

What we know about Key is that he has ample experience coaching major college football, he understands how a serious football team operates during the week, and he will make competent in-game decisions. Not sure if he will be the long-term answer, but I'd be really surprised if he's a train wreck.
Hey folks. As a brand new member I have a question... What is driving Batt's (seemingly) aversion to Brent Key. I understand the lack of head coaching experience but sometimes a new head coach should come from within. The GT administration placed a dumpster fire in CBK's lap and all he did was never complain, got the kids motivated, fixed some all-to-obvious flaws in game day preparation and win a few games that we might not have won otherwise. Most importantly he was able to land a couple of top level recruits while all this was going on because he bleeds gold and white and sells Georgia Tech. Thoughts?

If there is any, there could be a couple reasons. One is the shear lack of experience. He some ok stuff managing a team for 9 weeks, but there's a lot more involved in doing that 365 a year than he wouldn't of even gotten practice at in those 9 weeks. The 4-4 results were also not super clear-cut in making Key an obvious choice (whether fixing those obvious-to-all flaws was something anyone in the "all" could of done, not Key only, UVA game, etc). Another could be due to the extent of outsider influence trying to force Batt to choose him (while the popularity is not rumor, how much influencing is being done is); a new AD making a career defining choice 1 month into their job may want to make sure he is the one making the choice and isn't compromising his authority.
My advice. Keep Thacker and the defensive staff. Tell Chip Long thanks but no thanks. Bring in a good OC and let him revamp the offensive staff.
I forgot where exactly I saw this posted, but it was rumored that Key took playcalling duties away from Long after the Miami game and let Weinke call them.

Thamel's story (Only guy who knew anything the whole time and also broke the hire, btw).

Tech interviewed 10 to 12 candidates, according to sources, a group that included Tulane coach Willie Fritz. Tech struggled lure a big outside name because of the school's reluctance to guarantee large portions of the contract, as the amount of guaranteed money was a non-starter for some candidates.
I don't think it's an obvious home run or anything, but I don't really think any of the candidates would have been that for us. They all had question marks ranging from age to lack of power 5 experience to having names like Willie or Jamey.

What we know about Key is that he has ample experience coaching major college football, he understands how a serious football team operates during the week, and he will make competent in-game decisions. Not sure if he will be the long-term answer, but I'd be really surprised if he's a train wreck.
So long as he tones down the conservatism in those, especially until we get a punter that can kick something not a line drive without shanking it.
Hey folks. As a brand new member I have a question... What is driving Batt's (seemingly) aversion to Brent Key. I understand the lack of head coaching experience but sometimes a new head coach should come from within. The GT administration placed a dumpster fire in CBK's lap and all he did was never complain, got the kids motivated, fixed some all-to-obvious flaws in game day preparation and win a few games that we might not have won otherwise. Most importantly he was able to land a couple of top level recruits while all this was going on because he bleeds gold and white and sells Georgia Tech. Thoughts?
Batt was brought in to hire a new Football Coach and Staff. Keeping Key certainly isn't that.

I imagine we will keep most of the staff in place. We will have a new OC, maybe promote Weinke but I doubt that. Thacker earned another year in my book with the way the D played after Collins was gone.
I'm taking cases on all you bitches slobbering over the Key hire (who, FTR, I told you definitively several days ago it would be). I don't want to read one ööööing word from ANY of you the next four years about how we need to replace Key. At that point, you will just need to enjoy a big cup of STFU.

That's silly. Pretty much everyone who wants Key lists one of the main reasons as being able to get him on a team friendly contract where we will reasonably be able to replace him in two to three years and have better finances.

I know Cabrera said that the school will start supporting the AA more, but that doesn't mean the AA is rich overnight. It means that the AA will be able to work itself back into healthy shape over the course of a few years. Until that happens, our options for coach were going to be limited. We were not going to be able to make a home run hire right now.
I don't think it's an obvious home run or anything, but I don't really think any of the candidates would have been that for us. They all had question marks ranging from age to lack of power 5 experience to having names like Willie or Jamey.

What we know about Key is that he has ample experience coaching major college football, he understands how a serious football team operates during the week, and he will make competent in-game decisions. Not sure if he will be the long-term answer, but I'd be really surprised if he's a train wreck.
It’s a bunt at best.
This all just SCREAMS a no-confidence loser amateur AD.

If you have ANY ööööing confidence in your ability to identify talent, why in the hell would you be reluctant to guarantee money??? You should be more worried about locking in a large buyout so when everyone else comes to try to steal the hot HC that you identified and hired before everyone else, you'll either get to keep him or get paid. It's like insisting on a low prenup. You're essentially saying "I know I'm ööööing up this decision, so I want to limit my damages."

What an embarrassment. Really, really, hard to stay a fan of this loser bullshit.
This is definitely different than what we have been hearing. According to this, the players advocated for Key. J Batt wanted Fritz/BOB and the donors wanted Chadwell. Apparently, the players threatening to leave won out.

Lack of $ won out. Tulane is probably going to give Fritz a raise where he will make more than what our top line offer would have been.

Tech interviewed 10 to 12 candidates, according to sources, a group that included Tulane coach Willie Fritz. Tech struggled lure a big outside name because of the school's reluctance to guarantee large portions of the contract, as the amount of guaranteed money was a non-starter for some candidates.

GTAA - Todd Stansbury + J Batt = ~$15m less dumb in contracts over a 5 year stretch

GOOD. Give me somebody hungry to be here and not so unfathomably greedy that they pitch a hissy fit over $20m guaranteed versus $30m instead of a "name" fat cat any day of the week. In case there are people too young to remember Paul Hewitt's contract, a quick look over to College Station, TX and Coral Gables, FL shows what happens when you're dumb and careless with throwing around big guarantees to get "big names".
This all just SCREAMS a no-confidence loser amateur AD.

If you have ANY ööööing confidence in your ability to identify talent, why in the hell would you be reluctant to guarantee money??? You should be more worried about locking in a large buyout so when everyone else comes to try to steal the hot HC that you identified and hired before everyone else, you'll either get to keep him or get paid. It's like insisting on a low prenup. You're essentially saying "I know I'm ööööing up this decision, so I want to limit my damages."

What an embarrassment. Really, really, hard to stay a fan of this loser bullshit.
