Official random bowls thread

Put it in front of their stadium and the players can all run out and smack that assman before their games. Would be a fantastic new tradition for their football team.
until assman flops and draws a charge
WVU wins “ugliest uniform of the bowl season thus far.”

Also, they have a real live hillbilly mascot.

Also, öööö this bowl game for never taking Tech. How did we manage to get into a position where our hometown bowl almost never wants us, and the next closest decent bowl wants anybody but us.

Ugh, and we’ve got autism boy as the sideline reporter.

So this is a home game for Carolina but it’s a “West Virginia crowd”? Carolina sucks.

Is Dukes really getting what they want out of sponsoring this bowl? Because all the media stuff makes mayo sound really unappetizing.

Duke's mayo is best mayo. Second is Blue Plate or Hellman's. Kraft 4th with store brands.

I will fight anyone who uses Miracle Whip for any reason. Don't even buy it.
Horseshit flag protecting a pussy sliding QB.

Wow, tight ends DON’T automatically catch every pass thrown their way? Confusing after watching our defense for the last 30 years. :-)
