Official Spring Game Thread

for me, the most fun thing about spring football is reading the two-deep roster update.
When does our two-deep roster update come out?
I thought the brightest spots were Gibson on offense and Watson on defense. Sims was not sharp, as Roddy pointed out several times. Certainly did not see enough to argue for Gibson starting, but at the very least he provides good backup potential. I think Harris at TE could be good. Neither line impressed. DB and WR groups had a good night.
I have a feeling Gibson is going to be every fan’s favorite player at the beginning of the season. If he gets the chance to play, I’m hoping he stays every fan’s favorite player (because that would mean he was succeeding).
Thought Blackstrain looked real good- caught pretty much everything and a nice TD grab.
Moore looked solid too.
Hassan looked plenty fast but not quick. Could be a good combo with Dontae- looking for a good year from him! Need the Oline to give him a chance.
Thought Sims threw the ball better- still some accuracy issues (like throwing it to the RBs feet on the screen, etc), but saw some nice zip and good throws too....seemed more confident and sure of what he was doing and where he was going with the ball.
1st team D looked better on the back-end to me.....appeared to be on the same page from what I could tell. nice of those people to let you take a pic with them. Did the team let you score a touchdown too? I love these feel good stories.
Yeah sure I keep running into the same girls at all the Tech games and ask for pics.

Watched the spring game on ACC channel and thought it was ok. Roddy did a good job of letting viewers know what was going on when sometimes it was hard to figure out. GC does an ok job when all he does is pump up the players and get excited. If he could turn that into wins who knows what is possible. All in all it was a learning experience. I probably give in and continue to buy season tickets.
Spring game thoughts:
Roddy is the man

I like our defense

Vintage Sims

GC has checked out
Recorded it from ACC channel. Very hard to watch. Bad production. Lousy announcers. Audio problems. Basic train wreck.

Main thing is . . . Jeff Sims is still not an accurate thrower. Wasn't accurate the last two years. Don't think he ever will be.

Gibson seems to be a bit more accurate. But still not great. Announcer said he's "highly intellgent." How predictable. Only surprised they didn't call him a "gym rat" or says he's scrappy, sneaky athletic, gritty, a lunch pail guy who has good fundamentals, he plays the game the right way . . . . LMFAO.

Snaps from center to the QB still appear to be an issue. But it's only spring, right?

CGC looks fatter than ever. Maybe not a guy who should be wearing shorts in public.

Artificial turf still looks cheap.

I predicted four wins a few weeks ago. Didn't see anything here that made me want to change that prediction. Maybe I just don't want to see the improvement. But I guess 4 wins IS improvement, right? Hope I'm wrong as hell and we pull 8, 9 or 10 wins. Not impossible.

Other than that . . . I wonder how Mrs. Lincoln enjoyed the play.