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"Big Stephon Tuitt sitting here beside me talking ball wit me! ;) lol"

Now he is working....Go Vad!!!
First thing CPJ needs to do after this kid commits is smash his phone.
First thing CPJ needs to do after National Signing Day is smash Vad Lee's phone.
quote says commit except for spelling. "told me I need to committee to Tech"

Apparently an assistant coach at that:
"One of the Falcon assistant coach that is!"

it is twitter...only 1 out of every 3 words by 90% of the twitter account holders is spelled correctly
Dis Atlanta Falcon guy just cursed me out and told me I need to committee to Tech.... LMAO this dude is #CRAZY

This aint Hot-Lanta nomore..... More like Cold-Lanta now!! Lol

The Atlanta Falcons players are staying in the same hotel as us tonight!!

Based on his grammar are we supposed to believe he is able to sustain the grades here?
Based on his grammar are we supposed to believe he is able to sustain the grades here?

It's a social networking medium so I don't think most users feel compelled to spell everything correctly. Plus, maybe his phone has some sort of spell correct on it and it changed commit to "committee" somehow...

I'm going to give him the benefit of the doubt.

Now if Tuitt would just committee. He could be a part of something big at GT and bring about a positive change. At ND he will be just another cog in the wheel.
Based on his grammar are we supposed to believe he is able to sustain the grades here?
You might want to have a look at our players' pages (whatever medium). Some of them do post as much as Vad Lee too.
Give it a rest, guys... kids today tweet and post on facebook all of the time, around the clock, and they don't do a lot of spell checking on it either.

It's kind of interesting to see what he's doing on his visit, but in all likelihood, he's posting for his friends (around his age) and family, so don't get too wrapped around the axle if you dislike or don't understand his syntax.

That said, Come to GT, Vad!
Give it a rest, guys... kids today tweet and post on facebook all of the time, around the clock, and they don't do a lot of spell checking on it either.

I was just kidding haha
I was just kidding haha

Oh I know. It just never ceases to amaze me how some people are like "our recruiting needs to pick up!" and they then go to great lengths to alienate or ostracize potential recruits over something completely asinine (like spelling on social media posts that were never meant for them anyway). This whole thread has a very "You kids stay off of my yard!" kind of feel to it.
Oh I know. It just never ceases to amaze me how some people are like "our recruiting needs to pick up!" and they then go to great lengths to alienate or ostracize potential recruits over something completely asinine (like spelling on social media posts that were never meant for them anyway). This whole thread has a very "You kids stay off of my yard!" kind of feel to it.

The grammar police on this message board need to get a life. Correcting grammar on a football message board or social media hub is equivalent to correcting someones table manners while eating at Denny's. 'Uhm pardon me sir, I noticed that while enjoying your grand slam your elbow was on the table now see that is just not done......

If I hear one more person refer to poor grammar in these informal settings as being unprofessional, I'm going to scream. If you wanted to be that big of an English dweeb you should have gone to school in the Cesspool.